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spectacle vivant (fr)[Classe]
dance; dancing; terpsichore; saltation — baile; danza[ClasseHyper.]
diversion, entertainment, recreation — diversión, recreación, recreo - performing arts — espectáculos[Hyper.]
dance, trip the light fantastic, trip the light fantastic toe[Nominalisation]
jump about, saltate - terpsichorean[Dérivé]
adagio - break dance, breakdancing, break dancing — break, breakdancing - nauch, nautch, nautch dance - pavan, pavane - saraband, sarabande — zarabanda - skank - slam dance, slam dancing - hoofing, step dance, step dancing - toe dance, toe dancing - choreography, stage dancing — coreografía - pas seul, variation - duet, pas de deux - pas de trois - pas de quatre - social dancing - ceremonial dance, ritual dance, ritual dancing — danza ceremonial, danza ritual - courante - phrase - mambo[Spéc.]
jump about, saltate - terpsichorean[Dérivé]
sidestep — quite - tap - busker, street musician — música ambulante, música callejera, músico ambulante, músico callejero - jive — bailar el "swing" - dance, trip the light fantastic, trip the light fantastic toe - clog - tap dance, tap-dance — zapatear - belly dance - heel - shimmy[Domaine]
dancing (n.) • saltation (n.) • terpsichore (n.)