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herbaceous plant (en)[Classe...]
barrenwort, bishop's hat, Epimedium grandiflorum (en) - mayapple, May apple, Podophyllum peltatum, wild mandrake (en) - botón de oro, francesilla, marimoña, ranúnculo - Coptis groenlandica, Coptis trifolia groenlandica, golden thread, goldthread, gold thread (en) - Eranthis hyemalis, winter aconite (en) - hepatica, liverleaf (en) - goldenseal, golden seal, Hydrastis Canadensis, turmeric root, yellow root (en) - false rue, false rue anemone, Isopyrum biternatum (en) - giant buttercup, Laccopetalum giganteum (en) - false bugbane, Trautvetteria carolinensis (en) - globeflower, globe flower (en) - mahunarka, mahunarke, mahunasto povrće — leguminosa - djetelina — trébol - zimzelen — flor de príncipe - yaro - ginseng - American ginseng, Panax quinquefolius, sang (en) - wild ginger (en) - Asarum shuttleworthii, heartleaf, heart-leaf (en) - caryophyllaceous plant (en) - chickweed, clammy chickweed, mouse ear, mouse-ear chickweed, mouse eared chickweed (en) - drypis (en) - coral necklace, Illecebrum verticullatum (en) - chickweed (en) - New Zealand spinach, tetragonia, Tetragonia expansa, Tetragonia tetragonioides (en) - amaranto - Amaranthus spinosus, thorny amaranth (en) - Celosia argentea, red fox (en) - Celosia argentea cristata, Celosia cristata, cockscomb, common cockscomb (en) - cottonweed (en) - cenizo - armuelle - halogeton, Halogeton glomeratus (en) - barilla, Halogeton souda (en) - hinojo marino - pokeweed (en) - verdolaga - rock purslane (en) - Indian lettuce (en) - cleome, spiderflower (en) - clammyweed, Polanisia dodecandra, Polanisia graveolens (en) - crucífera - stonecress, stone cress (en) - hren, vrtni hren — rábano picante - Berteroa incana, hoary alison, hoary alyssum (en) - Cakile maritima, sea-rocket (en) - Crambe maritima, sea cole, sea kale (en) - Descurainia pinnata, tansy mustard (en) - Diplotaxis muralis, Diplotaxis tenuifolia, wall rocket (en) - Diplotaxis erucoides, white rocket (en) - draba (en) - arugula, Eruca sativa, Eruca vesicaria sativa, garden rocket, rocket, rocket salad, roquette (en) - Hugueninia tanacetifolia, Sisymbrium tanacetifolia, tansy-leaved rocket (en) - woad (en) - bladderpod (en) - honesty, Lunaria annua, money plant, satin flower, satinpod, silver dollar (en) - bladderpod (en) - chamois cress, Lepidium alpina, Pritzelago alpina (en) - jaramago - fringepod, lacepod (en) - bladderpod (en) - argemone, devil's fig, prickly poppy, white thistle (en) - sanguinaria - Fumaria officinalis, fumeroot, fumewort, fumitory (en) - bleeding heart, Dicentra spectabilis, lyreflower, lyre-flower (en) - Dicentra cucullaria, Dutchman's breeches (en) - Dicentra canadensis, squirrel corn (en) - stolisnik - Ageratina altissima, Eupatorium rugosum, white sanicle, white snakeroot (en) - Anacyclus pyrethrum, pellitory, pellitory-of-Spain (en) - andryala (en) - Antennaria plantaginifolia, ladies' tobacco, lady's tobacco (en) - Antennaria dioica, cat's feet, cat's foot, pussytoes (en) - árnica - Arnoseris minima, dwarf nipplewort, lamb succory (en) - ayapana, Ayapana triplinervis, Eupatorium aya-pana (en) - balsamroot (en) - Indian plantain (en) - šafranika - kamilica — camamila, camomila, manzanilla - chaenactis (en) - cikorija — achicoria - endivija — endivia, escarola - coreopsis, tickseed, tickweed, tick-weed (en) - leopard's-bane, leopardbane (en) - globe thistle (en) - elephant's-foot (en) - Cacalia javanica, Cacalia lutea, Emilia coccinea, Emilia flammea, Emilia javanica, tassel flower (en) - Emilia sagitta, tassel flower (en) - Eupatorium cannabinum, hemp agrimony (en) - dog fennel, Eupatorium capillifolium (en) - Eupatorium maculatum, Joe-Pye weed, spotted Joe-Pye weed (en) - agueweed, boneset, Eupatorium perfoliatum, thoroughwort (en) - Eupatorium purpureum, Joe-Pye weed, marsh milkweed, purple boneset, trumpet weed (en) - gum plant, gumweed, rosinweed, tarweed (en) - Haastia pulvinaris, sheep plant, vegetable sheep (en) - sneezeweed (en) - hawkweed (en) - alpine coltsfoot, Homogyne alpina, Tussilago alpina (en) - inula (en) - krigia (en) - salata — lechuga - leopard plant, ligularia (en) - tarweed (en) - kamilica - Matricaria matricarioides, pineapple weed, rayless chamomile (en) - rattlesnake root (en) - gall of the earth, lion's foot, Nabalus serpentarius, Prenanthes serpentaria (en) - butterweed (en) - golden groundsel, golden ragwort, Packera aurea, Senecio aureus (en) - bog rhubarb, butterbur, Petasites hybridus, Petasites vulgaris (en) - Petasites fragrans, sweet coltsfoot, winter heliotrope (en) - Petasites sagitattus, sweet coltsfoot (en) - hawkweed (en) - stevia (en) - Prenanthes purpurea, rattlesnake root (en) - pteropogon, Pteropogon humboltianum (en) - feabane mullet, fleabane, Pulicaria dysenterica (en) - Raoulia australis, Raoulia lutescens, sheep plant, vegetable sheep (en) - creeping zinnia, Sanvitalia procumbens (en) - costusroot, Saussurea costus, Saussurea lappa (en) - black salsify, scorzonera, Scorzonera hispanica, viper's grass (en) - sawwort, Serratula tinctoria (en) - blessed thistle, holy thistle, lady's thistle, milk thistle, Our Lady's mild thistle, Silybum marianum (en) - Caá-ché, Hierba dulce, Ka´a he´ê (Guaraníes - Natives of Paraguay), Stevia del norte de Paraguay, Yerba dulce - alecost, balsam herb, bible leaf, Chrysanthemum balsamita, costmary, mint geranium, Tanacetum balsamita (en) - camphor dune tansy, Tanacetum camphoratum (en) - piretro - Chrysanthemum parthenium, feverfew, Tanacetum parthenium (en) - maslačak — amargón, colleja, diente de león - salsifí - Trilisa odoratissima, wild vanilla (en) - corn mayweed, Matricaria inodorum, scentless camomile, scentless false camomile, scentless hayweed, scentless mayweed, Tripleurospermum inodorum (en) - Matricaria oreades, Tripleurospermum oreades tchihatchewii, turfing daisy (en) - Matricaria tchihatchewii, Tripleurospermum tchihatchewii, turfing daisy (en) - uña - ironweed, vernonia (en) - loasa (en) - zvončić — campanilla, campánula - jaglac — amarillo claro, primavera, prímula - pimpinela - black saltwort, Glaux maritima, sea milkwort, sea trifoly (en) - loosestrife (en) - plombagina - travnata biljka — gramínea - dehesa, herbaje, pasto, prados - bur reed (en) - lobelia - Abelmoschus esculentus, gumbo, Hibiscus esculentus, lady's-finger, okra, okra plant (en) - povrće, povrtne biljke — vegetal - simple (en) - galaxia - pyrola, wintergreen (en) - pipsissewa, prince's pine (en) - Moneses uniflora, one-flowered pyrola, one-flowered wintergreen, Pyrola uniflora (en) - American columbo, American gentian, columbo, deer's-ear, deer's-ears, pyramid plant (en) - Frasera speciosa, green gentian, Swertia speciosa (en) - marsh felwort, Swertia perennia (en) - bloodwort (en) - Anigozanthus manglesii, Australian sword lily, kangaroo's-foot, kangaroo's paw, kangaroo-foot plant, kangaroo paw (en) - adelfa - hierba del asno, onagra - cañacoro - vodeni korov — flecha de agua, sagitaria - banana — banana, bananero, banano, cambur, platanero, plátano - Abyssinian banana, Ensete ventricosum, Ethiopian banana, Musa ensete (en) - bird of paradise, Strelitzia reginae (en) - đumbir — jengibre - kurkuma — cúrcuma - Aframomum melegueta, grains of paradise, Guinea grains, Guinea pepper, melagueta pepper (en) - cardamomo - gualda, reseda - ljubica — viola - bog hemp, false nettle (en) - Parietaria difussa, pellitory, pellitory-of-the-wall, wall pellitory (en) - flameflower, flame flower, flame-flower, kniphofia, tritoma (en) - šparoga — espárrago - asparagus fern, Asparagus plumosus, Asparagus setaceous (en) - aspidistra - Bowiea volubilis, climbing onion (en) - day lily, plantain lily (en) - herb Paris, Paris quadrifolia (en) - Indian arrowroot, pia, Tacca leontopetaloides, Tacca pinnatifida (en) - flax (en) - Cassia marilandica, Senna marilandica, wild senna (en) - Anthyllis vulneraria, kidney vetch (en) - crotalaria, rattlebox (en) - Desmanthus ilinoensis, prairie mimosa, prickle-weed (en) - Galega officinalis, goat's rue, goat rue (en) - regaliz - American licorice, American liquorice, Glycyrrhiza lepidota, wild licorice, wild liquorice (en) - asparagus pea, Lotus tetragonolobus, winged pea (en) - medic, medick, trefoil (en) - esparceta, pipirigallo - Parochetus communis, shamrock pea (en) - breadroot, breadroot scurf-pea, Indian breadroot, large Indian breadroot, pomme blanche, pomme de prairie, pomme-de-prairie, prairie potato, prairie turnip, prairie-turnip, Psoralea esculenta (en) - bush pea (en) - bird's foot trefoil, Trigonella ornithopodioides (en) - fenugreek, Greek clover, Trigonella foenumgraecum (en) - plantain (en) - heljda — alforfón, alforjón - rabarbara — rabárbaro, ruibarbo - acedera, romaza - dayflower, spiderwort (en) - ananas — ananás, piña - agrimonia - jagoda — fresa, frutilla - pimpinela - cuajaleche - feverroot, horse gentian, tinker's root, Triostium perfoliatum, wild coffee (en) - carda, cardencha, escobilla - celidonia - geranija — geranio - oxalis, sorrel, wood sorrel (en) - ruta — ruda - burning bush, Dictamnus alba, dittany, fraxinella, gas plant (en) - capuchina - carnivorous plant (en) - Australian pitcher plant, Cephalotus follicularis (en) - sedum - saxífraga - astilbe (en) - bergenia (en) - Darmera peltata, Indian rhubarb, Peltiphyllum peltatum, umbrella plant (en) - alumbloom, alumroot (en) - bishop's cap, coolwort, coolwort herb, duodenal bulb, duodenal cap, miterwort, mitrewort, pyloric cap (en) - suksdorfia (en) - coolwart, false miterwort, false mitrewort, foamflower, Tiarella cordifolia (en) - pickaback plant, piggyback plant, Tolmiea menziesii, youth-on-age (en) - polemonium (en) - flox - akant — acanto - boražina — borraja - Amsinckia intermedia, common amsinckia (en) - Amsinckia grandiflora, large-flowered fiddleneck (en) - anchusa (en) - Chinese forget-me-not, Cynoglossum amabile (en) - Cynoglossum officinale, hound's-tongue (en) - Cynoglossum virginaticum, hound's-tongue (en) - blue devil, blue thistle, blueweed, Echium vulgare, viper's bugloss (en) - stickweed (en) - gromwell, Lithospermum officinale (en) - Lithospermum caroliniense, puccoon (en) - hoary puccoon, Indian paint, Lithospermum canescens (en) - Mertensia virginica, Virginia bluebell, Virginia cowslip (en) - garden forget-me-not, Myosotis sylvatica (en) - nezaboravak — miosotis, nomeolvides, raspilla - false gromwell (en) - consuelda - gesneria (en) - waterleaf (en) - California yellow bells, Emmanthe penduliflora, whispering bells, yellow bells (en) - nemophila (en) - baby blue-eyes, Nemophila menziesii (en) - fiesta flower, Nemophila aurita, Pholistoma auritum (en) - Acinos arvensis, basil balm, basil thyme, mother of thyme, Satureja acinos (en) - giant hyssop (en) - bugle, bugleweed (en) - Ballota nigra, black archangel, black horehound, fetid horehound, stinking horehound (en) - wood mint (en) - calamint (en) - Clinopodium vulgare, cushion calamint, Satureja vulgaris, wild basil (en) - Collinsonia canadensis, horse balm, horseweed, richweed, stoneroot, stone root, stone-root (en) - ukrasna kopriva — cóleo - Dracocephalum parviflorum, dragon's head, dragonhead (en) - elsholtzia (en) - dead nettle, Galeopsis tetrahit, hemp nettle (en) - poleo - hyssop, Hyssopus officinalis (en) - dead nettle (en) - Cape dagga, dagga, Leonotis leonurus, red dagga, wilde dagga (en) - Leonotis nepetaefolia, Leonotis nepetifolia, lion's-ear (en) - Leonurus cardiaca, motherwort (en) - bugleweed, Lycopus virginicus (en) - Lycopus americanus, water horehound (en) - gipsywort, gypsywort, Lycopus europaeus (en) - díctamo, orégano - marrubio - matičnjak — balsamita maior, melisa, toronjil - hierbabuena, menta - Micromeria chamissonis, Micromeria douglasii, Satureja douglasii, yerba buena (en) - ajedrea - bells of Ireland, molucca balm, Molucella laevis (en) - monarda, wild bergamot (en) - Monardella lanceolata, mustang mint (en) - catmint, catnip, Nepeta cataria (en) - bosiljak — albahaca - beefsteak plant, Perilla frutescens crispa (en) - physostegia (en) - heal all, Prunella vulgaris, self-heal (en) - mountain mint (en) - ružmarin - kadulja, žalfija — salvia - ajedrea - blue pimpernel, blue skullcap, mad-dog skullcap, mad-dog weed, Scutellaria lateriflora (en) - dead nettle, hedge nettle, Stachys sylvatica (en) - hedge nettle, Stachys palustris (en) - tomillo - martynia, Martynia annua (en) - sezam — ajonjolí, sésamo - common devil's claw, common unicorn plant, devil's claw, elephant-tusk, Proboscidea louisianica, proboscis flower, ram's horn (en) - Martynia arenaria, Proboscidea arenaria, sand devil's claw (en) - Martynia fragrans, Proboscidea fragrans, sweet unicorn plant (en) - Aureolaria pedicularia, false foxglove, Gerardia pedicularia (en) - Aureolaria virginica, false foxglove, Gerardia virginica (en) - dedalera, digital - candelaria, gordolobo - patlidžan — berenjena - belladona - beleño - Egyptian henbane, Hyoscyamus muticus (en) - rajčica — tomate, tomatera, tomatero - mandrágora - apple of Peru, Nicandra physaloides, shoo fly (en) - duhan — tabaco - cupflower, nierembergia (en) - ground cherry, husk tomato (en) - salpiglossis (en) - Scopolia carniolica (en) - boys-and-girls, herb mercury, herbs mercury, Mercurialis annua (en) - dog's mercury, dog mercury, Mercurialis perennis (en) - Cnidoscolus urens, devil nettle, Jatropha stimulosus, Jatropha urens, pica-pica, spurge nettle, tread-softly (en) - umbellifer, umbelliferous plant (en) - kopar — eneldo - angelica, angelique (en) - krasuljica - Anthriscus sylvestris, cow parsley, wild chervil (en) - celer - celer — apio - Apium graveolens rapaceum, celeriac, celery root, knob celery, root celery, turnip-rooted celery (en) - astrantia, masterwort (en) - alcaravea - Conopodium denudatum, earthnut (en) - Chinese parsley, cilantro, coriander, coriander plant, Coriandrum sativum (en) - comino - mrkva — zanahoria - button snakeroot, Eryngium aquaticum (en) - hinojo - cow parsnip, Heracleum sphondylium, hogweed (en) - ljupčac - Myrrhis odorata, sweet cicely (en) - parsnip, Pastinaca sativa (en) - peršin — perejil - anis - sanicle, snakeroot (en) - moon carrot, stone parsley (en) - Sison amomum, stone parsley (en) - Alexander, Alexanders, black lovage, horse parsley, Smyrnium olusatrum (en) - matovilac - wort (en) - peperomia (en) - Anemopsis californica, yerba mansa (en) - asclepiad (en) - algodoncillo - carrion flower, stapelia, starfish flower (en) - wasabi (en) - helmetflower, skullcap (en)[Spéc.]
biljni — de hierbas, herbáceo, herbario[Dérivé]
povrće — hortaliza, legumbre, verdura[Desc]
planta herbácea (n.) • zeljasta biljka (n.)