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ensemble (réunion d'éléments) (fr)[Classe...]
agregación, colección, cúmulo, equipo — accumulation, aggregation, assemblage, collection, piling up[Hyper.]
juez, jurista, magistrado, regente — judge, jurist, justice, lawyer, magistrate - jurisconsulto, jurisperito, jurista — jurist, legal expert[Dérivé]
derecho canónico — canon law, ecclesiastical law - derecho internacional — international law, law of nations - Law of Moses, Mosaic law - Islamic law, sharia, shariah, shariah law, sharia law - fıkıh (tr)[Spéc.]
legislativo — legislative[Rel.Pr.]
legal - medicolegal - juez, jurista, magistrado, regente — judge, jurist, justice, lawyer, magistrate[Dérivé]
adjetiva, adjetivo — adjective, procedural - essential, substantive - alienable, enajenable, transferible, traspasable — alienable, transferable - excesivo, indebido — undue - alterable - unalterable - incompetent, unqualified - consensual - revertible - fungible - hereditario, patrimonial — ancestral, hereditary, patrimonial, transmissible - intra vires - ultra vires - major - menor, menor de edad — minor, nonaged, underage, under age - covert - moot - testado — testate - intestate - nulo — null, void - evidentiary - apelante — appellant, appellate - residuary - reversible, reversionario — reversionary - therefor - scienter - impounding, impoundment, internment, poundage - concesión — award, awarding - appointment - deber, puntos de consulta — remission, remit, remitment - innovación — novation - subrogation - disbarment - derogation - rescisión — recission, rescission - abatement of a nuisance, nuisance abatement - production - law, practice of law - law practice - agravio — civil wrong, tort - delincuencia juvenil — delinquency, juvenile delinquency - comparative negligence - concurrent negligence - contributory negligence - imprudencia criminal — criminal negligence, culpable negligence - neglect of duty - estafa, fraude — false pretence, false pretences, false pretense - resisting arrest - sedición — sedition - abuso sexual — sex crime, sex offense, sexual abuse, sexual assault - robo, secuestro — abduction, kidnaping, kidnapping, ravishing, snatch - actual possession - constructive possession - criminal possession - intervention - objection - recusation - recusación — recusal, recusation - alienation - legislación — lawmaking, legislating, legislation - trust busting - promulgación — enactment, passage - law enforcement - deber legal — legal duty, legal obligation - false imprisonment - imprisonment - conmutación — commutation, re-sentencing - desacato — contempt - contempt of Congress - desacato al tribunal — contempt of court - civil contempt - contumacy - criminal contempt - obstruction of justice - procedimientos justos, procedimientos justos de la ley — due process, due process of law - acción, acción penal, causa, contención, contencioso, demanda, enjuiciamiento, juicio, litigio, pleito, proceso, proceso penal, querella — action, action at law, criminal prosecution, legal action, legal proceedings - caso, causa, juicio, litigio, pleito, proceso — case, causa, cause, lawsuit, legal proceedings, legal suit, plea, suit, trial - traje civil — civil suit - class action, class-action suit - countersuit - criminal suit - moot - litigio de paternidad — bastardy proceeding, paternity suit - antitrust case - alegación, contrademanda, reconvención — counterclaim - custody case - lis pendens - diligencia, expediente — legal proceeding, proceeding, proceedings - adoption - apelación — appeal - revocación — reversal - affirmation - bankruptcy - receivership - litigación — judicial proceeding, litigation, proceedings - custody battle - vexatious litigation - notification, presentment - naturalisation, naturalization - decisión, enjuiciamiento, fallo, juicio, sentencia, veredicto — adjudication, decision, decree, judgement, judgment, judicial decision, pronouncement, sentence, sentencing, verdict - cognovit judgement, cognovit judgment, confession of judgement, confession of judgment - juicio en rebeldía — default judgement, default judgment, judgement by default, judgment by default, judgment in absence, judgment in contumacy - non pros, non prosequitur - decisión final — final decision, final judgment - judgement in personam, judgment in personam, personal judgement, personal judgment - judgement in rem, judgment in rem - dismissal, judgement of dismissal, judgment of dismissal - judgement on the merits, judgment on the merits - judgement on the pleadings, judgment on the pleadings, summary judgement, summary judgment - decisión, fallo — opinion, ruling - Bakke decision - finding - fallo, juicio, opinión, veredicto — finding of fact, verdict - conclusion of law, finding of law - compromise verdict - directed verdict - false verdict - general verdict - quotient verdict - special verdict - absolución, descargo, exculpación — acquittal - murder conviction - rape conviction - robbery conviction - desahucio, desalojo, desposeimiento, lanzamiento — dispossession, eviction, legal ouster - ouster - actual eviction - constructive eviction, eviction - retaliatory eviction - despenalización, legalización — authentication, legalisation, legalization, legitimation - legitimation - trial - Scopes trial - review - judicial review - plea - double jeopardy - acusación, juicio, proceso, proceso, juicio — criminal procedure, criminal prosecution, prosecution - juicio que hace jurisprudencia — test case, test suit - alegato, declaración, defensa, denegación, guardia — defence, defense, demurrer, denial, plea, repudiation - entrapment, in-cloud scavenging, rainout, rain-out - juicio nulo — mistrial - revista — retrial - audiencia, audiencia pública, sesión, sesión del tribunal, vista — hearing, session, sitting, trial - administrative hearing - competence hearing - fair hearing - quo warranto - divorcio — divorce, divorcement - separación — legal separation, separation - censura, reprobación, vituperio — condemnation - drug war - anulación, disolución, invalidación — annulment, invalidation - dissolution of marriage - amnistía, indulto, perdón — amnesty, free pardon, pardon - spoliation - permissive waste, waste - parole - libertad condicional — probation - indulto, suspensión de pena — reprieve, respite - banquillo — bar - sala, sala de justicia, tribunal — court, courtroom - palacio de justicia — courthouse - dock - messuage - color of law, colour of law - effect, force - infection - advowson - derechos humanos — human right - easement - privilege - derecho, habilitación, titularidad — entitlement, right - derechos civiles, derechos humanos, libertades civiles — civil liberties/rights, civil right, civil rights - civil liberty - hábeas — habeas corpus - libertad de culto, libertad de cultos, libertad de religión, libertad de religiosa — freedom of religion, freedom of religious beliefs, freedom of worship, religious freedom - liberdad de expresión, liberdad de palabra, libertad de expresión, libertad de palabra — freedom of speech, free speech - libertad de imprenta — freedom of the press - freedom of assembly - freedom to bear arms - freedom from search and seizure - right to due process - freedom from self-incrimination, privilege against self incrimination - freedom from double jeopardy - right to speedy and public trial by jury - right to an attorney - right to confront accusors - freedom from cruel and unusual punishment - freedom from involuntary servitude - equal protection of the laws - derecho de sufragio, derecho de voto, sufragio, voto — franchise, right to vote, suffrage, vote - freedom from discrimination - equal opportunity - eminent domain - enfranchisement, franchise - patent right - right of election - right of entry - right of re-entry - right of offset - right of privacy - enjoyment, use - usufructo — usufruct - visitation right - jurisdicción — jurisdiction, legal power - venter - presumption - fundamento, lógica, motivo, principio, razón — grounds, motive, principle, rationale - criminal intent, malice aforethought, malicious intent, mens rea - premeditation - mitigating circumstance - probable cause, reasonable and probable cause, reasonable and probable ground, reasonable ground - nuisance - sistema legal — legal system - fianza — bail - jury system - patent system - fiscalidad, régimen tributario, sistema de contribuciones — tax law, tax system - sistema electoral — electoral system, voting system - judicial doctrine, judicial principle, legal principle - jus sanguinis - jus soli - preemption, pre-emption - relation, relation back - rundown, summation, summing up - acta, acto jurídico, certificado, documento, documento judicial, documento oficial, escritura, instrumento, partida — act, certificate, deed, instrument, juridical act, legal act, legal document, legal instrument, legal transaction, official document, official paper, record - derivative, derivative instrument - negotiable instrument, negotiable security, transferable instrument, transferable security - docket - pasaporte — passport - documentación del barco — ship's documents, ship's papers, ships papers - manifiesto — manifest - calco, copia, duplicado, transcripción — copy, counterpart, duplicate, print, transcript - resolución común — joint resolution - obligación — debenture - mandato, poder, procuración — power of attorney - letters of administration - letters testamentary - acta, ley — act, enactment - derecho, ley — law - anti-drug law - anti-racketeering law, Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, RICO, RICO Act - antitrust law, antitrust legislation - statute of limitations - constitución — constitution, fundamental law, organic law - Constitution, Constitution of the United States, U.S. Constitution, United States Constitution, US Constitution - derecho público — public law - derecho escrito, legislación — legislation, statute law - enabling legislation - federal job safety law, occupational safety and health act - advice and consent - código de leyes — statute book - proyecto de ley — bill, measure - appropriation bill, bill of supply - bill of attainder - bottle bill - farm bill - trade bill - blue law - blue sky law - gag law - game act, game law - homestead law - poor law - Riot Act - derecho criminal, derecho penal — criminal law - mandato judicial — court order - auto, decreto, edicto, ordenanza, sentencia — decree, edict, fiat, order, rescript - consent decree - cubrefuego, toque de queda — curfew - orden preliminar de divorcio — decree nisi - divestiture - judicial separation, legal separation - prohibition - stay - aplazamiento, demora, dilación, fecha límite, plazo, prórroga, tardanza, término — deadline, delay, reprieve, stay, stay of execution, term, time limit - entredicho — cease and desist order, enjoining, enjoinment, injunction - mandatory injunction, obligation to do a particular thing - final injunction, permanent injunction, standing injunction - interim injunction, interlocutory injunction, temporary injunction - brief, legal brief - amicus curiae brief - testamento — testament, will - legalización — probate, probate will - codicilo — codicil - living will - acción — deed, deed of conveyance, title - assignment - bill of sale - deed poll - enfeoffment - deed of mortgage, mortgage deed, mortgage document - contrato de compraventa, escritura de compraventa, escritura de propiedad — bill of sale, deed of purchase, deed of sale, title deed - deed of trust, trust agreement, trust deed, trust indenture, trust instrument - conveyance - quitclaim, quitclaim deed - archivos, documentos — muniments - mandato, orden judicial — warrant - orden de registro — search warrant - arrest warrant, bench warrant - sentencia de muerte — death warrant - cachet, lettre de cachet - reprieve - commutation - autorización, concesión, franquicia, licencia, pase, permiso — clearance, franchise, licence, license, permit - patente — letters patent, patent - concepto, criterio, dictamen, enjuiciamiento, juicio, opinión, sentencia, sentir — judgement, judgment, legal opinion, opinion - concurring opinion - dissenting opinion - majority opinion - amnistía, indulto — amnesty, pardon - descargo, finiquito, recibo — acquittance, quittance, receipt, release, voucher - citación, mandato, mandato judicial, orden, orden judicial — judicial writ, writ - assize - certiorari, writ of certiorari - ejecutoria, ejecutorio — charging order, execution, garnishee order, garnishes order, process bearing the executive formula, warrant for attachment, writ of execution - execution, execution of instrument - hábeas — habeas corpus, writ of habeas corpus - venire facias - mandamus, writ of mandamus - attachment - fieri facias - scire facias - sequestration - writ of detinue - election brief, writ of election - writ of error - writ of prohibition - writ of right - autorización, encargo, mandato, orden, poder — authorisation, authorization, mandate, proxy, warrant - citación, llamamiento — process, summons - cédula de citación, cédula de emplazamiento, citación, comparendo, emplazamiento — subpoena, subpoena ad testificandum, summons - subpoena duces tecum - gag, gag order, non-publication order, publication ban - attachment of wages, garnishment, garnishment of wages, impounding of wages, seizure by garnishment, seizure of salary, seizure of wages, wage garnishment - interdict, interdiction - citación — citation - monition, process of monition - atestado — police report, report of an offense, ticket - bill of Particulars - alegato, defensa, ruego, súplica — plea, pleading - affirmative pleading - alternative pleading, pleading in the alternative - answer - evasive answer - disculpa, pretexto — plea - counterplea - dilatory plea - libel - defective pleading - demurrer - objection, rebuttal, rebutter, refutation - replication - rejoinder - special pleading - surrebuttal, surrebutter - plaintiff's surrejoinder, reply to the duplique, surrejoinder - plea bargain, plea bargaining - estatuto — legislative act, statute - enabling act, enabling clause - ordinance - emergency act, emergency legislation, special act, special statute - rule of evidence - legal code - código penal — criminal code, penal code - U. S. Code, United States Code - building code, building regulation - fire code - health code, sanitary code - specification - complicidad, connivencia — connivance, secret approval, tacit consent - libelo — libel - declaración de derechos, ley fundamental — Bill of Rights - First Amendment - Fifth Amendment - Fourteenth Amendment - Eighteenth Amendment - submission - evidencia, indicio, prueba — evidence - atestación, atestiguamiento, testificación, testimonio — testimony - cuerpo del delito — corpus delicti - direct evidence - res gestae - pruebas circunstanciales — circumstantial evidence, indirect evidence - corroborating evidence - hearsay evidence - state's evidence - declaración — declaration - afidávit, Declaración Jurada — affidavit - verification - subornation - alibi - advertencia de suspensión — caveat - jactitation - dictum, obiter dictum - acuerdo escrito — written agreement - issue of law, legal matter, matter of law, question of law - sidebar - pretrial, pretrial conference - arbitration - citation - afidávit, auténtica, declaración, deposición — deposition, statement - repregunta — cross-examination - direct examination - redirect, redirect examination, reexamination - disclaimer - objeción, reparo — argument, demur, demurral, demurrer, objection - desacuerdo, disensión, inconformidad — dissent - discovery - condición, estipulación — judicial admission, stipulation - alegación, demanda, querella — allegation - subornation of perjury - combination in restraint of trade - abogacía, bufete — firm of solicitors, law firm, lawyer's office, legal practice, legal practise - Conservative Judaism - abogacía, foro — bar, legal community, legal profession - ministerio de Justicia — Department of Justice, DoJ, Justice, Justice Department, Ministry of Justice - BJA, Bureau of Justice Assistance - F.B.I., policía judicial — C.I.D., Criminal Investigation Department, F.B.I., FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation - circuit court of appeals - circuit - military court - moot court - night court - tribunal de policía militar — provost court - juzgado de guardia — police court - probate court - audiencia trimestral — quarter sessions - corte superior — superior court - corte suprema, Tribunal Supremo — House of Lords, Supreme Court, Supreme Court of the United States, United States Supreme Court - audiencia, el Tribunal Supremo, tribunal supremo — high court, state supreme court, supreme court, the Supreme Court - traffic court - trial court - judicial branch - panel, venire - jurado de acusación — grand jury - jurado sin mayoría — hung jury - petit jury, petty jury - blue ribbon jury, special jury - derecho administrativo — administrative law - derecho civil — civil law - derecho consuetudinario — case law, common law, precedent - law of the land - derecho marítimo — admiralty law, marine law, maritime law - derecho de guerra, ley marcial — martial law - derecho mercantil, legislación comercial — commercial law, commercial legislation, law merchant, mercantile law - derecho militar — military law - ley estatutaria — statutory law - securities law - derecho fiscal — tax law - domicile, legal residence - acusado, defendido, demandado, procesado, querellado — defendant, suspect, the accused - abogado — advocate, counsel, counsellor, counselor, counselor-at-law, pleader - amicus curiae, friend of the court - apoderado, cesionario — assignee - assignor - fiscal del tribunal supremo, ministro de justicia — attorney general - abogado — barrister - Presidente del Tribunal Supremo — chief justice - contratista — contractor - conveyancer - cliente — client, customer - abogado defensor — defense attorney, defense lawyer - divorce lawyer - filer - intervenor - Jane Doe - John Doe - judge advocate general - jurisconsulto, jurisperito, jurista — jurist, legal expert - juez de distrito, juez de paz — justice of the peace, magistrate - lawgiver, lawmaker - abogada, abogado, apoderado, jurista, letrado, notario, picapleitos, procurador, togado — attorney, lawyer - legal representative - legislador — lawgiver, lawmaker, legislator - liquidador — liquidator, receiver - litigante — litigant, litigator - next friend - notario — notary, notary public, scrivener, solicitor - ordinary - amo, dueño, propietario — owner, proprietor - legal assistant, paralegal - interesado, parte — party - demandante, demandante; querellante., querellante — accuser, complainant, plaintiff - prevailing party, successful party - promulgador — promulgator - fiscal, procurador, procuradora — district attorney, prosecuting attorney, prosecuting officer, prosecutor, prosecutrix, public prosecutor - abogado de oficio, abogado de pobres — legal aid counsel, public defender - referee - reversioner - Richard Roe - abogado, notario, procurador — solicitor - transferee - transferor - trial attorney, trial lawyer - trial judge - trier - legal guardian, trustee - ux., uxor - vouchee - testimonio — attestant, attestator, attestor, witness - testigo — witness - estate for life, life estate - cesión — assignment, grant - herencia — heritage, inheritance - accretion - herencia, legado — bequest, legacy - devise - jointure, legal jointure - heirloom - interés, participación — interest, stake - derecho adquirido — vested interest - relief - actual damages, compensatory damages, damages at large, general damages - nominal damages - exemplary damages, punitive damages, smart money - legal fee - reversion - escheat - fianza — recognisance, recognizance - archivos, registro — record - relación jurídica — legal relation - fiduciary relation - bank-depositor relation - confidential adviser-advisee relation - conservator-ward relation - director-stockholder relation - executor-heir relation - attorney-client relation, lawyer-client relation - partner relation - receiver-creditor relation - trustee-beneficiary relation - legal status - civil death - ciudadanía — citizenship - estado — condition, marital status, state - casamiento, connubio, enlace, matrimonio, unión — marriage, matrimony, spousal relationship, union, wedlock - bigamia — bigamy - civil union - common-law marriage - regla jurídica — legal rule, rule of law - procuraduría — legal representation - inmunidad diplomática — diplomatic immunity - limitación — limitation - republish - attorn - prove - recusar — recuse - filiate - charge - alegar, declararse, defender, hablar por alguien — plead - plea-bargain - reexaminar — re-examine - recusar — challenge, take exception - get off - absolver, dispensar, indultar, perdonar — pardon - amnistiar — amnesty, grant an amnesty to - atenuar — extenuate, mitigate, palliate - condenar, declarar culpable, encontrar culpable — convict, find guilty, pronounce guilty - reconvict - condenar, encontrar, enjuiciar, fallar, juzgar, procesar, sentenciar — adjudge, adjudicate, assess, condemn, doom, pass sentence on, sentence, try - capacitate - recuse - presentar — file, register - docket - docket - verify - attest, bear witness, take the stand, testify - acreditar, atestar, atestiguar, certificar, dar fe, declarar, demostrar, manifestar, ser testigo de, testificar, testimoniar — attest, bear witness, be a tribute to, depose, evidence, give evidence, prove, show, testify, witness, witness to - abogar, abogar por, advocar, apelar — advocate, argue, plead - demur - counterclaim - transferir, traspasar — convey, transfer - devolver, entregar, presentar, rendir — render, submit - prefer - probate - pagar fianza — bail out - aprisionar, encarcelar, incarcerar, meter bajo siete llaves — gaol, immure, imprison, incarcerate, jail, jug, lag, put away, put behind bars, remand - obligar legalmente — bind over - aggrieve - comparecencia — appearance, appearing, coming into court - give - stultify - encontronazo — chance-medley - barratry - champerty - criminal maintenance, maintenance - intervención parlamentaria hecha para impedir que una moción se vote, obstruccionista — filibuster - debarment - bench - assumed name, DBA, Doing Business As, fictitious name - Nineteenth Amendment - cause of action - attestation - settlor, trustor - satisfaction[Domaine]
derecho (n.m.) • jurisprudence (n.) • jurisprudencia (n.f.) • law (n.) • legislación (n.f.) • legislation (n.) • ley (n.)