
diccionario analógico

contribution - lizibil, li­zibillegible, readable - descifrabil, plăcut la cititclear, decipherable, readable - ili­­zibilillegible - documentdocument - ziarnewspaper, paper - foaiefolio, leaf - multimedia, multimedia system - hypermedia, hypermedia system, interactive multimedia, interactive multimedia system - hipertexthypertext - presăpress, public press - articol, piesăpiece - contextcontext, context of use, linguistic context - borrowing, calque, calque formation, loan translation, loanword, quote - titluhead, header, heading - greşeală de traducere, traducere greşitămistranslation - Alexandrine - transliteraţietransliteration - phonetic transcription - criptogramăcryptogram, cryptograph, secret writing - literaturăliterature - science-fictionscience fiction - roman ieftin, roman scurt, roman sentimental, romanţănovelette, novella, short story - roman/film de groază, thrillerthriller - sagasaga - poveste misterioasămystery, mystery story, whodunit - roman poliţistdetective novel, detective story, whodunit, whodunnit - alegorie, fabulă, parabolăallegory, apologue, fable, parable - explication de texte - poem, poezie, stihuri, versuripoem, poetical work, rhyme, verse, verse form - eglogăbucolic, eclogue, idyl, idyll - elegie, lamentaţiedirge, elegy, lament - Aeneid - vers liberfree verse, vers libre - haiku - limerick, poezie umo­ris­ticălimerick - Odyssey - chanson de geste - rapsodierhapsody - imn, odăode - envoi, envoy - catrenquatrain - sursum corda - strofăstanza, strophe, verse - texttext, textual matter - copiecopy, written matter - addenda, postfaţăaddenda, addendum, postscript, supplement - pasajpassage - extras, ex­tras, fragment, pasajexcerpt, excerption, extract, selection - dactilo­gra­fieretypewriting, typing - manuscris, scrishand, handwriting, longhand, script, writing - skywriting - caligrafiecalligraphy, chirography, penmanship - inscripţie, inscripţionareinscription, lettering - Rosetta Stone - manu­scrismanuscript, ms - palimpsestpalimpsest - papirus, rulouroll, scroll - Dead Sea scrolls - tratatdebate, discourse, discussion, disquisition, dissertation, essay, treatise - adaptare, adaptare literarăadaptation, version - monografiemonograph - compoziţie, compunerecomposition, paper, report, theme - autoritateauthority - prayer wheel - religious text, religious writing, sacred text, sacred writing - Avesta, Zend-Avesta - Biblie, Sfânta ScripturăBible, Book, Christian Bible, Evangel, Good Book, Gospel, Holy Scripture, Holy Writ, Scripture, Scriptures, vulgate, Word, Word of God - Book of Genesis, Genesis - Book of Exodus, Exodus - Book of Leviticus, Leviticus - Book of Numbers, Numbers - Book of Deuteronomy, Deuteronomy - Book of Joshua, Joshua, Josue - Book of Judges, Judges - Book of Ruth, Ruth - Book of Esther, Esther - Book of Job, Job - Book of Jeremiah, Jeremiah - Book of Jonah, Jonah - Gospel According to Luke, Gospel of Luke, Luke - Acts, Acts of the Apostles - Apocalypse, Book of Revelation, Revelation, Revelation of Saint John the Divine - Septuagint - Angelus - Ave Maria, Hail Mary - Canticle of Simeon, Nunc dimittis - Kol Nidre - Litany - Lord's Prayer - Paternoster - Apocrypha - Upanishad - Psalm - biodata, curriculum vitae, CV, resume, résumé - act, document, dovadă, hârtie, înscrisdocument, papers, written document - certificatcertificate, certification, credential, credentials, diploma, letter of credence, school diploma - formular, imprimatblank, form, form for completion - inventar, listă, tabellist, listing, record, register - articol, element, punctitem, point - vestebit of news, intelligence, message, news, news item, news report, piece of news, report, tidings, word - bibliografiebibliography, list of books - notăbill - cazier, cazier judiciarcriminal record, police record, record - index, indice, in­diceindex - cheie, legendăkey - inventarinventory, stock list - listă de bucate, meniubill of fare, card, carte, carte du jour, menu, menu card - price list, price-list, rate, tariff - tablouroll, roster - shortlist, short list - orar, programtimetable - timetable - dosardocuments, dossier, file, records - în­sem­nare, memorandum, notămemo, memoranda, memorandum - dare de seamă, dezbateri, proces-verbalminute, minutes, proceedings, records, transactions - fişiercomputer file - binary file - fişier-textdocument, text file - job application - folk etymology - anamnesis, medical history, medical record, previous history - biografie, viaţăbiography, life, life history, life story - autobio­gra­fieautobiography - hagiografiehagiography - profilprofile - acont, facturăaccount, bill, check, invoice - crib, interlingual rendition, rendering, translation, version - income tax form, income tax return, return, tax assessment, tax form, tax return - dissenting opinion - flowchart, flow chart, flow diagram, flow sheet - documentation, software documentation - colecţie, culegerecollection, compendium - antologieanthology, choice collection of texts - analecte, colecţie de fragmenteanalecta, analects - epistolă, epistolieletter, missive - open letter - chain letter - epistolă, răvaş, scrisoareepistle - scri­­soare de dragostebillet doux, billet-doux, love letter, love-letter - pe curând!, somnadieu, adios, arrivederci, auf wiedersehen, au revoir, bye, bye-bye, cheerio, goodby, good-by, goodbye, good-bye, good day, sayonara, so long, so long! - bon voyage, send-off - carte de vizită, felicitarebusiness card, calling card, card, visiting card - gen - cunoştinţe elementarebasics, rudiments - înregistrare, mărturierecord - imprimare, tipărireprinting, printing process, printing technique - trecere în revistăaccount, news report, report, story, write up - buletincircular, newsletter, newssheet - notăcomment, commentary - adnotare, glosă, notă, notiţeannotation, notation, note - postscript, PS - cuvinte încrucişatecrossword, crossword puzzle - acrostic, word square - rebusrebus - afiş, pancartă, placardă, posterbill, card, notice, placard, poster, posting - flashcard, flash card - adresăaddress - libretlibretto - scenariuscenario - sce­nariuscenario, screenplay, script - commedia dell'arte - melodramămelodrama - morality play - mystery play - Passion play - satyr play - strofăstanza - anadiplosis, reduplication - epanalepsis - epiphora, epistrophe - anastrophe, inversion - antiphrasis - apophasis - catachresis - chiasmus - litotălitotes, meiosis - prolepsis - figură de stil, tropfigure, figure of speech, image, rhetorical figure, trope - exagerare, hiperbolizareexaggeration, hyperbole - dezbatere, discuţiediscourse, discussion, treatment - deviză, lozincă, moto, răvaş, slogancatchword, motto, shibboleth, slogan - adagiu, aforism, axiomă, dicton, maximă, ma­ximă, sentinţăaxiom, maxim - aforism, apoftegmă, dicton, maximă, sentinţăaphorism, apophthegm, apothegm - vorbă, vorbă de duhepigram, quip, satirical poem - proverb, vorbă bătrânească, zicală, zicătoareadage, byword, proverb, saw - banalitate, clişeu, comun, loc comun, platitudinebanality, bromide, cliche, commonplace, crudity, grossness, platitude, vulgarity - truismtruism - incantaţieconjuration, incantation, sortilege - Decalogue, Ten Commandments - examen, testexam, examination, test - medical report - poezii pentru copiinursery rhyme - bârfă, bârfeală, cleveteală, clevetire, comentariucomment, gossip, scuttlebutt - zvongrapevine, pipeline, word of mouth - Sermon on the Mount - cazanie, omilie, predicăhomily, preachment - referinţăreference, source - trilogietrilogy - cycle - imagismimagism - contaccount, accounting, account statement - earnings report, income statement, operating statement, profit-and-loss statement - balanţă, bilanţbalance, balance sheet - registru, registru de casăaccount book, book, book of account, ledger, leger - înregistrare, intrareaccounting entry, entry, ledger entry - evidenţă contabilăaccounting, accounting system, method of accounting - cont curentcurrent account[Domaine]
