
diccionario analógico

статияcontribution - разбираем, четливlegible, readable - който може да се дешифрира, увлекателенclear, decipherable, readable - нечетливillegible - документdocument - вестникnewspaper, paper - листfolio, leaf - multimedia, multimedia system - hypermedia, hypermedia system, interactive multimedia, interactive multimedia system - hypertext - печат, пресаpress, public press - произведениеpiece - езиков контекст, контекст, контекст на употребаcontext, context of use, linguistic context - калка, преводна заемкаborrowing, calque, calque formation, loan translation, loanword, quote - глава, заглавка, оглавлениеhead, header, heading - погрешен преводmistranslation - Alexandrine - транслитерацияtransliteration - phonetic transcription - криптограма, тайнопис, шифрован текстcryptogram, cryptograph, secret writing - литература, литература.literature - научна фантастика, научна-фантастика, научно-фантастичен романscience fiction - новела, новелета, повест, романчеnovelette, novella, short story - мелодрама, трилърthriller - героичен епос, дълга история, исландска хроника, предание, сага, сказание, хроникаsaga - mystery, mystery story, whodunit - detective novel, detective story, whodunit, whodunnit - алегория, басня, поучителен разказallegory, apologue, fable, parable - explication de texte - стихотворениеpoem, poetical work, rhyme, verse, verse form - еклогаbucolic, eclogue, idyl, idyll - елегияdirge, elegy, lament - Aeneid - свободен стихfree verse, vers libre - haiku - вид хумористично петостишиеlimerick - Odyssey - chanson de geste - възторжено съчинение, рапсодияrhapsody - одаode - envoi, envoy - четиристишиеquatrain - sursum corda - стих, строфаstanza, strophe, verse - текстtext, textual matter - ръкописcopy, written matter - допълнение, прибавка, приложение, притуркаaddenda, addendum, postscript, supplement - пасажpassage - избрана част, извадка, откъсexcerpt, excerption, extract, selection - преписване на пишеща машинаtypewriting, typing - писано на ръка, почерк, ръкописhand, handwriting, longhand, script, writing - skywriting - калиграфия, краснописcalligraphy, chirography, penmanship - надпис, оформяне на буквиinscription, lettering - Розетски камъкRosetta Stone - ръкописmanuscript, ms - палимпсестpalimpsest - свитъкroll, scroll - Dead Sea scrolls - трактат, тратктатdebate, discourse, discussion, disquisition, dissertation, essay, treatise - адаптация, преработкаadaptation, version - монографmonograph - есе, съчинениеcomposition, paper, report, theme - авторитетно съчинениеauthority - prayer wheel - religious text, religious writing, sacred text, sacred writing - Avesta, Zend-Avesta - Библията, Старият завет, библияBible, Book, Christian Bible, Evangel, Good Book, Gospel, Holy Scripture, Holy Writ, Scripture, Scriptures, vulgate, Word, Word of God - БитиеBook of Genesis, Genesis - Book of Exodus, Exodus - ЛевитъBook of Leviticus, Leviticus - Book of Numbers, Numbers - ВторозакониеBook of Deuteronomy, Deuteronomy - Book of Joshua, Joshua, Josue - Book of Judges, Judges - Book of Ruth, Ruth - Book of Esther, Esther - Book of Job, Job - Book of Jeremiah, Jeremiah - Book of Jonah, Jonah - Gospel According to Luke, Gospel of Luke, Luke - Acts, Acts of the Apostles - Apocalypse, Book of Revelation, Revelation, Revelation of Saint John the Divine - Septuagint - Angelus - Ave Maria, Hail Mary - Canticle of Simeon, Nunc dimittis - Kol Nidre - Litany - Lord's Prayer - Paternoster - Apocrypha - Upanishad - Psalm - автобиографияbiodata, curriculum vitae, CV, resume, résumé - документ, книжа, писмен документdocument, papers, written document - свидетелство, уверение, удостоверениеcertificate, certification, credential, credentials, diploma, letter of credence, school diploma - бланка, формулярblank, form, form for completion - списъкlist, listing, record, register - артикул, пункт, точкаitem, point - хроникаbit of news, intelligence, message, news, news item, news report, piece of news, report, tidings, word - библиография, книгописbibliography, list of books - каталогbill - criminal record, police record, record - показалецindex - отговорkey - инвентарinventory, stock list - меню, прозорец с опцииbill of fare, card, carte, carte du jour, menu, menu card - ценоразписprice list, price-list, rate, tariff - именен списък, разписаниеroll, roster - shortlist, short list - разписаниеtimetable - timetable - досие, книжаdocuments, dossier, file, records - бележка, меморандумmemo, memoranda, memorandum - бележки, доклад, заседание, протоколminute, minutes, proceedings, records, transactions - computer file - binary file - document, text file - job application - folk etymology - anamnesis, medical history, medical record, previous history - биография, живот, животописbiography, life, life history, life story - автобиографияautobiography - агиография, сборник от житиета на светииhagiography - profile - сметка, фактураaccount, bill, check, invoice - буквален превод, превеждане, превод, преводен материалcrib, interlingual rendition, rendering, translation, version - income tax form, income tax return, return, tax assessment, tax form, tax return - особено мнениеdissenting opinion - описваща етапи, таблицаflowchart, flow chart, flow diagram, flow sheet - documentation, software documentation - сборникcollection, compendium - антологияanthology, choice collection of texts - аналекта, сборник от литературни откъсиanalecta, analects - посланиеletter, missive - open letter - chain letter - дълго писмо, послание, ферманepistle - любовно писмоbillet doux, billet-doux, love letter, love-letter - довиждане, до скоро, чао, чао-чаоadieu, adios, arrivederci, auf wiedersehen, au revoir, bye, bye-bye, cheerio, goodby, good-by, goodbye, good-bye, good day, sayonara, so long, so long! - bon voyage, send-off - визитка, визитна картичка, картичкаbusiness card, calling card, card, visiting card - gen - елементарни познания, елементарни принципи, основиbasics, rudiments - архивен документ, архивен материалrecord - отпечатване, печатанеprinting, printing process, printing technique - преглед на новинитеaccount, news report, report, story, write up - бюлетин, листовкаcircular, newsletter, newssheet - коментар, обяснениеcomment, commentary - записки, обяснителна бележка, пояснениеannotation, notation, note - postscript, PS - кръстословицаcrossword, crossword puzzle - acrostic, word square - ребусrebus - афиш, обява, обявление, плакатbill, card, notice, placard, poster, posting - flashcard, flash card - address - либретоlibretto - scenario - сценарий, сценарий за филмscenario, screenplay, script - commedia dell'arte - игра на преувеличаване, мелодрама, мелодраматичностmelodrama - morality play - mystery play - Passion play - satyr play - станса, строфаstanza - anadiplosis, reduplication - epanalepsis - epiphora, epistrophe - anastrophe, inversion - antiphrasis - apophasis - catachresis - хиазъмchiasmus - литотесlitotes, meiosis - prolepsis - езиков похват, реторична фигура, троп, фигура на речтаfigure, figure of speech, image, rhetorical figure, trope - преувеличение, хиперболаexaggeration, hyperbole - разискване, разработка, трактовкаdiscourse, discussion, treatment - девиз, лозунг, мотоcatchword, motto, shibboleth, slogan - аксиома, максимаaxiom, maxim - афоризъмaphorism, apophthegm, apothegm - епиграмаepigram, quip, satirical poem - пословицаadage, byword, proverb, saw - баналност, клише, плоска бележкаbanality, bromide, cliche, commonplace, crudity, grossness, platitude, vulgarity - всеизвестна истина, общоизвестен фактtruism - заклинание, магическа формулаconjuration, incantation, sortilege - десетте Божи заповедиDecalogue, Ten Commandments - изпит, тестexam, examination, test - medical report - стихотворение за децаnursery rhyme - клюка, клюки, приказкиcomment, gossip, scuttlebutt - слухgrapevine, pipeline, word of mouth - Sermon on the Mount - хомилияhomily, preachment - reference, source - трилогияtrilogy - cycle - imagism - баланс, счетоводен балансaccount, accounting, account statement - earnings report, income statement, operating statement, profit-and-loss statement - балансов отчетbalance, balance sheet - списък на залагания, счетоводна книгаaccount book, book, book of account, ledger, leger - accounting entry, entry, ledger entry - счетоводен методaccounting, accounting system, method of accounting - банкова сметкаcurrent account[Domaine]
