
diccionario analógico

Geschäfts-..., kommerziellcommercial - operation - Ausgabe, Emission, Herausgabe, Publikation, Veröffentlichung, Veröffentlichung, die Bekanntgabehanding-in, issue, publication, publishing - Bäcker, Bäckerei, Bäckerladenbakehouse, baker, baker's, baker's shop, bakery, bakeshop - Buchgeschäft, Buchhandlung, Buchladenbookshop, bookstall, bookstore - Boutique, Butikeboutique, dress shop - brasserie - Bierbrauerei, Brauerei, Brauhausbrewery - Café, Cafeteria, Kaffeehaus, Kaffeestube, Lokal, Wirtschaftbar, cafe, cafeteria, coffee bar, coffeehouse, coffee house, coffee shop, coffee-shop, pub - Konservenfabrikcannery, canning factory, canning industry, packing-house - canteen - Ladenkette, Zweiggeschäftchain store - charcuterie - Späti, Spätverkaufconvenience store - Warenhauscountry store, general store, trading post - Handelsplatz, Kaufhalle, Kaufhaus, Warenhausdepartment store, emporium - discounter, discount house, discount store, wholesale house - Drogerie, Drogerie,die Apotheke, Drugstore, die Drogerieapothecary's shop, chemist, chemist's, chemist's shop, drugstore, grocery, pharmacy - Fischerei, Fischereizone, Fischgrundfisheries bank, fishery, fishing bank, fishing ground, piscary - Tankstelle, Zapfstellefilling station, filling-station, gasoline station, gas station, petrol station, service station - greasy spoon - Baumarkt, Metallwarenhandelhardware store, ironmonger, ironmonger's shop, ironmongery - Verbrauchermarkthypermarket, superstore - Levi's, levis - Marineland - Feinbäckerei, Konditorei, Zuckerbäckereicake shop, confectioner's, confectioner's shop, confectionery, patisserie - Pizzeriapizza parlor, pizza shop, pizzeria - Kosmetikinstitut, Kosmetiksalon, Schönheitssalonbeauty parlor, beauty parlour, beauty salon, beauty shop, salon - Imbiß, Imbissbude, Imbißstube, Schnellbüffet, Schnellimbiß, Snackbarbuffet, fast-food restaurant, snack bar, snack counter - Mondscheinkneipespeakeasy - Samenbank, Spermabanksperm bank - Supermarktsupermarket - sweatshop - Taverneinn, tap house, tavern - Teehaus, Teestube, verweintteahouse, tea parlor, tea parlour, tearoom, tea room, tear-stained, teashop - drug company, pharma, pharmaceutical company - Betrieb, Unternehmen, Unternehmungbusiness, company, corporate, enterprise, venture, works - Fuhrbetrieb, Fuhrgeschäft, Fuhrunternehmen, Spedition, Speditionsfirma, Speditionsgeschäft, Transportunternehmencarrier, common carrier, contract carrier, haulage business, haulage contractor, haulage firm, hauler, haulier, transit company, transport company - chain - Firma, Gesellschaft, Unternehmencompany - Firmabusiness firm, firm, house - Konzern, Unternehmenbusiness, business concern, business organisation, business organization, concern - banking industry, banking system - chemische Industriechemical industry - coal industry - electronics industry - Filmgeschäftfilm industry, movie industry - arms industry, munitions industry - Erdölindustrieoil business, oil industry, refining industry - plastics industry - Versicherungsgeber, Versicherungsgesellschaft, Versicherungsunternehmenassurance company, insurance company, insurance firm, insurance underwriter, insurer, underwriter - Investmentfonds, Investmentgesellschaftfund, investment company, investment firm, investment trust - hedgefund, hedge fund - offener Fondsmutual fund, mutual fund company, open-end fund, open-end investment company - Dienstleistungsbereich, Dienstleistungsgewerbe, Dienstleistungssektorservice industries, service industry - tobacco industry - toy business, toy industry - Dachgesellschaft, Holding, Holdinggesellschaftcontrolling company, holding, holding company, shell company - Werbeagenturad agency, advertising agency - Nachrichtenagentur, Presseagentur, Pressebüronews agency, news organisation, news organization, press agency, press association, wire service - Reisebüro, Reiseunternehmentravel agency, travel bureau - commercial bank, full service bank, mercantile bank, retail bank - Bank, Geldinstitutbank, banking company, banking concern, depository financial institution - Hypothekenbankbuilding and loan association, building society, mortgage bank, real estate company, real estate corporation, savings and loan, savings and loan association - Treuhandgesellschafttrust company, trust corporation - MSB, mutual savings bank - Denkfabrikthink factory, think tank - Freizeitpark, Lunapark, Vergnügungsparkamusement park, fair ground, funfair, pleasure ground[Domaine]
