
diccionario analógico

Korean War (en) - scià - Riforma - sopimuspatto, trattato - toinen maailmansotaSeconda guerra mondiale - battaglia navale - johtua - Communist Party (en) - denazify (en) - service (en) - Artturi, Kuningas ArthurArturo, Re Artù - Bacon, Francis Bacon (es) - Brutus, Marcus Junius Brutus (en) - Catherine, Catherine of Aragon (en) - Cromwell, Oliver Cromwell (es) - Ford, Gerald Ford, Gerald R. Ford, Gerald Rudolph Ford, President Ford (en) - Jefferson, President Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson (en) - Andrew Johnson, Johnson, President Andrew Johnson, President Johnson (en) - Lenin (es) - Anthony, Antonius, Antony, Marcus Antonius, Mark Anthony, Mark Antony (en) - McKinley, President McKinley, William McKinley (en) - Marco Polo, Polo (en) - President Reagan, Reagan, Ronald Reagan, Ronald Wilson Reagan (en) - Richard III (en) - George Washington (es) - President Wilson, Thomas Woodrow Wilson, Wilson, Woodrow Wilson (en) - konflikti, selkkausbattaglia, combattimento, lotta, scontro - sisällissotaguerra civile - moto rivoluzionario, rivoluzione - taistelubattaglia, combattimento - guerra chimica - biologinen sodankäyntiguerra biologica - sodankäyntidi guerra - maailmansotaguerra mondiale - decolonizzazione - vallankaappauscolpo di Stato, putsch - Atlanta, battle of Atlanta (en) - Bannockburn (en) - Buena Vista (en) - Battle of Bull Run, Bull Run (en) - battle of Bunker Hill, Bunker Hill (en) - Chapultepec (en) - battle of Chickamauga, Chickamauga (en) - Drogheda (en) - Battle of Flodden Field, Flodden (en) - Battle of Fredericksburg, Fredericksburg (en) - Battle of Gettysburg, Gettysburg (en) - battle of Hastings, Hastings (en) - battle of Ipsus, Ipsus (en) - battle of Issus, Issus (en) - battle of Marston Moor, Marston Moor (en) - Battle of Monmouth, Battle of Monmouth Court House, Monmouth Court House (en) - Battle of Naseby, Naseby (en) - Petersburg, Petersburg Campaign (en) - battle of Saratoga, Saratoga (en) - battle of Pittsburgh Landing, battle of Shiloh, Shiloh (en) - siege of Yorktown, Yorktown (en) - American Civil War, United States Civil War, War between the States (en) - American Revolution, American Revolutionary War, American War of Independence, War of American Independence (en) - Arab-Israeli War, Six Day War, Six-Day War (en) - Arab-Israeli War, Yom Kippur War (en) - Balkan Wars (en) - Crimean War (en) - English Civil War (en) - Bloodless Revolution, English Revolution, Glorious Revolution (en) - Franco-Prussian War (en) - French and Indian War (en) - Hundred Years' War (en) - Gulf War, Iran-Iraq War (en) - Mexican Revolution (en) - Napoleonic Wars (en) - Peloponnesian War (en) - Russo-Japanese War (en) - Seven Years' War (en) - Spanish-American War, Spanish War (en) - Thirty Years' War (en) - Vietnam, Vietnam War (en) - War of the Austrian Succession (en) - War of the Grand Alliance, War of the League of Augsburg (en) - War of the Spanish Succession (en) - War of the Roses, Wars of the Roses (en) - ensimmäinen maailmansotaPrima guerra mondiale - armet (en) - royal (en) - armatura, corazza - brigandine (en) - teocrático (es) - Panhellenic, Pan-Hellenic (en) - casque (es) - Hegelian (en) - euklidineneuclideo - Machiavellian (en) - corazza - gola, golilla, gorguera (es) - gambale - usbergo - cabasset, morion (en) - pavis, pavise (en) - pickelhaube (en) - celada (es) - storia - rauhapace, trattato di pace - independencia (es) - Anti-Masonic Party (en) - Conservative Party (en) - sinistra - Democratic-Republican Party (en) - sinistra - liberaalinen puoluepartito liberale - Militant Tendency (en) - National Socialist German Workers' Party, Nazi Party (en) - People's Party, Populist Party (en) - Bull Moose Party, Progressive Party (en) - GOP, Republican Party (en) - Social Democratic Party (en) - Socialist Party (en) - Grande y Felicísima Armada (es) - generazione - generación perdida (es) - Oxford movement (en) - pietismo - basileus (en) - kalificaliffo - Cavalier, Royalist (en) - kronikoitsijacronista, rubricista - comunista (es) - Comrade (en) - conquistador - tsaarizar - demócrata (es) - sammakkomies, sukeltajapalombaro, sommozzatore, sommozzatrice, tuffatore, tuffatrice, uomo rana - emiro - keisariimperatore, imperatrice - imperatrice - tutkimusmatkailijaavventuriero, esploratore, esploratrice - sukututkijagenealogista, genealogisto - historioitsijastorica, storico, storiografo - Holy Roman Emperor (en) - keksijäartefice, inventore - jacobita (es) - káiser (es) - mikado - nababbo - isäntä, valtiasdominatore, monarca, padrone, principe, proprietario, re, regnante, signore, sovrano - pendragon (en) - faaraofaraone - paavipapa, pontefice, pope, Sua Santità - Roundhead (en) - šeikkisceicco - Shogun (es) - collettivista - frondista - valtiomiesstatista, uomo di stato - sulttaanisultano - despootti, itsevaltias, tyranniaguzzino, autocrate, despota, m, ras, tiranna, tiranno - feudatario, signore, signore feudale, vassallo - Adams, John Adams, President Adams, President John Adams (en) - Adams, John Quincy Adams, President Adams, President John Quincy Adams (en) - AiskhylosEschilo - Esopo (es) - Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa (en) - Ahab (en) - Alcaeus (en) - Aleksanteri SuuriAlessandro Magno - Arthur, Chester A. Arthur, Chester Alan Arthur, President Arthur (en) - Atila (es) - Augustus, Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus, Gaius Octavianus, Octavian (en) - Belshazzar (en) - Bismarck (es) - Bligh, Captain Bligh, William Bligh (en) - Anne Boleyn, Boleyn (en) - Bragg, Braxton Bragg (en) - Bruce, Robert I, Robert the Bruce (en) - Buchanan, James Buchanan, President Buchanan (en) - Burgoyne, Gentleman Johnny, John Burgoyne (en) - César, Julio César (es) - Carter, James Earl Carter, James Earl Carter Jr., Jimmy Carter, President Carter (en) - Cassius, Cassius Longinus, Gaius Cassius Longinus (en) - Kaarle Suuri - Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Spenser Churchill, Winston Churchill, Winston S. Churchill (en) - Cicero, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Tully (en) - Cleopatra (es) - Cleveland, Grover Cleveland, President Cleveland, Stephen Grover Cleveland (en) - Bill Clinton, Clinton, President Clinton, William Jefferson Clinton (en) - Colón, Cristóbal Colón (es) - Calvin Coolidge, Coolidge, President Coolidge (en) - Cortes, Cortez, Hernan Cortes, Hernan Cortez, Hernando Cortes, Hernando Cortez (en) - David (en) - Demetrius, Demetrius I, Demetrius Poliorcetes (en) - Demóstenes (es) - Alfred Dreyfus, Dreyfus (en) - Edward the Confessor, Saint Edward the Confessor, St. Edward the Confessor (en) - Dwight D. Eisenhower, Dwight David Eisenhower, Dwight Eisenhower, Eisenhower, Ike, President Eisenhower (en) - Isabel I (es) - Isabel II (es) - Engels, Friedrich Engels (en) - Euclides (es) - Fillmore, Millard Fillmore, President Fillmore (en) - Flaminius, Gaius Flaminius (en) - Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi (es) - Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Indira Nehru Gandhi, Mrs. Gandhi (en) - Garfield, James A. Garfield, James Abraham Garfield, James Garfield, President Garfield (en) - Garibaldi, Giuseppe Garibaldi (en) - Genghis Khan, Jenghiz Khan, Jinghis Khan, Temujin (en) - George, George I (en) - George, George II (en) - Ulysses Grant (es) - Harding, President Harding, Warren Gamaliel Harding, Warren Harding (en) - Harrison, President Harrison, President William Henry Harrison, William Henry Harrison (en) - Benjamin Harrison, Harrison, President Benjamin Harrison, President Harrison (en) - Hayes, President Hayes, Rutherford B. Hayes, Rutherford Birchard Hayes (en) - Henry Beauclerc, Henry I (en) - Bolingbroke, Henry Bolingbroke, Henry IV (en) - Henry V (en) - Henry VI (en) - Henry Tudor, Henry VII (en) - Herod, Herod the Great (en) - HerodotosErodoto - HippokratesIppocrate - Adolf Hitler, Hitler (es) - Herbert Clark Hoover, Herbert Hoover, Hoover, President Hoover (en) - Andrew Jackson, Jackson, Old Hickory (en) - James, James I, King James, King James I (en) - James, James II (en) - John, John Lackland, King John (en) - Lee, Robert Edward Lee (es) - Abraham Lincoln (es) - Lysander (en) - Lysimachus (en) - James Madison, Madison, President Madison (en) - Fernando de Magallanes, Magallanes (es) - Mao Tse-tung, Mao Zedong (es) - Karl Marx, Marx (en) - Mithridates, Mithridates the Great, Mithridates VI (en) - James Monroe, Monroe, President Monroe (en) - Earl of Leicester, Montfort, Simon de Montfort (en) - Benito Mussolini, Mussolini (es) - Napoleón, Napoleón Bonaparte (es) - Gamal Abdel Nasser, Nasser (en) - Jawaharlal Nehru, Nehru (en) - Nixon, President Nixon, Richard M. Nixon, Richard Milhous Nixon, Richard Nixon (en) - Erwin Panofsky, Panofsky (es) - Franklin Pierce, Pierce, President Pierce (en) - James K. Polk, James Knox Polk, James Polk, Polk, President Polk (en) - Pyrrhus (en) - PythagorasPitagora - Richelieu (es) - Theodore Roosevelt (es) - Sappho (en) - Publius Cornelius Scipio, Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major, Scipio, Scipio Africanus, Scipio Africanus Major, Scipio the Elder (en) - Seleucus, Seleucus I, Seleucus I Nicator (en) - Jane Seymour, Seymour (en) - SokratesSocrate - Stalin (es) - President Taft, Taft, William Howard Taft (en) - Tamburlaine, Tamerlane, Timur, Timur Lenk (en) - President Taylor, Taylor, Zachary Taylor (en) - Thucydides (en) - Harry S Truman, Harry Truman, President Truman, Truman (en) - John Tyler, President Tyler, Tyler (en) - Martin Van Buren, President Van Buren, Van Buren (en) - Giovanni da Verrazano, Giovanni da Verrazzano, Verrazano, Verrazzano (en) - Americus Vespucius, Amerigo Vespucci, Vespucci (en) - First Earl of Orford, Robert Walpole, Sir Robert Walpole, Walpole (en) - americanizzazione - Europeanisation, Europeanization (en) - quattrocento (en) - era cristiana (es) - aikatempi - preistoria - keskiaikaMedioevo, Medio Evo - rivoluzione industriale - Reign of Terror (en) - terrore - ricostruzione - indiction (en)[Domaine]
