
diccionario analógico

Korean War - Shah, Shah of Iran - へんかく, 変革Protestant Reformation, Reformation - きょうてい, きょうやく, じょうやく, めいやく, 協定, 協約, 条約, 盟約accord, bargain, pact, treaty - だいにじせかいたいせん, だいにじたいせん, 第二次世界大戦, 第二次大戦Second World War, World War 2, World War II - かいせん, 海戦naval battle, sea battle - 〜から出ているderive - きょうさんとう, 共産党Communist Party - denazify - service - Arthur, King Arthur - 1st Baron Verulam, Bacon, Baron Verulam, Francis Bacon, Sir Francis Bacon, Viscount St. Albans - Brutus, Marcus Junius Brutus - Catherine, Catherine of Aragon - Cromwell, Ironsides, Oliver Cromwell - Ford, Gerald Ford, Gerald R. Ford, Gerald Rudolph Ford, President Ford - Jefferson, President Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson - Andrew Johnson, Johnson, President Andrew Johnson, President Johnson - れえにん, レーニン, 列寧Lenin, Nikolai Lenin, Vladimir Ilich Lenin, Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, Vladimir Lenin - Anthony, Antonius, Antony, Marcus Antonius, Mark Anthony, Mark Antony - McKinley, President McKinley, William McKinley - Marco Polo, Polo - President Reagan, Reagan, Ronald Reagan, Ronald Wilson Reagan - Richard III - George Washington, President Washington, Washington - President Wilson, Thomas Woodrow Wilson, Wilson, Woodrow Wilson - 戦いbattle, conflict, engagement, fight - ないせん, ないらん, 内乱, 内戦civil war - 革命revolution, turnover, upheaval - 戦闘armed combat, combat - かがくせん, 化学戦chemical operations, chemical warfare - せいぶつせん, 生物戦, 細菌戦bioattack, biological attack, biological warfare, biologic attack, BW - いくさ, えき, こうせん, せんそう, 交戦, 役, 戦, 戦争, 戦争行為, 軍war, warfare - world war - decolonisation, decolonization - むほん, クーデター, 謀叛coup, coup d'etat, coup d'état, putsch, takeover - Atlanta, battle of Atlanta - Bannockburn - Buena Vista - Battle of Bull Run, Bull Run - battle of Bunker Hill, Bunker Hill - Chapultepec - battle of Chickamauga, Chickamauga - Drogheda - Battle of Flodden Field, Flodden - Battle of Fredericksburg, Fredericksburg - Battle of Gettysburg, Gettysburg - battle of Hastings, Hastings - battle of Ipsus, Ipsus - battle of Issus, Issus - battle of Marston Moor, Marston Moor - Battle of Monmouth, Battle of Monmouth Court House, Monmouth Court House - Battle of Naseby, Naseby - Petersburg, Petersburg Campaign - battle of Saratoga, Saratoga - battle of Pittsburgh Landing, battle of Shiloh, Shiloh - siege of Yorktown, Yorktown - American Civil War, United States Civil War, War between the States - どくりつせんそう, 独立戦争American Revolution, American Revolutionary War, American War of Independence, War of American Independence - Arab-Israeli War, Six Day War, Six-Day War - Arab-Israeli War, Yom Kippur War - Balkan Wars - Crimean War - English Civil War - Bloodless Revolution, English Revolution, Glorious Revolution - ふふつせんそう, 普仏戦争Franco-Prussian War - French and Indian War - Hundred Years' War - Gulf War, Iran-Iraq War - Mexican Revolution - Napoleonic Wars - Peloponnesian War - Russo-Japanese War - Seven Years' War - べいせいせんそう, 米西戦争Spanish-American War, Spanish War - Thirty Years' War - Vietnam, Vietnam War - War of the Austrian Succession - War of the Grand Alliance, War of the League of Augsburg - War of the Spanish Succession - War of the Roses, Wars of the Roses - だいいちじせかいたいせん, 第一次世界大戦First World War, Great War, War to End War, World War 1, World War I - armet - royal - ぐそく, 具足armor, armour, body armor, body armour, cataphract, coat of mail, suit of armor, suit of armour - brigandine - theocratic - Panhellenic, Pan-Hellenic - casque - Hegelian - euclidean, euclidian - Machiavellian - cuirass - gorget - すねあて, 脛当てgreave, jambeau - byrnie, hauberk - cabasset, morion - pavis, pavise - pickelhaube - salade, sallet - history, story - こうわじょうやく, へいわじょうやく, 平和, 平和条約, 講和条約pacification, peace, peace treaty - independence - Anti-Masonic Party - ほしゅとう, 保守党Conservative Party - Democratic Party - Democratic-Republican Party - ろうどうとう, 労働党British Labour Party, Labor, Labour, Labour Party - じゆうとう, 自由党Liberal Party - Militant Tendency - National Socialist German Workers' Party, Nazi Party - People's Party, Populist Party - Bull Moose Party, Progressive Party - きょうわとう, 共和党GOP, Republican Party - しゃかいみんしゅとう, しゃみんとう, 社会民主党, 社民党Social Democratic Party - しゃかいとう, 社会党Socialist Party - むてきかんたい, 無敵艦隊Invincible Armada, Spanish Armada - じじん, 時人coevals, contemporaries, generation - ビートジェネレーションbeat generation, beatniks, beats - Oxford movement - Pietism - basileus - カリフcalif, caliph, imam, imaum, kalif, kaliph, khalif, khalifah - Cavalier, Royalist - しかん, 史官, 年代記編者chronicler - Communist - Comrade - conquistador - ツァー, ロシア皇帝czar, tsar, tzar - Democrat - フロッグマン, 潜水夫diver, frogman, underwater diver - ameer, amir, emeer, emir - おかみ, こうてい, 帝王, 御上, 皇帝emperor, kaiser, Kaiser roll - empress, kaiserin - たんけんか, エクスプローラ, 探検家, 探険家adventurer, explorer - 系図学者genealogist - しか, しがくしゃ, しがっか, れきしか, 史学家, 史学者, 史家, 歴史家historian, historiographer - Holy Roman Emperor - かいそ, がんそ, そうあんしゃ, はつめいか, はつめいしゃ, 元祖, 創案者, 発明家, 発明者, 開祖artificer, discoverer, inventor - Jacobite - カイゼルKaiser - mikado, tenno - Moghul, Mogul - うえ, きみ, けい, こう, しゅくん, みこと, ロード, 上, 主人, 主君, 侯, 公, 卿, 命, 尊, 持ち主, 支配者crowned head, lord, master, monarch, overlord, prince, ruler, sovereign - pendragon - Pharaoh, Pharaoh of Egypt - 教皇, 法王 Bishop of Rome, Catholic Pope, His Holiness, His Sanctity, Holy Father, pontiff, pope, Roman Catholic Pope, Vicar of Christ - Roundhead - 首長Arab chief, sheik, sheikh, tribal sheik, tribal sheikh - うえ, うえさま, うえざま, しょうぐん, 上, 上様, 将軍shogun - さけい, さとう, ひだりとう, 左傾, 左党collectivist, leftist, left-winger - greyback, Johnny, Johnny Reb, Reb, Rebel - いせいしゃ, けいせいか, せいじか, ステーツマン, 政治家, 為政者, 経世家national leader, solon, statesman - イスラムの君主, サルタンgrand Turk, sultan - せんせいくんしゅ, どくさいしゃ, ぼうくん, 専制君主, 暴君, 独裁君主, 独裁者autocrat, despot, person drunk with power, power-mad person, tyrant - かしん, きんしん, けらい, しんか, 家来, 家臣, 臣下, 近臣feudatory, liege, liege lord, liegeman, liege man, liege subject, vassal - Adams, John Adams, President Adams, President John Adams - Adams, John Quincy Adams, President Adams, President John Quincy Adams - アイスキュロスAeschylus - Aesop - Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa - Ahab - Alcaeus - アレキサンダー大王Alexander, Alexander the Great - Arthur, Chester A. Arthur, Chester Alan Arthur, President Arthur - Attila, Attila the Hun, Scourge of God, Scourge of the Gods - Augustus, Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus, Gaius Octavianus, Octavian - Belshazzar - Bismarck, Iron Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck, Prince Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck, Prince Otto von Bismarck, von Bismarck - Bligh, Captain Bligh, William Bligh - Anne Boleyn, Boleyn - Bragg, Braxton Bragg - Bruce, Robert I, Robert the Bruce - Buchanan, James Buchanan, President Buchanan - Burgoyne, Gentleman Johnny, John Burgoyne - カエサル , シーザーCaesar, Gaius Julius Caesar, Julius Caesar - Carter, James Earl Carter, James Earl Carter Jr., Jimmy Carter, President Carter - Cassius, Cassius Longinus, Gaius Cassius Longinus - Carolus, Charlemagne, Charles, Charles I, Charles the Great - Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Spenser Churchill, Winston Churchill, Winston S. Churchill - キケロCicero, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Tully - Cleopatra - Cleveland, Grover Cleveland, President Cleveland, Stephen Grover Cleveland - Bill Clinton, Clinton, President Clinton, William Jefferson Clinton - Christopher Columbus, Columbus, Cristobal Colon, Cristoforo Colombo - Calvin Coolidge, Coolidge, President Coolidge - Cortes, Cortez, Hernan Cortes, Hernan Cortez, Hernando Cortes, Hernando Cortez - David - Demetrius, Demetrius I, Demetrius Poliorcetes - Demosthenes - Alfred Dreyfus, Dreyfus - Edward the Confessor, Saint Edward the Confessor, St. Edward the Confessor - Dwight D. Eisenhower, Dwight David Eisenhower, Dwight Eisenhower, Eisenhower, Ike, President Eisenhower - Elizabeth, Elizabeth I - Elizabeth, Elizabeth II - Engels, Friedrich Engels - ユークリッドEuclid - Fillmore, Millard Fillmore, President Fillmore - Flaminius, Gaius Flaminius - Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi - Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Indira Nehru Gandhi, Mrs. Gandhi - Garfield, James A. Garfield, James Abraham Garfield, James Garfield, President Garfield - Garibaldi, Giuseppe Garibaldi - ジンギスカンGenghis Khan, Jenghiz Khan, Jinghis Khan, Temujin - George, George I - George, George II - Grant, Hiram Ulysses Grant, President Grant, Ulysses Grant, Ulysses S. Grant, Ulysses Simpson Grant - Harding, President Harding, Warren Gamaliel Harding, Warren Harding - Harrison, President Harrison, President William Henry Harrison, William Henry Harrison - Benjamin Harrison, Harrison, President Benjamin Harrison, President Harrison - Hayes, President Hayes, Rutherford B. Hayes, Rutherford Birchard Hayes - Henry Beauclerc, Henry I - Bolingbroke, Henry Bolingbroke, Henry IV - Henry V - Henry VI - Henry Tudor, Henry VII - Herod, Herod the Great - ヘロドトスHerodotus - ヒポクラテスHippocrates - ヒットラー, ヒトラーAdolf Hitler, Der Fuhrer, Hitler - Herbert Clark Hoover, Herbert Hoover, Hoover, President Hoover - Andrew Jackson, Jackson, Old Hickory - James, James I, King James, King James I - James, James II - John, John Lackland, King John - Lee, Robert E. Lee, Robert Edward Lee - Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln, President Abraham Lincoln, President Lincoln - Lysander - Lysimachus - James Madison, Madison, President Madison - Ferdinand Magellan, Fernao Magalhaes, Magellan - Mao, Mao Tsetung, Mao Zedong - Karl Marx, Marx - Mithridates, Mithridates the Great, Mithridates VI - James Monroe, Monroe, President Monroe - Earl of Leicester, Montfort, Simon de Montfort - ムッソリーニBenito Mussolini, Il Duce, Mussolini - Bonaparte, Little Corporal, Napoleon, Napoleon Bonaparte, Napoleon I - Gamal Abdel Nasser, Nasser - Jawaharlal Nehru, Nehru - Nixon, President Nixon, Richard M. Nixon, Richard Milhous Nixon, Richard Nixon - Erwin Panofsky, Panofsky - Franklin Pierce, Pierce, President Pierce - James K. Polk, James Knox Polk, James Polk, Polk, President Polk - Pyrrhus - ピュタゴラスPythagoras - Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal Richelieu, Duc de Richelieu, Richelieu - President Roosevelt, President Theodore Roosevelt, Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt - Sappho - Publius Cornelius Scipio, Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major, Scipio, Scipio Africanus, Scipio Africanus Major, Scipio the Elder - Seleucus, Seleucus I, Seleucus I Nicator - Jane Seymour, Seymour - ソクラテスSocrates - Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, Joseph Stalin, Stalin - President Taft, Taft, William Howard Taft - Tamburlaine, Tamerlane, Timur, Timur Lenk - President Taylor, Taylor, Zachary Taylor - Thucydides - Harry S Truman, Harry Truman, President Truman, Truman - John Tyler, President Tyler, Tyler - Martin Van Buren, President Van Buren, Van Buren - Giovanni da Verrazano, Giovanni da Verrazzano, Verrazano, Verrazzano - Americus Vespucius, Amerigo Vespucci, Vespucci - First Earl of Orford, Robert Walpole, Sir Robert Walpole, Walpole - Americanisation, Americanization - おうか, 欧化Europeanisation, Europeanization - quattrocento - せいき, 西紀Christian era, Common era - 時代day - せんし, せんしがく, ぜんし, ちしつじだい, 先史, 先史学, 前史, 地質時代prehistoric culture, prehistory - ちゅうこ, ちゅうせい, 中世, 中古Dark Ages, Middle Ages - Industrial Revolution, technological revolution - Reign of Terror - reign of terror - Reconstruction, Reconstruction Period - indiction[Domaine]
