
diccionario analógico

autokefalia, niezależność, niezawisłość, udzielność, wolnośćautonomy, liberty - plebiscytplebiscite - faszyzmfascism - wykonywaniecarrying out, enforcement, execution, implementation, performance - adopcjaacceptance, acceptation, adoption, espousal - wyboryelection - powtórny wybór, pół-reelection, re-election - referendumreferendum - głos, prawo głosuvote - wybory powszechnegeneral election - primary, primary election - głosowanieballot, balloting, suffrage, vote, voting - tajne głosowaniesecret ballot - veto - opanować, ustabilizowaćfirm up, stabilise, stabilize, steady - prowadzący kampanię, żołnierzcampaigner, candidate, nominee - obywatel, obywatelkacitizen - egzekwowanieenforcement - panowanieauthorities, government, raj, regime, rule - abolitionist, emancipationist - obywatelfreeman, freewoman - krajcountry, land, nation, native country, people - emigrowaćemigrate - podchwycićfasten on, hook on, latch on, seize on, take up - act of terrorism, terrorism, terrorist act - kandydatura, kandydowaniecampaigning, candidacy, candidature, electioneering, political campaign - mieć/dawać gwarancjęguarantee, warrant - social control - sanction - ustrójadministration, governance, governing, government, government activity - narzucenieimposition, infliction - acculturation, enculturation, socialisation, socialization - wychowaniebreeding, bringing up, fosterage, fostering, nurture, raising, rearing, upbringing - degradacja, zesłaniedelegating, delegation, deputation, relegating, relegation - zubożenieimpoverishment, pauperisation, pauperization - zaspokojenieappeasement, calming - conciliation, placation, propitiation - internationalisation, internationalization - dyskryminacjadiscrimination, favoritism, favouritism - nomenklatura - ageism, agism - heterosexism - nepotyzmnepotism, old-boy network, old school tie - rasizmracial discrimination, racialism, racism - seksizmsexism - antifeminism, chauvinism, male chauvinism - standaryzacjanorm, normalisation, normalization, standard, standardisation, standardization, standards - stabilizacja, wzmocnieniestabilisation, stabilization - opórresistance - bronić, walczyćchampion, defend - action - poparcie, utrzymaniesupport - adwokatura, orędownictwo, poparcie, rzecznictwoadvocacy, protagonism - opiekaaegis, auspices, protection - poparcie finansowesponsorship - aprobata, żyroendorsement, indorsement - zgodaapprobation, approval, approving, blessing, sanctioning - demokratyzacjademocratisation, democratization - udziałattendance, engagement, involution, involvement, participation, turnout - intronizowaćenthrone, invest, vest - certify, endorse, indorse - głosowaćvote - liberalise, liberalize - reprezentowaćrepresent - rządzićgovern, rule - grind down, tyrannise, tyrannize - administracyjny, miejski, obywatelskicity, civic, civil - faszystowskifascist, fascistic - patriotyzmnationalism, patriotism - defence policy, defence program, defense policy, defense program - Chartism, chartist movement - nauki polityczne, politologiagovernment, political science, politics, politology - geopolitykageopolitics - anarchizmanarchism - Machiavellianism - centrism, moderatism - konserwatyzmconservatism, conservativism - reaction - democracy - social democracy - elitism - skrajnośćextremism - federalizmfederalism - neoliberalism, neo-liberalism - libertarianism - monarchism - Negritude - progressivism - radykalizmradicalism - republikanizmrepublicanism - utopian socialism - militaryzmmilitarism - policy, politics - social policy - przychylne traktowanieaffirmative action, positive discrimination, preferential treatment - foreign policy - interference, intervention - noninterference, nonintervention - manifest destiny - izolacjonizmisolationism - Monroe Doctrine - Truman doctrine - rozbieżność zapatrywańdissidence - debatadebate, disputation, public debate - instalacjainduction, initiation, installation - intronizacja, koronacjacoronation, enthronement, enthronisation, enthronization, investiture - arms race - campaign, political campaign, run - IRA, Irish Republican Army, Provisional IRA, Provisional Irish Republican Army, Provos - Tammany, Tammany Hall, Tammany Society - British Commonwealth, Commonwealth of Nations - dwórcourt, royal court - government-in-exile - local government - naródcitizenry, people - wyborcyelectorate - senatsenate, Upper Chamber, Upper House - Senate, U.S. Senate, United States Senate, US Senate - House of Representatives, U.S. House, U.S. House of Representatives, United States House of Representatives, US House, US House of Representatives - British House of Commons, House of Commons - British House of Lords, House of Lords - ciało ustawodawczegeneral assembly, general meeting, general shareholders meeting, law-makers, legislative, legislative assembly, legislative authority, legislative body, legislative power, legislature - legislative council - Free World - Third World - krajbody politic, commonwealth, country, land, nation, res publica, state - Nazi Germany, Third Reich - member - allies - Arab League - Unia EuropejskaCommon Market, Community, EC, EEC, EU, Europe, European Community, European Economic Community, European Union - NATONATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization - OAS, Organization of American States - OPEC, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries - great power, high power, major power, power, superpower, world power - city state, city-state - state - naródhoi polloi, mass, masses, multitude, people, the great unwashed - AFL-CIO, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations - okręg wyborczyconstituency - electoral college - machine, political machine - popular front - global organization, international organisation, international organization, world organisation, world organization - WNP, Wspólnota Niepodległych PaństwCIS, Commonwealth of Independent States - Organizacja Narodów ZjednoczonychUN, United Nations, United Nations Organization, UNO - konfederacja, sprzymierzenieconfederacy, confederation, federation - federacjafederation - union - izbachamber, meeting room - parliament - Knesset, Knesseth - Oireachtas - syndykalizmsyndicalism - cadre, cell - resistance, underground - republikacommonwealth, democracy, republic - hegemonia, przodownictwohegemony - oligarchiaoligarchy - plutokracjaplutocracy - technocracy - monarchiamonarchy - dwuwładztwodiarchy, dyarchy - koloniacolony, settlement - delegacjacommission, delegacy, delegation, deputation, mission - diplomatic mission - dyktaturaabsolutism, authoritarianism, despotism, dictatorship, monocracy, one-man rule, shogunate, totalitarianism, tyranny - police state - ruchfront, movement, social movement - political movement - Age of Reason, Enlightenment - miasteczkoburgh - rotten borough - English, English people - FrancuziFrench, French people - nadzorca, pracownik na samodzielnym stanowisku, zarządcaadministrator, administratrix, execute, executive - radny miejski, ławnikalderman, alderwoman - anarchistaanarch, anarchist, nihilist, syndicalist - apostoł, orędownikapostle - Blimp, Colonel Blimp - demokratademocrat, populist - apostata, odstępca, odszczepieniec, renegatapostate, deserter, ratter, recreant, renegade, turncoat - janczarjanissary - patriotanationalist, patriot - pol, political leader, politician, politico - prefektprefect - polityk prawicowyrightist, right-winger - secesjonistasecessionist - Secretary General - opiekun społecznycaseworker, social worker, welfare officer, welfare worker - Speaker - sufrażystkasuffragette - union representative - głosujący, wyborcaburgess, constituent, elector, voter - Malcolm Little, Malcolm X - większośćabsolute majority, majority - office, power - peace - anarchiaanarchy, lawlessness - state of war, war - zimna wojnacold war - niepodległośćindependence, independency - samowystarczalnośćautonomy, self-direction, self-reliance, self-sufficiency[Domaine]
