
diccionario analógico

farynx, gorgel, keel, keelgat, keelholte, strotpharynx, throat - fontanel, fontenelfontanel, fontanelle, soft spot - gok, neus, stoomfluit, tuitbeak, honker, hooter, nose, nozzle, schnoz, schnozzle, snoot, snout - middelhand, middenhandmetacarpus - premolaar, valse kiesbicuspid, premolar - fopspeen, nippel, smeernippel, speen, tepeldummy, mamelon, mamilla, mammilla, nipple, pacifier, pap, teat, tit - huidsmeer, talg, talksebaceous matter, sebum, skin fat, tallow - fovea, fovea centralis - autopsie, dissectie, lijkopening, lijkschouwing, necropsie, obductie, obduktie, sectie, sektieautopsy, inquest, necropsy, PM, postmortem, post-mortem, postmortem examination, post-mortem examination - bakkersvet, bakvet, smeer, vet, vetweefseladipose tissue, fat, fatty tissue - popliteal vein, vena poplitea - brachiocephalic vein, innominate vein, vena brachiocephalica - ejaculatory duct - vaatvernauwingvasoconstriction - gewei, geweitak, hertshoornantler, tine - pseudopod, pseudopodium - blastocele, blastocoel, blastocoele, cleavage cavity, segmentation cavity - foetus, vruchtfetus, foetus - legboor, legbuisovipositor - archenteron - blastopore - notochord - amnion, lamsvlies, weivliesamnion, amnios, amniotic sac - chorion, vaatvlieschorion - allantois - duimelotpollex, thumb - krop, kweeksel, zakcraw, crop, maw - ijdeltuit, kamcockscomb, comb, coxcomb - furcula - vorkbeenwishbone, wishing bone - haar, plantehaar, plantenhaarhair - tasthaarsensory hair, vibrissa, whisker - ctenidium - kauwmaag, kliermaag, spiermaag, voormaaggastric mill, gizzard, ventriculus - dekschild, halfschild, schildvleugel, vleugelschildelytron, wing case - klauwclaw, talon - dreumes, dreutel, hummel, kabouter, keutel, kruimel, krummel, puk, schaar, uk, ukkepuk, wurmchela, claw, nipper, pincer - staarttail - versvoet, voetfoot, invertebrate foot - uier, uierboordbag, udder - dikke buik, pensfirst stomach, paunch, potbelly, rumen, tripe - bladmaag, boekmaagomasum, psalterium, third stomach - leb, lebmaagabomasum, fourth stomach - lateral line, lateral line organ - buikvinpelvic fin, ventral fin - graat, visgraatfishbone - preen gland, uropygial gland - dobber, ganzenveder, ganzenveer, ganzeveder, ganzeveer, slagpen, slagveer, staartveer, stuurpen, veerflight feather, pinion, quill, quill feather - barbeelbarbel, feeler - amnic, amnionic, amniotic - hoofd-, slagaderlijkarterial - prothorax - caecal, cecal - afzonderendexcretory - dij-, dijbeen-femoral - ulnar - navel-umbilical - hart-cardiac - cardiovascular - epidermischcuticular, dermal, epidermal, epidermic - ectodermal, ectodermic - traan-, tranenverwekkendlachrymatory, lacrimatory - glottal - genitaal, veneriek, venerischgenital, venereal - laryngeal - uterine - synaptic - long-pneumonic, pulmonary, pulmonic - pharyngeal - celiac, coeliac - ingeboren, klier-glandular - urine-uric - secondary sex character, secondary sex characteristic, secondary sexual characteristic - bast, body, bodystocking, corpus, korpus, lijfbody, organic structure, physical structure - anatomie, gedaante, gestalte, lijf, lijfje, ontleedkunde, verschijning, vleesanatomy, bod, build, chassis, figure, flesh, form, frame, human body, material body, physical body, physique, shape, soma - cadaver, kadaver, lijkbody, corpse, dead body - apparatus - aardgordel, hemelstreek, klimaatgordel, luchtstreek, zonearea, region - sulcus - central sulcus, fissure of Rolando, Rolando's fissure, sulcus centralis - erogenous zone - carina - chiasm, chiasma, decussation - chiasma opticum, optic chiasm, optic chiasma - ribrib - plexus, vlecht, zenuwvlechtplexus, rete - nerve plexus - net, netwerk, raderwerk, websystem - huid, integument, pel, schil, schilletje, vel, zaadhuid, zaadhulsel, zaadvliescutis, skin, tegument - epithelial tissue, epithelium - epidermis, hoornlaag, nagelriem, opperhuidcuticle, epidermis - endothelium - mesothelium - leerhuid, onderhuidcorium, derma, dermis - macula, macule - gierstgras, miliummilium, whitehead - mee-eter, meeëter, vetpuistjeblackhead, comedo - poriepore - tube, tube-shaped structure - microtubule - nephron, uriniferous tubule - haarvatennet, haarvatenstelselglomerulus - passage, passageway - meatus - mond, openingaperture, gap, opening, orifice, porta - luchtgatspiracle - kanaalcanal, channel, duct, epithelial duct - antrum Highmori, antrum of Highmore, maxillary antrum, maxillary sinus, nasal sinuses, paranasal sinuses - bijholtenasal sinus, paranasal sinus, sinus paranasales - beharing, een haar, haardos, hoofdhaar, kuif, plantehaar, plantenhaar, pruikhair - bokkebaard, bokkenbaard, geitebaard, geitenbaard, kinbaard, sikgoatee - celweefsel, weefselfabric, tissue - vleesflesh, meat - atheroma - cellulitiscellulite - beenweefsel, botje, knekel, knok, knook, schonkbone, os - kootbeen, sprongbeenanklebone, astragal, astragalus, talus - navicular, os scaphoideum, scaphoid bone - lunate bone, os lunatum, semilunar bone - cuneiform bone, os triquetrum, pyramidal bone, triquetral, triquetral bone - os pisiforme, pisiform, pisiform bone - os trapezoideum, trapezoid, trapezoid bone - capitate, capitate bone, os capitatum - hamate, hamate bone, os hamatum, unciform bone - jukbeen, wangbeencheekbone, jugal bone, malar, malar bone, os zygomaticum, zygomatic, zygomatic bone - clavicula, sleutelbeenclavicle, collarbone, collar-bone - staartbeen, stuit, stuitbeen, stuitjecoccygeal vertebra, coccyx, tailbone, tail bone - hielbeencalcaneus, heelbone, os tarsi fibulare - hyoid, hyoid bone, os hyoideum - zitbeenischial bone, ischium, os ischii - kaak, kaakbeen, kakement, kinnebak, onderkaak, wangkwabjaw, jawbone, jowl, lower jaw, lower jawbone, mandible, mandibula, mandibular bone, maxilla, submaxilla - articulatio temporomandibularis, mandibular joint, temporomandibular joint - nasaal, neusbeen, neusbeentje, neusklanknasal, nasal bone, os nasale - os palatinum, palatine, palatine bone - knieschijf, meniscuskneecap, kneepan, patella - ribcosta, rib - heiligbeen, sacrumsacrum - schildbeen, schouderbladscapula, shoulder blade, shoulder bone - acromial process, acromion - os sesamoideum, sesamoid, sesamoid bone - wiggebeen, wiggebeentje, wiggebeentjesos sphenoidale, sphenoid, sphenoid bone - borstbeen, sternumbreastbone, sternum - manubrium - slaapbeenos temporale, temporal bone - bovenkaakmaxilla, maxillary, upper jaw, upper jawbone - borstwervel, ruggegraatswervel, ruggengraatswervel, ruggenwervel, ruggewervel, rugwervel, wervelspondyle, vertebra - baan, oogholte, oogkas, oogvliescranial orbit, eye socket, orbit, orbital cavity - bindweefselconnective tissue, interstitial tissue - knorbeen, kraakbeencartilage, gristle - meniscusmeniscus, semilunar cartilage - muscle, musculus - adductor, adductor muscle - pees, pees ''de'', spierpees, zeensinew, tendon - nerve tissue, nervous tissue - ganglion, zenuwknoopganglion - orgaanorgan - anlage, primordium - internal organ, viscus - ingewandenentrails, guts, innards, insides, intestines, offal, viscera - receptorreceptor, sense organ, sensory receptor - thermoreceptor - auditory system - visual system - claqueur, tongclapper, glossa, lingua, tongue - glottis, stemspleetglottis - epiglottis, keelklepje, strotklepjeepiglottis - bakkes, bek, bekje, kakement, klep, kwebbel, laadklep, moel, mond, muil, smoel, snoet, zeegatmouth - krop, scheur, zakcakehole, gob, hole, maw, trap, yap - bakkes, bek, bekje, kakement, klep, kwebbel, laadklep, moel, mond, mondholte, muil, smoel, snoetmouth, oral cavity, oral fissure, rima oris - holte, lichaamsholte, uithollingbodily cavity, cavity, cavum, hollow - antrum - parodontiumgingiva, gum - melkkies, melktandbaby tooth, deciduous tooth, milk tooth, primary tooth - hoektand, oogtandcanine, canine tooth, cuspid, dogtooth, eyetooth, eye tooth, fang - snijtandincisor - verstandskieswisdom tooth - wortelkanaalroot canal - email, emaillak, email-lak, glazuur, glazuursel, laklaag, tandemail, tandglazuurenamel, tooth enamel - plombeerselcement, cementum - amandel, keelamandel, tonsilfaucial tonsil, palatine tonsil, tonsil, tonsilla - huiguvula - zacht gehemeltesoft palate, velum - gehemelte, palatum, verhemeltepalate, roof of the mouth - blik, gezichtsorgaan, gluurder, kijkers, oculus, oog, pottekijker, pottenkijker, schenkkurk, voyeureye, oculus, optic - facetoogcompound eye - celwand, plasmamembraancell membrane, cell wall, cytomembrane, cytoplasmic membrane, plasmalemma, plasma membrane, Wachendorf's membrane - choroid, choroid coat - wekbrauw, wenkbrauwbrow, eyebrow, supercilium - ooglideyelid, lid, palpebra - ooghaar, oogwimper, pinkhaar, wimpercilium, eyelash, lash - bindvlies, conjunctivaconjunctiva - cornea, hoornvliescornea - nagelvliespterygium - oogvochtaqueous humor, aqueous humour - vitreous body, vitreous humor, vitreous humour - diafragma, membraan, middenrifdiaphragm, midriff - gehoorvlies, trommelvliesdrum, eardrum, myringa, tympanic membrane, tympanum - kristallens, lens, ooglenscrystalline lens, lens, lens of the eye - gehoororgaanear - binnenoor, doolhof, dwaaltuin, evenwichtsorgaaninner ear, internal ear, labyrinth, organ of equilibrium - vestibular apparatus, vestibular system - external ear, outer ear - gehoororgaan, gehoorschelp, oor, oorschelp, schelpauricle, ear, pinna - bloemkooloorcauliflower ear - mediastinummediastinum - buis van Eustachius, eustachiusbuisauditory tube, eustachian tube, Eustachian tube, pharyngotympanic tube - incusanvil, incus - stapes, stijgbeugelstapes, stirrup - hersenvliesmeninges, meninx - slijmvliesmucosa, mucous membrane - beenvlies, botvlies, periostperiosteum - kliergland, secreter, secretor, secretory organ - smeerklier, talgklier, talkklier, vetklierglandulae sebaceae, sebaceous follicle, sebaceous gland - duct gland, exocrine, exocrine gland - endocrine system - schildklierthyroid, thyroid gland - bijschildklierparathyroid, parathyroid gland - bijnieradrenal, adrenal gland, suprarenal gland - traanklierlachrymal gland, lacrimal gland, tear gland - thymus, zwezerikthymus, thymus gland - muis, nierkidney, ren - aorta, hoofdslagaderaorta - arteriola, arteriole, capillary artery - arteria axillaris, axillary artery - arteria basilaris, basilar artery - arteria brachialis, brachial artery - common carotid, common carotid artery - external carotid, external carotid artery - internal carotid artery - arteria celiaca, celiac artery, celiac trunk, truncus celiacus - circle of Willis - dijaderarteria femoralis, femoral artery - common iliac artery - external iliac artery - hypogastric artery, internal iliac artery - arteria lingualis, lingual artery - inferior mesenteric artery - superior mesenteric artery - longslagaderarteria pulmonalis, pulmonary artery, pulmonic artery - nierslagaderarteria renalis, renal artery - arteria subclavia, subclavian artery - arteria vertebralis, vertebral artery - azygos, azygos vein, azygous vein, vena azygos - femoral vein, vena femoralis - eikelglans, glans penis - leveraderhepatic vein, vena hepatica - external iliac vein - common iliac vein - halsader, halsslagaderchinstrap, jugular, jugular vein, vena jugularis - internal jugular vein - poortaderhepatic portal vein, portal, portal vein, vena portae - longaderpulmonary vein, vena pulmonalis - renal vein, vena renalis - great saphenous vein, long saphenous vein - splenic vein, vena lienalis - subclavian vein, vena subclavia - galblaasgall, gallbladder, gall bladder, gall-bladder - galkanaalbile duct, biliary canal, common bile duct - alvleesklier, buikspeekselklier, pancreas, pankreaspancreas - pancreatic duct - longlung - pleural cavity - hart, rikketik, tikker, tikkertjeheart, pump, ticker - animator, gangmakercardiac pacemaker, pacemaker, SA node, sinoatrial node - atrioventricular bundle, atrioventricular trunk, bundle of His, truncus atrioventricularis - hartspier, myocardmyocardium - chamber - maagmondcardia - lymfevatenstelsel, lymfvatenstelsellymphatic system, systema lymphaticum - thoracic duct - lymphatic vessel, lymph vessel - vat, zaadbuis, zaadleidervas, vessel - juice, succus - borstvoeding, moedermelk, zogbreast milk, mother's milk - colostrum, voormelkcolostrum, foremilk - lamsvocht, vruchtwater, water, watermassaamnionic fluid, amniotic fluid, waters - bloed, bloedenblood, gore - bloedsomloop, bloedstroom, doorbloedingblood circulation, bloodstream, blood stream, circulation - bloedplasma, bloedserum, bloedwei, celplasma, celvocht, hui, kaaswei, melkserum, melkwei, plasma, portel, protoplasma, serum, weiblood plasma, blood serum, plasm, plasma, serum - chijl, maagmelksapchyle - geil, sperma, stijfsel, teelvocht, wit, zaadcome, cum, ejaculate, seed, semen, seminal fluid, sperm - maagsap, maagzuur, spijsverteringssapgastric acid, gastric juice - galbile, gall - hormoonendocrine, hormone, internal secretion - noradrenaline, norepinephrine - bijnierschorshormoonACTH, adrenocorticotrophic hormone, adrenocorticotrophin, adrenocorticotropic hormone, Adreno-Cortico-Tropic Hormone, adrenocorticotropin, corticotrophin, corticotropin - adrenalineAdrenalin, adrenaline, epinephrin, epinephrine - glucagon - gonadotrophic hormone, gonadotrophin, gonadotropic hormone, gonadotropin - insulineinsulin - melatonin - oxytocin, Pitocin - secretin - groeihormoon, somatotrofine, somatotropinegrowth hormone, human growth hormone, somatotrophic hormone, somatotrophin, somatotropic hormone, somatotropin, STH - ADH, antidiuretic hormone, Pitressin, vasopressin - prostaglandin - synoviasynovia, synovial fluid - geil, slijm, slijmafscheidingmucous secretion, mucus - jodenlijm, koekoeksspeeksel, koekoeksspog, speeksel, spuug, zeversaliva, spit, spittle - smegma - etter, pusfestering, ichor, matter, purulence, pus, sanies, suppuration - leucorrhea, leukorrhea - bloedbaan, bloedvatblood vessel, blood-vessel - inferior vena cava, postcava - precava, superior vena cava - membraan, vliesmembrane, tissue layer - netvlies, retina, retina formalretina - buikvlies, peritoneumperitoneum - endocardium - hartzakje, pericard, pericardiumpericardium - darmvlies, scheilmesentery - lymfeklierlymph gland, lymph node, node - dictyosome, Golgi apparatus, Golgi body, Golgi complex - kernlichaampje, nucleolusnucleole, nucleolus - chromatin, chromatin granule - chondriosome, mitochondrion - cellichaam, organelcell organ, cell organelle, organelle - centriolecentriole - ribosome - vacuole - oogroksclera, sclerotic, sclerotica, sclerotic coat, tunica albuginea oculi, tunica sclerotica - semipermeable membrane - bloedcel, bloedlichaampje, lichaampjeblood cell, blood corpuscle, corpuscle, globule - lymph cell, lymphocyte - blind spot, optic disc, optic disk - verkeerskegelcone, cone cell, retinal cone - retinal rod, rod, rod cell - geslachtscel, kiemcelgerm cell, reproductive cell, sex cell - geil, sperma, spermacel, spermatozoön, stijfsel, teelvocht, wit, zaad, zaadcel, zaadjesperm, spermatozoan, spermatozoon, sperm cell - acrosome - ei, eicelegg, egg cell, ovum - spiercelmuscle cell, muscle fiber, muscle fibre - afweerstelsel, immuunsysteemimmune system - zenuwgestel, zenuwstelsel, zenuwstelstelnervous system, systema nervosum - center, centre, nerve center, nerve centre - neuron, zenuwcelnerve cell, neuron - hersencelbrain cell - efferent neuron, motoneuron, motor nerve fiber, motor neuron - glial cell, neurogliacyte, neuroglial cell - astrocyte - oligodendrocyte - axon, neurietaxon, axone - dendrietdendrite - condyle - spicule, spiculum - synapssynapse - fascicle, fasciculus, fiber bundle, fibre bundle, shive - halfrond, hemisfeer, hersenhelftcerebral hemisphere, hemisphere - reukzenuwfirst cranial nerve, nervii olfactorii, olfactory nerve - oogzenuwnervus opticus, optic nerve, optic tract, second cranial nerve - fifth cranial nerve, nervus trigeminus, trigeminal, trigeminal nerve, trigeminus - schoonheidsbehandelingfacial, facial nerve, nervus facialis, seventh cranial nerve - nervus vagus, pneumogastric, pneumogastric nerve, tenth cranial nerve, vagus, vagus nerve, wandering nerve - accessory nerve, eleventh cranial nerve, nervus accessorius, spinal accessory - centraal zenuwstelselcentral nervous system, CNS, systema nervosum centrale - hersen-brain, encephalon - archipallium, paleocortex - metencephalon - dura, dura mater - pia mater - gray matter, gray substance, grey matter, grey substance, substantia grisea - substantia alba, white matter - hersenaanhangsel, hersenklier, hypofyse, pijnappelklier, pituïtrinehypophysis, pituitary, pituitary body, pituitary gland - adenohypophysis, anterior pituitary, anterior pituitary gland - achterkwabneurohypophysis, pars nervosa, posterior pituitary, posterior pituitary gland - epifyse, pijnappelklierepiphysis, epiphysis cerebri, pineal, pineal body, pineal gland - islands of Langerhans, isles of Langerhans, islets of Langerhans - kleine hersenencerebellum - cortex, hersenschorscerebral cortex, cerebral mantle, cortex, pallium - Broca's area, Broca's center, Broca's convolution, Broca's gyrus, convolution of Broca - gezichtscentrumvisual area, visual cortex - sensory speech center, Wernicke's area, Wernicke's center - hersenbalkcorpus callosum - brein, grote hersenen, hersenen, hersensbrain, cerebrum - huidplooi, plooi, souffléfold, plica - frontal lobe - parietal cortex, parietal lobe - occipital cortex, occipital lobe - temporal ccortex, temporal lobe - bulb, medulla, medulla oblongata - amandelamygdala, amygdaloid nucleus, corpus amygdaloideum - forebrain, prosencephalon - nijlpaardhippocampus - betweenbrain, diencephalon, interbrain, thalmencephalon - claustrum - limbic brain, limbic system, visceral brain - boudoir, vrouwenvertrekthalamus - hypothalamus - mesencephalon, middenhersenen, tussenhersenenmesencephalon, midbrain - pons, pons Varolii - hersenstambrainstem, brain stem, brain-stem - ruggemerg, ruggenmerg, strengcord, medulla spinalis, spinal cord, spinal marrow - ruggemergsvochtcerebrospinal fluid, spinal fluid - peripheral nervous system, systema nervosum periphericum - ANS, autonomic nervous system - orthosympatisch zenuwstelselsympathetic nervous system - parasympathetic, parasympathetic nervous system - brachial plexus, plexus brachialis - cervical plexus, plexus cervicalis - choroid plexus, plexus choroideus - genital system, reproductive system - apparatus urogenitalis, genitourinary apparatus, genitourinary system, systema urogenitale, urinary apparatus, urinary system, urogenital apparatus, urogenital system - ademhalingswegen, luchtweg, luchtwegenrespiratory system, systema respiratorium - bloedvatenstelselcardiovascular system, circulatory system - blaas, urineblaasbladder, urinary bladder - pisleider, ureter, urineleiderureter - pisbuis, pisweg, urethra, urinebuisurethra - voortplantingsorgaanreproductive organ, sex organ - genitaliën, geslacht, geslachtsapparaat, geslachtsdeel, geslachtsdelen, geslachtsorgaan, geslachtsorganen, kruis, pl'', pubes, pudenda, schaamdeel, schaamdelen, voortplantingsorganen ''ncrotch, genitalia, genital organ, genitals, private parts, privates, sex organ - slijmbeursbursa - cheek pouch - marsupium - balzak, scrotum, snoep, snoepgoed, zakbursa, candy, confectionery, goodies, scrotum, sweets - blaar, blaarkop, blaas, blaasje, cyste, urineblaascyst, vesicle - follikel, haarfollikel, haarzakjefollicle - haarfollikel, haarzakjehair follicle - corpus luteum, yellow body - eileiderFallopian tube, oviduct, uterine tube - baarmoeder, moederschoot, schoot, uterusuterus, womb - baarmoederslijmvlies, endometriumendometrium - navelstrengumbilical, umbilical cord - schede, vaginavagina - kut, schaamspleet, vrouwelijk geslachtsorgaan, vulvacunt, fanny, female genital organ, female sex organ, pudendum, vulva - hymen, maagdenvlieshymen, maidenhead, virginal membrane - mons, mons pubis, mons veneris - labia majora - labia minora - clitoris, kittelaar, klompendansbutton, clit, clitoris - bulbourethral gland, Cowper's gland - Bartholin's gland, Bartholin's glands - ballen, ei, eicel, eitje, geslachtsklier, noot, schaalvrucht, struif, teelbal, testikel, zaadbalball, ballock, bollock, egg, nut, orchis, testicle, testis - bijbalepididymis - zaadbuis, zaadleiderductus deferens, testicle cord, vas deferens - fallus, fluit, geslacht, geslachtsapparaat, geslachtsdeel, geslachtsorgaan, jongeheer, joystick, leuter, lid, lul, mannelijk lid, paal, penis, piel, piemel, pik, pisser, plasser, potlood, roe, roede, sannie, snikkel, stijve, tamp, tampeloeres, zwengelcock, dick, male member, member, pecker, penis, phallus, prick, willy - fluit, geslachtsdeel, jongeheer, joystick, leuter, lid, lul, opper, opperwachtmeester, penis, piel, piemel, pik, pisser, plasser, potlood, prik, sannie, snikkel, tamp, tampeloeres, zwengelcock, dick, pecker, peter, prick, putz, shaft, tool - seminal vesicle - zaadstrengspermatic cord - neusholtenasal cavity - larynx, strottehoofd, strottenhoofdlarynx, voice box, voice-box - arytaenoid, arytenoid, arytenoid cartilage - adamsappel, schildkraakbeenAdam's apple, thyroid cartilage - stemband, stembandenplica vocalis, vocal band, vocal cord, vocal cords, vocal fold - bronchial tube, bronchus - bronchiole - luchtbuis, luchtpijp, trachea, trachee ''de''trachea, windpipe - spijsverteringskanaal, voedings-alimentary, alimentary canal, alimentary tract, digestive tract, digestive tube, gastrointestinal tract, GI tract - korrelklier, speekselkliersalivary gland - parotid gland - sublingual gland, sublingual salivary gland - mandibular gland, submandibular gland, submandibular salivary gland, submaxillary gland, submaxillary salivary gland - farynx, keelgat, keelholte, slenk, slokdarmesophagus, gorge, gullet, oesophagus - darm, darmkanaal, grom, ingewanden, snaar, visgrom, vissersgarenbowel, bowels, gut, intestine - dunne darmsmall intestine - duodenum, twaalfvingerige darmduodenum - pylorus - nuchtere darmjejunum - ileum, kronkeldarmileum - dikke darmlarge intestine - blindedarm, blinde darmblind gut, caecum, cecum - sigmasigmoid colon, sigmoid flexure - appendix, wormvormig aanhangselappendix, cecal appendage, vermiform appendix, vermiform process - endeldarm, rectumback passage, rectum - aars, aarsgat, aarsopening, anus, poeper, poeperd, poepgat, schijtgatanus - bilnaad, perineumperineum - caput, head - doodshoofd, doodskop, hersenen, hersenmassa, hersenpan, hersens, hersenschedel, neurocranium, schedelskull - hersenpan, schedelbraincase, brainpan, cranium, skull - forehead, frontal bone, os frontale - parietal bone - achterhoofdsbeenoccipital bone - mastoid, mastoidal, mastoid bone, mastoid process - articulatio synovialis, diarthrosis, synovial joint - {#169}gekeeld, baarmoederhals, baarmoedermond, cervix, hals, nek, tandhalscervix, neck, throat, -throated - nek, nekvelnape, nape of the neck, neck, nucha, scruff - deltaspierdeltoid, deltoid muscle, musculus deltoideus - okselarmpit, axilla, axillary cavity, axillary fossa - romp, tors, torsobody, torso, trunk - flank, zij, zijdeflank, side - borst, borststreekchest, pectus, thorax - borstholtechest cavity, thoracic cavity - borstklier, mam, mamma, melkklier, uiermamma, mammary gland, udder - borst, tiet, vrouwenborstboob, booby, bosom, breast, knocker, tit, titty - wespetaillewasp waist - buik, buikje, corporatie, embonpoint, hangbuik, onderlichaam, onderlijf, onderstel, rechtspersoon, rijstbuikbelly, paunch - navelbellybutton, belly button, navel, omphalos, omphalus, umbilicus - abdomen, achterdeel, achtereind, achterlijf, achterstel, balg, buikholte, buikje, buikstreek, maag, maagstreek, onderbuik, pensabdomen, belly, stomach, venter - lat, latissimus dorsi - aars, aarsgat, aarsopening, achterhand, achterste, achtersteven, achterwerk, anus, batterij, bibs, billen, bips, derrière, fundament, gat, hek, hol, kolf, kont, krent, poep, poeper, poeperd, poepgat, posterieur, reet, schijtgat, steven, tooches, zitje, zitvlakarse, ass, backside, behind, bottom, breech, bum, buns, butt, buttocks, can, derriere, fanny, fundament, hind end, hindquarters, keister, nates, posterior, prat, rear, rear end, rump, seat, stern, tail, tail end, tooshie, tush - bil, heupworp, heupzwaaibuttock, cheek - aanhanger, aanhangwagen, lidmaatappendage, extremity, member - been, onderbeen, onderdaan, onderdanen, poot, steltleg, lower leg - bovenbeen, dijthigh, upper leg - foot, human foot, pes - arm, tentakel, vangarmarm - fik, fikken, grijper, grijpers, grijpvinger, grijpvingers, hand, jat, jatten, klauw, klauwen, klavier, klavieren, kluif, knijper, poot, poten, speelkaarten in de hand, tengel, tengels, vinger, vlerken, vuisthand, manus, mitt, paw - vuistclenched fist, fist - vingertopat one's fingertips, fingertip - index, likkepot, wijsvingerforefinger, index, index finger - ringeling, ringvingerannualry, ring finger - middelvinger, middenvingermiddle finger - pinklittle finger, pinkie, pinky - nervus ischiadicus, sciatic nerve - anterior crural nerve, femoral nerve, nervus femoralis - cubital nerve, nervus ulnaris, ulnar nerve - ruggemergszenuwnervus spinalis, spinal nerve - gluteus maximus - kringspier, ringspier, sluitspieranatomical sphincter, sphincter, sphincter muscle - tensor tympani - bovenbeen, dijbeen, femurfemoris, femur, thighbone - gastrocnemius, gastrocnemius muscle - soleus, soleus muscle - grote teenbig toe, great toe, hallux, thumb - hakheel - enkel, enkelgewrichtankle, ankle joint, articulatio talocruralis, mortise joint - achillespeesAchilles' tendon, Achilles tendon, tendon of Achilles - musculus triceps brachii, triceps brachii - naambord, plaatplate, Scutum - fascia, fasciefacia, fascia - aponeurosis - duimnagelthumbnail - achterhand, handgewricht, handwortel, polsgewrichtarticulatio radiocarpea, carpus, radiocarpal joint, wrist, wrist joint - endoskeleton - exoskeleton - achterste, rug, ruggegraat, ruggestreng, rugleuning, wervelkolomback, backbone, rachis, spinal column, spine, vertebral column - musculus sartorius, sartorius, sartorius muscle - musculus sternocleidomastoideus, sternocleidomastoid, sternocleido mastoideus, sternocleidomastoid muscle - opperarmbeenhumerus - ellepijpelbow bone, ulna - doekspeld, fibula, kuitbeencalf bone, fibula - runderschenkel, scheen, scheenbeenshin, shinbone, shin bone, tibia - middelvoet, middelvoetsbeentje, middenvoet, middenvoetsbeentjemetatarsal, metatarsal bone, metatarsus - voetbeentje, voetwortel, voetwortelbeentjetarsal bone, tarsus - articulatie, geleding, gewricht, lid, voegarticulatio, articulation, joint - acetabulum, cotyloid cavity - aangezicht, bek, bovenkamer, fysiognomiek, fysionomie, gelaat, gelaatkunde, gezicht, smoel, troniecountenance, face, gob, head, kisser, mug, phiz, physiognomy, smiler, trap, visage - gelaatstrek, trekfeature, lineament - rotator cuff - serosa, serous membrane - synovial membrane, synovium - cornu - labrocyte, mast cell, mastocyte - neuroanatomy - celleer, celleer ''de'', cytologiecytology - histologie, weefselleerhistology - diastolediastole - systolesystole - base - blood-brain barrier - lichaambody - koeiemest, koeienmest, koemestbuffalo chip, chip, cow chip, cow dung - eierdop, eierschaal, zijdeglanseggshell, shell - anatome, anatoom, ontleedkundigeanatomist - Andreas Vesalius, Vesalius - ostiole - pulp, tandzenuw, vlees, vruchtvleesflesh, pulp - houtweefselxylem - tracheid - deelweefselmeristem - kalvencalving - bevallingaccouchement, childbearing, childbirth, vaginal birth - fibrinolysis - citric acid cycle, Krebs citric acid cycle, Krebs cycle, tricarboxylic acid cycle - eisprong, ovulatieovulation - geboortebirth, birthing, giving birth, parturition - breadth index, cephalic index, cranial index - barensnood, mankrachtchildbed, confinement, labor, labor pains, labour, labour pains, lying-in, parturiency, travail - bubo - x-benengenu valgum, knock-knee, tibia valga - geslachtshormoonsex hormone, steroid, steroid hormone - progesteronLipo-Lutin, progesterone - progestageenprogestin, progestogen - androgen, androgenic hormone - androsteronandrosterone - Durabolin, Kabolin, nandrolone - testosterontestosterone - follicle-stimulating hormone, FSH - ICSH, interstitial cell-stimulating hormone, LH, luteinizing hormone - estrogeen, oestrogeenestrogen, oestrogen - DES, diethylstilbestrol, diethylstilboestrol, stilbestrol, stilboestrol - oestronestrone, Estronol, oestrone, theelin - adrenal cortical steroid, adrenocortical steroid, corticoid, corticosteroid - mineralocorticoid - glucocorticoid - aldosterone - Cortef, cortisol, hydrocortisone, Hydrocortone - cortisonecortisone, Cortone Acetate - prednisonDeltasone, Liquid Pred, Meticorten, Orasone, prednisone - Decadron, dexamethasone, Dexamethasone Intensol, Dexone, Hexadrol, Oradexon - koninginnenbrij, koninginnenbroodroyal jelly - catecholamine - excrementen, pl'', recrement, stoelgang, uitwerpselen, uitwerpselen ''nbody waste, cast, excrement, excrements, excreta, excretion, excretory product, stool - faecalia an, faecaliën, faeces, fecaliën, feces, uitwerpselenBM, dejection, faecal matter, faecal waste, faeces, fecal matter, feces, ordure, stool - achterschip, derriecrap, dirt, poop, shit, shite, turd - meconium - melaena, melena - fecula - pies, pis, plas, urine, water, zeikpee, piddle, piss, urine, water, wee, weewee, wee-wee - guanoguano - medulla, myelin, myeline - melanocyte-stimulating hormone, MSH - thyroid-stimulating hormone, thyrotrophic hormone, thyrotrophin, thyrotropic hormone, thyrotropin, TSH - anabolic, anabolic steroid, anabolising - bloedbezinkingerythrocyte sedimentation rate, ESR, sedimentation rate, sed rate - pols, polsklopping, polsslagheart rate, pulse, pulse rate - menstrual cycle - luteal phase, secretory phase[Domaine]
