
diccionario analógico

одновременноtogether - together, unitedly - together - together - сообщаcollectively, conjointly, jointly, together with - jointly - cooperation - together - координацияcoordination, co-ordination - cooperation - сотрудничествоcoaction, collaboration, co-operation - сотрудничествоcollaboration, collaborationism, quislingism - пособие, услугаaid, assist, assistance, fore and aft, hand, help, service - recourse, refuge, resort - aid, economic aid, financial aid - подача, помощь, услугаservice - поддержка, средства к существованиюsupport - разноситьhelp, serve, serve out - адвокатура, деятельность адвоката, защита, пропагандаadvocacy, protagonism - защитаaegis, auspices, protection - участиеattendance, engagement, involution, involvement, participation, turnout - safeguard - совместныйjoint - согласованныйconcerted, conjunct, conjunctive, cooperative - combine - cover - объединять усилияally oneself to, collaborate, cooperate, get together, join forces, team up with, unite with - ассистировать, помогатьaid, assist, be of help, give a hand, give a hand with, help, help with, lend a hand, lend a hand with - подстрекатьabet - компаньон, партнёрpartner - согласиеaccord, agreement - единодушиеconsensus - единодушиеunanimity - social contract[Domaine]
