
diccionario analógico

by trial and error, empirically, through empirical observation - экспериментальноby experience, by experiment, by experimentation, by trial and error, experimentally, through an experiment - вскрытие трупаautopsy, inquest, necropsy, PM, postmortem, post-mortem, postmortem examination, post-mortem examination - контроль, проверкаcheck, checking, checkout, check-out procedure, control, supervision - диспансеризация, медицинский осмотрcheckup, check-up, health check, medical, medical checkup, medical exam, medical examination - aftercare, after-care, followup, follow-up, follow-up care, reexamination, review - доказательствоproof, substantiation, validation - осмотр, проверкаgoing-over, investigating, investigation - analysis - обследование, осмотрexamination, scrutiny - расследованиеenquiry, inquiry, investigation, probe - исследованиеresearch - operations research - дознаниеinquest - field work - микроскопияmicroscopy - investigation, research, research project, scientific research - обзор, осмотрstudy, survey - motion study, time and motion study, time-and-motion study, time-motion study, time study, work study - chemical analysis, qualitative analysis - quantitative analysis, quantitative chemical analysis - colorimetric analysis, colorimetry - титрованиеtitration - cost analysis - спектральный анализsound spectrum analysis, spectral analysis, spectrographic analysis, spectrography, spectrometry, spectroscopical analysis, spectroscopic analysis, spectroscopy, spectrum analysis - контроль, наблюдение, надзор, надсмотр, сопровождениеsupervision, surveillance - шпионажespionage, spying - изучать, осматривать, разобратьсяanalyse, analyze, canvas, canvass, examine, look into, look over, study - заботитьсяascertain, assure, check, control, ensure, insure, see, see to, see to it - подтверждатьverify - расследоватьexamine, probe - осмотрinspection, overhaul, review, survey - ascertain, check, determine, find out, learn, see, watch - SIGINT, signals intelligence - зондирование, прощупывание, разведка, рекогносцировкаrecce, recco, reccy - разведкаexploratory survey, reconnoitering, reconnoitring, scouting - carbon-14 dating, carbon dating, radiocarbon dating - производить разведку, разведывать, рекогносцироватьreconnoiter, reconnoitre, scout - control, verify - испытывать, тестировать, экзаменоватьessay, examine, prove, test, try, try out - check - define, delimit, delimitate, delineate, specify - librate, weigh - assay, check - appreciation, reappraisal, reassessment, revalorisation, revalorization, revaluation, review - enquiry, inquiry, research - опрос общественного мненияcanvass, Gallup poll, opinion poll, poll, public opinion poll, sounding[Domaine]
