
diccionario analógico

IMO, International Maritime Organization - enrollment, enrolment, registrationзачисление - Deutschland, F.R.G., Federal Republic of Germany, FRG, German Federal Republic, GermanyГермания - Andorra, Principality of AndorraАндорра - Canaries, Canary Islands - Beehive State, Mormon State, UT, UtahЮта - Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar - Benin, Dahomey, Fon, Republic of BeninБенин - Beijing, capital of Red China, Peiping, PekingБэйцзин, Пекин - Al Qahira, Cairo, capital of Egypt, Egyptian capital, El Qahira - Spanish - reorganisation, reorganization, shakeup, shake-upвстряска, реорганизация - Venetia, Veneto, Venezia-Euganea - French Revolution - grand duchy - Papeete - PM, premier, Prime Ministerпремьер-министр - Lyon, Lyons - Orly - Oran - CanadaКанада - Costa Rica, Republic of Costa RicaКоста-Рика - Danmark, Denmark, Kingdom of DenmarkДания - Essen - Abyssinia, Ethiopia, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, YaltopyaЭфиопия - Everest, Mount Everest, Mt. EverestДжомолунгма, Эверест - capital of Pakistan, Islamabad - Granada - Manchuria - Bharat, India, Republic of IndiaИндия - Bahama Islands, Bahamas, Commonwealth of the BahamasБагамские острова ''m pl'', Багамы ''f pl'' - Italia, Italian Republic, ItalyИталия - capital of Mozambique, Maputo - Garden State, Jersey, New Jersey, NJНью-Джерси - Federal Republic of Nigeria, NigeriaНигерия - capital of Mongolia, Kulun, Ulaanbaatar, Ulan Bator, Urga - Independent State of Papua New Guinea, Papua New GuineaПапуа-Новая Гвинея - Paraguay, Republic of ParaguayПарагвай - Portugal, Portuguese RepublicПортугалия - El Salvador, Republic of El Salvador, SalvadorСальвадор - capital of New Mexico, Santa Fe - Seine, Seine River - Fengtien, Moukden, Mukden, Shenyang - SiberiaСибирь - Republic of Sierra Leone, Sierra LeoneСьерра-Леоне - SomaliaСомали - Milan, MilanoМилан - Ceylon, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Sri LankaЦейлон, Шри-Ланка - Lone-Star State, Texas, TXТехас - Salonica, Salonika, Thessalonica, Thessaloniki - T'ien-ching, Tianjin, Tientsin - Sumatra - Timbuktoo, Timbuktu - TorontoТоронто - Republic of Tunisia, TunisiaТунис - Turkmen, Turkmenia, Turkmenistan, TurkomenТуркменистан, Туркмения - capital of Iran, Iranian capital, Teheran, TehranТегеран - Russia, Soviet Union, U.S.S.R., Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, USSRСССР, Союз Советских Социалистических Республик - Utrecht - capital of Liechtenstein, Vaduz - Vatican, Vatican Palace - Green Mountain State, Vermont, VTВермонт - Mountain State, West Virginia, WVЗападная Вирджиния - VladivostokВладивосток - Canton, Guangzhou, Kuangchou, Kwangchow - Republic of San Marino, San MarinoСан Марино - Ashur, Assur, Asur - waterfront - Chester - department, sectionдепартамент, отдел, факультет - Labrador - Lund - Poland, Polska, Republic of PolandПольша - force, personnel - presidentглава, председатель, президент - minister, Secretary, Secretary of Stateминистр - Dresden - Long Beach - KazanКазань - Mycenae - foreign - domestic - logisticsлогистика, тыл и снабжение - administration, disposal - justiceправосудие - organisation, organizationорганизация - self-organisation, self-organization - Austerlitz, battle of Austerlitz - Battle of Britain - Battle of the Marne, Belleau Wood, Chateau-Thierry, Marne River - Blenheim - Bouvines - battle of Caporetto, Caporetto - Chaeronea - Al Alamayn, Battle of El Alamein, El Alamein - Battle of Fontenoy, Fontenoy - battle of Hohenlinden, Hohenlinden - battle of Ivry, Ivry, Ivry la Bataille - Battle of Jena, Jena - battle of Jutland, Jutland - battle of Leuctra, Leuctra - Battle of Magenta, Magenta - Mantinea, Mantineia - battle of Marathon, Marathonмарафон, марафонский бег - Marengo - battle of Minden, Minden - battle of Navarino, Navarino - battle of Panipat, Panipat - battle of Pharsalus, Pharsalus - battle of Plassey, Plassey - battle of Plataea, Plataea - Pleven, Plevna - battle of Poitiers, Poitiers - Battle of Ravenna, Ravenna - Battle of Rocroi, Rocroi - battle of Rossbach, Rossbach - battle of St Mihiel, Saint-Mihiel, St Mihiel - Salerno - battle of Soissons-Reims, battle of the Aisne, battle of the Chemin-des-Dames, Soissons - battle of Solferino, Solferino - battle of Tertry, Tertry - battle of Thermopylae, Thermopylae - battle of Valmy, Valmy - battle of Verdun, Verdun - battle of Wagram, Wagram - Battle of Waterloo, Waterloo - battle of Ypres, first battle of Ypres, Ypres - battle of Ypres, second battle of Ypres, Ypres - battle of Zama, Zama - February Revolution, Russian Revolution - October Revolution, Russian Revolution - future, next, succeeding - kingdom, realmкоролевство, царство - national - international - global, planetary, world, worldwide, world-wideво всём мире, всемирный - multinational, transnationalтранснациональный - constitute, establish, found, institute, plantосновывать - disband, dissolveрасформировывать - accept - abdicate, renounceотрекаться, слагать полномочия - depart, leave, pull up stakesбросать , оставлять , покидать, уезжать, уходить - nominate, propose - administer, administrateуправлять - control, manage, manipulate, oversee, stand over, superintend, superviseвести дела, заведовать, контролировать, стоять над душой, умело обращаться, управлять - contractualдоговорный - Appian Way - Aswan High Dam, High Dam - administrativeадминистративный - Roman, Romanic - Roman - Bosnian - Argentine, Argentinean, Argentinianаргентинский - Neapolitanнеаполитанский - logistic, logisticalотносящийся к тылу, тыловой - Corsican - Alpine - Andean - Ghanaian, Ghanese, Ghanianганец - romaicновогреческий - Dachau - binder, file, file cabinet, filing cabinet, ring binderскоросшиватель - assembly, forum, meeting place - Humber Bridge - Louvre, Louvre Museum - Panama Canal - Pierre Laporte Bridge - Quebec Bridge - authorisation, authority, authorization, sanction - declaration, resolution, resolve - establishment, institute, institutionзаведение, институт, организация, учреждение - administrative body, administrative unit - ministry - editorial department - treasury - AEC, Atomic Energy Commission - C.I.A., Canadian Institute of Actuaries, Central Intelligence Agency, CIAЦРУ, центральное разведывательное управление - NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Office of Management and Budget, OMB - Agriculture, Agriculture Department, Department of Agriculture, USDA - Commerce, Commerce Department, Department of Commerce, DoC - Defense, Defense Department, Department of Defense, DoD, Ministry of Defence, United States Department of Defense - Department of Education, Department of Education and Science, Education, Education Department - Department of Energy, DOE, Energy, Energy Department - Social Security Administration, SSA - Department of Housing and Urban Development, Housing and Urban Development, HUD - Department of Justice, DoJ, Justice, Justice Department, Ministry of Justice - C.I.D., Criminal Investigation Department, F.B.I., FBI, Federal Bureau of InvestigationФБР - Department of Labor, DoL, Labor, Labor Department - Department of State, DoS, Foreign Affairs Ministry, Foreign Affairs Office, Foreign Ministry, Foreign Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Office of Foreign Affairs, State, State Department, United States Department of State - Department of the Interior, DoI, Home Office, Interior, Interior Department - National Park Service - ATF, Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms - Inland Revenu, Internal Revenue Service, IRS, tax authorities, tax department, treasury - Department of Transportation, DoT, Transportation - PO, Post Office, United States Post Office, US Post Office - Congress, U.S. Congress, United States Congress, US Congress - administration, brass, establishment, governance, governing body, organisation, organizationадминистрация - social unit, unitблок, единица, секция, часть - Peace Corps - machine - United Nations Secretariat - TC, Trusteeship Council - Economic and Social Council, ECOSOC - Commission on Human Rights - UNICEF, UN International Children's Emergency Fund, UN International Children's Fund, United Nations Children's Fund, United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund - FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - GATT, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade - IAEA, International Atomic Energy AgencyМАГАТЭ - IBRD, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, World Bank - ICAO, International Civil Aviation Organization - IDA, International Development Association, Investment Dealers Association of Canada - IFC, International Finance Corporation - ILO, International Labor Organization, International Labour Organization - I.M.F., IMF, International Monetary Fund - UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizati, UNESCO, United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization - WHO, World Health Organization - WMO, World Meteorological Organization - councilсовет - privy, privy councilтайный совет - works council - sovietсоветский лидер - administration, secretarial office, secretariat, secretariateдолжность секретаря, секретариат - commission, committeeкомитет - citizens committee, committeeкомитет - subcommitteeподкомитет - standing committee - steering committee - politburo - PAC, political action committee - praesidium, presidiumпрезидиум - House of Lords, Supreme Court, Supreme Court of the United States, United States Supreme Court - agency, authority, bureau, federal agency, government agency, government department, officeбюро, ведомство, министерство, управление - intelligence, intelligence agency, intelligence service - Secret Service, SS, United States Secret Service, US Secret Service, USSS - organ - central bank - Fed, Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve System, FRS - Bank of England - Bank of Japan - civil serviceгосударственная служба - board, board of directors, direction, directorate, leadership, management, staffадминистрация - managementадминистрация - United States Cabinet, US Cabinet - arm, branch, subdivision - bureaucracy, bureaucratism, officialdom, red tape, wheels of governmentбюрократизм, бюрократия - World Council of Churches - host - administrative district, administrative division, territorial division - Andalucia, AndalusiaАндалусия - country, country of origin, fatherland, home, homeland, mother country, mother-country, motherland, native country, native landотчизна - buffer country, buffer stateбуферное государство - capital - center, central city, centre, city center, city centre, downtown, inner city, town center, town centreцентр города - capital, city, metropolis, urban centerкрупный город, столица - cantonкантон, округ - commune - inner city - country, land, parts, region, state - capital city, capital town, county courthouse, county seat, county townглавный город округа - county town, shire town - department - bishopric, diocese, episcopateепархия - county, district, dominion, precinct, territorial dominion, territory, wardобласть, округ, район, территория - enclave, intervening areaанклав, замкнутая группа, окруженная чужими владениями, территория, узкий круг - community, residential area, residential districtжилой район - red district, red-light district - suburb, suburban area, suburbiaпригород, пригороды - demesne, domain, landвладения - archduchy - duchy, dukedomгерцогство - princedom, principalityкняжество - goldfieldзолотоносный участок - reservation, reserve - jurisdiction - kingdom, realm - associated state, protectorateпротекторат - seatцентр - bidonville, shantytown, shanty town - province, stateпровинция - Strand - town, townshipгородок, городское управление, маленькая деревня, маленький городок, местечко, поселок, район города, участок, церковный приход или поместье - Namibia, Republic of Namibia, South West AfricaНамибия - Afghanistan, Islamic State of AfghanistanАфганистан - capital of Afghanistan, KabulКабул - Albania, Republic of AlbaniaАлбания - Albanian capital, TiranaТирана - Algeria, Algerie, Democratic and Popular Republic of AlgeriaАлжир - Algerian capital, AlgiersАлжир - Angola, Republic of AngolaАнгола - Angolan capital, Luanda - Antigua and BarbudaАнтигуа и Барбуда - Antigua - Barbuda - Redonda - Patagonia - Buenos Aires, capital of Argentinaбуэнос-айрес - Rheinland, Rhineland - Bulgaria, Republic of BulgariaБолгария - Bulgarian capital, Serdica, SofiaСофия - Burma, Myanmar, Union of BurmaБирма, Мьянма - Rangoon, YangonРангун, Янгон - Mandalay - Bujumbura, capital of Burundi, Usumbura - Cambodia, Kampuchea, Kingdom of CambodiaКамбоджа - Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, Pnom PenhПномпень - Cameroon, Cameroun, Republic of CameroonКамерун - Douala - Cape Verde, Republic of Cape VerdeКабо-Верде - capital of Cape Verde, Cidade de Praia, Praia - Central Africa, Central African RepublicЦентрально-африканская Республика - Bangui, capital of Central Africa - capital of Sri Lanka, ColomboКоломбо - capital of Chad, Fort-Lamy, N'Djamena, Ndjamena - Chile, Republic of ChileЧили - Antofagasta - Valparaiso - Tierra del Fuego - Cathay, China, Communist China, mainland China, People's Republic of China, PRC, Red ChinaКНР, Китай - Chongqing, Chungking - Gansu, Gansu province, Kansu - Sichuan, Szechuan, Szechwan, Szechwan province - Yunnan, Yunnan province - Lanchou, Lanchow, Lanzhou - Loyang, Luoyang - Hangchow, Hangzhou - Nanjing, Nanking - ShanghaiШанхай - capital of Taiwan, Taipeh, Taipei - Taichung - Hong KongГонконг , Сянган - Colombia, Columbia, Republic of ColombiaКолумбия - Bogota, capital of ColombiaБогота - Comoros, Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros - Brazzaville - Belgian Congo, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zaire - Kinshasa, Leopoldville - Cote d'Ivoire, Côte d'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of Cote d'IvoireКот-д'Ивуар, Кот-д’Ивуар - AbidjanАбиджан - Guatemala, Republic of GuatemalaГватемала - capital of Guatemala, Guatemala City - Belize, British HondurasБелиз - Honduras, Republic of HondurasГондурас - Honduran capital, Tegucigalpa - Salvadoran capital, San Salvador - Nicaragua, Republic of NicaraguaНикарагуа - capital of Nicaragua, Managua, Nicaraguan capital - Merida - Mexico, United Mexican StatesМексика - Acapulco, Acapulco de Juarez - Guadalajara - capital of Mexico, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexican capital, Mexico CityМехико - Oaxaca, Oaxaca de Juarez - Tijuana - Veracruz - capital of Cuba, Cuban capital, HavanaГавана, гаванская сигара - Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince - Dominican RepublicДоминиканская Республика - capital of the Dominican Republic, Ciudad Trujillo, Santo Domingo - San Juan - Trinidad - Tobago - Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad and TobagoТринидад и Тобаго - capital of Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain, Port-of-Spain - capital of Cyprus, Nicosia - Czechoslovakia - Czech capital, Prag, Prague, PrahaПрага - Togo, Togolese RepublicТого - Seeland, Sjaelland, ZealandЗеландия - Copenhagen, Danish capital, KobenhavnКопенгаген - Afars and Issas, Djibouti, Republic of DjiboutiДжибути - Roseau - Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Spanish GuineaЭкваториальная Гвинея - Malabo - Bioko - Kingdom of Norway, Noreg, Norge, NorwayНорвегия - SvalbardСвалбард - Lofoten - capital of Norway, Christiania, OsloОсло - Bergen - Nidaros, Trondheim - Kingdom of Sweden, Sverige, SwedenШвеция - capital of Sweden, Stockholm - Goeteborg, Goteborg, Gothenburg - East Germany, G.D.R., GDR, German Democratic Republic - Lower SaxonyНижняя Саксония, Ни́жняя Саксо́ния - West Berlin - LeipzigЛейпциг - Weimar - BavariaБавария - Bonn - Cologne, KolnКёльн - Braunschweig, Brunswick - Frankfort, Frankfurt, Frankfurt on the MainФранкфурт - Hamburg - Mannheim - Muenchen, MunichМюнхен - Nuremberg, Nurnberg - Stuttgart - Palatinate, Pfalz - Preussen, Prussia - Thuringia - Ecuador, Republic of EcuadorЭквадор - Guayaquil - capital of Ecuador, Quito - Galapagos, Galapagos Islands - Eritrea, State of EritreaЭритрия - Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia, New FlowerАддис-Абеба - Fiji, Republic of FijiФиджи - Suva - Finland, Republic of Finland, SuomiФинляндия - KareliaКарелия - capital of Finland, Finnish capital, Helsingfors, HelsinkiХельсинки - Ellas, Greece, Hellenic RepublicГреция - AtticaАттика - Corinth, Korinthos - Argos - Delphi - Sparta - Laconia - Ilion, Ilium, Troy - Boeotia - Thessalia, Thessaly - ArcadiaАркадия - Peloponnese, Peloponnesian Peninsula, Peloponnesus - Lemnos, Limnos - West Bank - Gaza, Gaza Strip - Golan, Golan Heights - capital of Israel, JerusalemИерусалим - Calvary, Golgotha - Cotswold Hills, Cotswolds - Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Tel Aviv-YaloТель-Авив, Тель-Авив и Яффа - Haifa, Hefa - Jaffa, Joppa, Yafo - Italian Peninsula - Tessin, Ticino - Pompeii - Herculaneum - Abruzzi, Abruzzi e Molise - Aquila, Aquila degli Abruzzi, L'Aquila - Basilicata, Lucania - Calabria - Campania - Naples, NapoliНеаполь - Messina - Capri - Ischia - Emilia-Romagna - Bologna - Friuli-Venezia Giulia - Latium, Lazio - LiguriaЛигурия - Genoa, GenovaГенуя - Lombardia, Lombardy - Marche, Marches - Molise - Pisa - Torino, TurinТурин - Apulia, Puglia - Bari - Palermo - Toscana, Tuscany - Trentino-Alto Adige - Umbria - Valle D'Aosta - Padova, Padua, Patavium - Venezia, Venice - Verona - Romania, Roumania, RumaniaРумыния - Bucharest, Bucharesti, Bucuresti, capital of RomaniaБухарест - Ruanda, Rwanda, Rwandese RepublicРуанда - capital of Rwanda, Kigali - Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Jugoslavia, Jugoslavija, Serbia and Montenegro, Union of Serbia and Montenegro, YugoslaviaЮгославия - Croatia, Hrvatska, Republic of CroatiaХорватия - Crna Gora, Montenegro - Bosna i Hercegovina, Bosnia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Republic of Bosnia and HerzegovinaБосния, Босния и Герцеговина - SarajevoСараево - Republic of Slovenia, Slovenia, SlovenijaСловения - Ljubljana - Belgrade, Beograd, capital of Serbia and MontenegroБелград - Dubrovnik, RagusaДубровник - ZagrebЗагреб - Serbia, Srbija - Baffin Island - Acadia - Canadian Maritime Provinces, Maritime Provinces, Maritimes - Alberta - Calgary - Edmonton - British Columbia - VancouverВанкувер - ManitobaМанитоба - Fredericton - Northwest Territories - HalifaxГалифакс - Ontario - Prince Edward Islandостров Принца Эдуарда - Charlottetown - Quebec, Quebec CityКвебек - MontrealМонреаль - Saskatchewan - Regina - Saskatoon - Australian capital, Canberra, capital of AustraliaКанберра - Queensland - Brisbane - New South Wales - Sydney - MelbourneМельбурн - Hobart - South Australia - Adelaide - Western Australia - Perth - Northern TerritoryСеверная территория - Gilbert Islands - Kiribati, Republic of KiribatiКирибати - New Britain - capital of Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby - Austria, Oesterreich, Republic of AustriaАвстрия - Tirol, Tyrol - Austrian capital, capital of Austria, ViennaВена - capital of the Bahamas, Nassauнассау - capital of Bahrain, Manama - Bangladesh, Bangla Desh, East Pakistan, People's Republic of BangladeshБангладеш - capital of Bangladesh, Dacca, Dhaka - Flanders - Belgique, Belgium, Kingdom of BelgiumБельгия - Belgian capital, Brussels, Bruxelles, capital of BelgiumБрюссель - Antwerp, Antwerpen, AnversАнтверпен - Bruges, City of Bridges - Bhutan, Kingdom of BhutanБутан - Botswana, Republic of BotswanaБотсвана - capital of Botswana, Gaborone - Bolivia, Republic of Bolivia - capital of Bolivia, La Paz - Brasil, Brazil, Federative Republic of BrazilБразилия - Brasilia, Brazilian capital, capital of BrazilБразилиа - Rio, Rio de JaneiroРио-де-Жанейро, шт. Рио-де-Жанейро - Pernambuco, Recife - Britain, Great Britain, U.K., UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandВеликобритания, Соединённое Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии - EnglandАнглия - British capital, capital of the United Kingdom, Greater London, LondonЛондон - GreenwichГринвич - West EndУэст-Энд - Westminster Abbey - LiverpoolЛиверпуль - Brighton - BristolБристоль - Leeds - Newcastle, Newcastle-upon-TyneНьюкасл - Reading - Sheffield - Berkshire - CornwallКорнуолл - Leicester, Leicestershire - Lincolnshire - Yorkshire - North Yorkshire - West Yorkshire - South Yorkshire - West Country - Northern Ireland, UlsterСеверная Ирландия - Belfast, capital of Northern IrelandБелфаст - Eire, Ireland, Irish Republic, Republic of Ireland - capital of Ireland, Dublin, Irish capitalДублин - ScotlandШотландия - Highlands, Highlands of Scotland - EdinburghЭдинбург - GlasgowГлазго - Hebridean Islands, Hebridean Isles, Hebrides, Western Islands, Western Isles - Cambria, Cymru, WalesУэльс - Cardiff - Swansea - Brunei, Negara Brunei DarussalamБруней Дарассалам - sultanateвладения султана, власть султана, султанат, султанство - Burkina Faso, Upper VoltaБуркина-Фасо - Arab Republic of Egypt, Egypt, United Arab RepublicЕгипет - Assouan, Assuan, Aswan - El Giza, Giza, Gizeh - El-Aksur, Luxor - Assam - PunjabПанджаб, Пенджаб - capital of India, Indian capital, New Delhi - Delhi, Old DelhiДели - Calcutta, KolkataКалькутта - Bombay, MumbaiБомбей, Мумбаи - Chennai, MadrasЧеннаи - Bihar - Maharashtra - Orissa - Kingdom of Nepal, NepalНепал - capital of Nepal, Kathmandu, Katmandu - Sitsang, Thibet, Tibet, XizangТибет - Dutch East Indies, Indonesia, Republic of IndonesiaИндонезия - BaliБали - Celebes, Sulawesi - capital of Indonesia, Djakarta, JakartaДжакарта - Bandung - Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, PersiaИран - Mashhad, Meshed - ShirazШираз - Tabriz - Persia, Persian Empire - Persepolis - Al-Iraq, Irak, Iraq, Republic of IraqИрак - Bagdad, Baghdad, capital of IraqБагдад - Adrianople, Adrianopolis, Edirne - BabylonВавилон - Nineveh - capital of Japan, Edo, Japanese capital, Tokio, Tokyo, Yeddo, YedoТокио - Osaka - Ryukyu Islands - KyotoКиото - Hiroshima - Sapporo - Amman, capital of Jordan - Akaba, Al Aqabah, Aqaba - Jericho - Kenya, Republic of KenyaКения - capital of Kenya, NairobiНайроби - Mombasa - capital of Kuwait, Koweit, Kuwait, Kuwait City, KuweitКувейт - France, French RepublicФранция - Latin Quarter, Left Bank - Right Bank - Cannes - Marseille, Marseilles - Nice - Riviera - Alsace, Alsatia, Elsass - Anjou - Aquitaine, Aquitania - Artois - Auvergne - Bourgogne, Burgundy - Breiz, Bretagne, Brittany - Centre - Champagne, Champagne-Ardenne - Gascogne, Gascony - Ile-de-France - Languedoc-Roussillon - Limousin - Lorraine, Lothringen - Midi-Pyrenees - Nord-Pas-de-Calais - Pays de la Loire - Picardie, Picardy - Poitou, Poitou-Charentes - Normandie, Normandy - Provence - Gabon, Gabonese Republic, GabunГабон - capital of Gabon, Libreville - Gambia, Republic of the Gambia, Republic of The Gambia, The GambiaГамбия - Banjul, capital of Gambia - Ghana, Gold Coast, Republic of GhanaГана - Accra, capital of GhanaАккра - GrenadaГренада - French Guinea, Guinea, Republic of GuineaГвинея - capital of Guinea, Conakry, Konakri - Guinea-Bissau, Guine-Bissau, Portuguese Guinea, Republic of Guinea-BissauГвинея-Бисау - Bissau, capital of Guinea-Bissau - British Guiana, Co-operative Republic of Guyana, Guiana, GuyanaГайана - Georgetown, StabroekДжорджтаун - Holland, Kingdom of The Netherlands, Nederland, Netherlands, The NetherlandsГолландия, Нидерланды - Amsterdam, capital of The Netherlands, Dutch capitalАмстердам - Nijmegen - Rotterdam - Leiden, Leyden - Hungary, Magyarorszag, Republic of HungaryВенгрия - Budapest, capital of Hungary, Hungarian capitalБудапешт - capital of Iceland, Reykjavik - Orkney Islands - Shetland, Shetland Islands, Zetland - D.P.R.K., Democratic People's Republic of Korea, DPRK, North KoreaСеверная Корея - capital of North Korea, PyongyangПхеньян - Republic of Korea, South KoreaРеспублика Коре́я, Южная Корея - capital of South Korea, SeoulСеул - Lao People's Democratic Republic, LaosЛаос - capital of Laos, Laotian capital, Vientiane - Lebanese Republic, Lebanon, the LebanonЛиван - Bayrut, Beirut, capital of Lebanonбейрут - Basutoland, Kingdom of Lesotho, LesothoЛесото - capital of Lesotho, Maseru - Liberia, Republic of LiberiaЛиберия - capital of Liberia, Liberian capital, Monrovia - Libya, Socialist People's Libyan Arab JamahiriyaЛивия - Liechtenstein, Principality of LiechtensteinЛихтенштейн - Malawi, Nyasaland, Republic of MalawiМалави - capital of Malawi, Lilongwe - Malaya, MalaysiaМалайзия - Kuala Lumpur - East Malaysia - North Borneo, Sabah - Sarawak - Male - French Sudan, Mali, Republic of MaliМали - Bamako - capital of Malta, Valetta, Valletta - Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Mauritania, Mauritanie, MuritaniyaМавритания - Nouakchott - Port Louis - Monaco, Principality of MonacoМонако - Monte Carlo - Al-Magrib, Kingdom of Morocco, Maroc, Marruecos, Morocco, Morocco leatherМарокко - Casablanca - capital of Morocco, Rabat - Tangier, TangiersТанжер - Mocambique, Mozambique, Republic of MozambiqueМозамбик - capital of Niger, Niamey - Abuja, capital of Nigeria, Nigerian capital - Muscat and Oman, Oman, Sultanate of OmanОман - capital of Oman, Masqat, MuscatМаскат, мускат - Cashmere, Jammu and Kashmir, KashmirКашмир - Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Pakistan, West PakistanПакистан - KarachiКарачи - Peru, Republic of PeruПеру - capital of Peru, Lima - capital of the Philippines, ManilaМанила, манильская пенька, манильская сигара - capital of Poland, Warsaw, WarszawaВаршава - Cracow, Krakau, KrakowКраков - Acores, AzoresАзорские острова - capital of Portugal, Lisboa, LisbonЛиссабон - Bida, capital of Qatar, Doha, El Beda - Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Christopher-Nevis, Saint Kitts and Nevis, St. Christopher-Nevis, St. Kitts and NevisСент-Кристофер и Невис - Saint Christopher, Saint Kitts, St. Christopher, St. Kitts - Basseterre - Nevis - Sombrero - Castries - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Vincent and the GrenadinesСен-Винсент и Гренадины - Saint Vincent, St. Vincent - Kingstown - Apia, capital of Western Samoa - American Samoa, AS, Eastern Samoa - capital of San Marino, San Marino - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Saudi ArabiaСаудовская Аравия - capital of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh - Mecca - Republic of Senegal, SenegalСенегал - capital of Senegal, Dakar - capital of Sierra Leone, Freetown - capital of Somalia, Mogadiscio, Mogadishu - Hargeisa - Republic of South Africa, South AfricaЮжная Африка, Южно-Африканская Республика - capital of South Africa, Pretoria - Cape TownКейптаун - Johannesburg - Bloemfontein - Soweto - capital of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian capitalМосква - Russian FederationРоссийская Федерация, Россия - Molotov, Perm - Rostov, Rostov na Donu, Rostov on Don - Saratov - Stalingrad, Tsaritsyn, Volgograd - Novosibirsk - Chelyabinsk - Omsk - Belarus, Belorussia, Byelarus, Byelorussia, Republic of Belarus, White RussiaБеларусь , Белоруссия - capital of Belarus, MinskМинск - capital of Estonia, Tallin, TallinnТалинн, Таллин, Таллинн - capital of Latvia, Riga - capital of Lithuania, Vilna, Vilnius, Vilno, Wilno - Kaunas, Kovna, Kovno - Moldavia, Moldova, Republic of MoldovaМолдова - Ukraine, UkrayinaУкраина - CrimeaКрим - capital of the Ukraine, Kiev, KyyivКиев - Donetsk, Donetske, Stalino - Donbas, Donbass, Donets Basin - Chernobyl - Kharkiv, Kharkov - Sebastopol, Sevastopol - Yalta - Armenia, Hayastan, Republic of ArmeniaАрмения - Erivan, Jerevan, YerevanЕреван - Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani Republic, Azerbajdzhan, Azerbajdzhan RepublicАзербайджан - Baku, capital of AzerbaijanБаку - capital of Georgia, Tbilisi, TiflisТбилиси - Kazak, Kazakh, Kazakhstan, Kazakstan, Republic of KazakhstanКазахстан - Alma Ata, Alma-Ata, Almaty - Kirghiz, Kirghizia, Kirghizstan, Kirgiz, Kirgizia, Kirgizstan, Kyrgyz Republic, KyrgyzstanКиргизия, Киргизстан - Bishkek, Biskek, capital of Kyrgyzstan, Frunzeфрунзе - Republic of Tajikistan, Tadjik, Tadzhik, Tadzhikistan, Tajik, TajikistanТаджикистан - Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbek, UzbekistanУзбекистан - capital of Uzbek, Tashkent, TaskentТашкент - Samarcand, Samarkand - Espana, Kingdom of Spain, SpainИспания - capital of Spain, Madrid, Spanish capitalмадрид - Balearic IslandsБалеарские острова - Majorca - Barcelona - Jerez, Jerez de la Frontera - Sevilla, Seville - Saragossa, Zaragoza - Castile, Castilla - CataloniaКаталония - Galicia - capital of Sudan, KhartoumХартум - Dutch Guiana, Netherlands Guiana, Republic of Suriname, Surinam, SurinameСуринам - capital of Suriname, Paramaribo - Kingdom of Swaziland, SwazilandСвазиленд - capital of Swaziland, Mbabane - Schweiz, Suisse, Svizzera, Swiss Confederation, SwitzerlandШвейцария - Bern, Berne, capital of SwitzerlandБерн - Bale, Basel, Basle - Geneva, Geneve, Genf - Syria, Syrian Arab RepublicСирия - capital of Syria, Damascus, DimashДамаск - Alep, Aleppo, Halab - Tanzania, United Republic of TanzaniaТанзания - capital of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam - Tabora - Kingdom of Thailand, Siam, ThailandСиам, Таиланд - Bangkok, capital of Thailand, Krung ThepБангкок - capital of Tunisia, Tunis - Safaqis, Sfax - Republic of Turkey, TurkeyТурция - Angora, Ankara, capital of Turkey, Turkish capitalАнкара - Canakkale Bogazi, Dardanelles, Hellespont - Constantinople, Istanbul, Stamboul, StambulКонстантинополь, Стамбул - Republic of Uganda, UgandaУганда - Buganda - capital of Uganda, Kampala - United Arab EmiratesОбъединённые Арабские Эмираты - Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates's capital - America, the States, U.S., U.S.A., United States, United States of America, US, USAАмерика, США, Соединённые Штаты Америки - free state - North, Union - AL, Alabama, Camellia State, Heart of DixieАлабама - SelmaСальма, Сельма - AK, Alaska, Last FrontierАляска - AR, Arkansas, Bear State, Land of OpportunityАрканзас - CA, Calif., California, Golden StateКалифорния - City of the Angels, Los AngelesЛос-Анжелос - San FranciscoСан-Франциско - Santa Clara - DE, Delaware, Diamond State, First State - capital of Delaware, DoverДувр - Everglade State, FL, Florida, Sunshine StateФлорида - Orlando - Aloha State, Hawai'i, Hawaii, HI - capital of Hawaii, Hawaiian capital, Honolulu - Gem State, ID, IdahoАйдахо - Boise, capital of Idaho - IL, Illinois, Land of Lincoln, Prairie State - Hoosier State, IN, IndianaИндиана - Hawkeye State, IA, IowaАйова - Kansas, KS, Sunflower State - Bluegrass State, Kentucky, KYКентукки - LA, Louisiana, Pelican StateЛуизиана - New OrleansНовый Орлеан - Maine, ME, Pine Tree State - Beantown, Bean Town, Boston, capital of Massachusetts, Hub of the UniverseБостон, вальс-бостон - Gopher State, Minnesota, MN, North Star StateМиннесота - Missouri, MO, Show Me StateМиссури - Independence - Montana, MT, Treasure StateМонтана - Billings - capital of Montana, Helenaелена - Cornhusker State, NE, NebraskaНебраска - Battle Born State, Nevada, NV, Sagebrush State, Silver StateНевада - Granite State, New Hampshire, NH - capital of New Jersey, Trenton - Bayonne - Camden - Newark - Land of Enchantment, New Mexico, NMНью-Мексико - Empire State, New York, New York State, NYшт. Нью-Йорк, штат Нью-Йорк - Buffalo - Greater New York, New York, New York CityНью-Йорк, г. Нью-Йорк, город Нью-Йорк - Bronx - BrooklynБруклин - Manhattan - Queens - Staten Island - NC, North Carolina, Old North State, Tar Heel StateСеверная Каролина - boudoir cap, Charlotte, curler cap, mob-cap, Queen City - ND, North Dakota, Peace Garden StateСеверная Дакота - Buckeye State, OH, Ohio - Akron - OK, Oklahoma, Sooner StateОклахома - Beaver State, OR, OregonОрегон - Keystone State, PA, PennsylvaniaПенсильвания - City of Brotherly Love, PhiladelphiaФиладельфия - capital of Rhode Island, Providenceбережливость, предусмотрительность, провидение - Coyote State, Mount Rushmore State, SD, South DakotaЮжная Дакота - capital of South Dakota, Pierreкамень - Tennessee, TN, Volunteer State - Austin, capital of TexasОстин - capital of Vermont, Montpelier - Burlington - capital of Virginia, Richmond - Norfolk - Lynchburg - Evergreen State, WA, Washington - Beckley - Clarksburg - Morgantown - Wheeling - Badger State, WI, Wisconsin - Equality State, WY, WyomingВайоминг - Casper - UruguayУругвай - capital of Uruguay, Montevideo - New Hebrides, Republic of Vanuatu, VanuatuВануату - Port Vila, Vila - Citta del Vaticano, Vatican CityВатикан - Republic of Venezuela, VenezuelaВенесуэла - capital of Venezuela, Caracas - Annam, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Vietnam, Viet NamВьетнам - capital of Vietnam, HanoiХаной - Ho Chi Minh City, SaigonСайгон, Хошимин - Republic of Yemen, YemenЙемен - AdenАден - Sana, Sana'a, Sanaa - Northern Rhodesia, Republic of Zambia, ZambiaЗамбия - capital of Zambia, Lusaka - Lusitania - Republic of Zimbabwe, Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia, ZimbabweЗимбабве - capital of Zimbabwe, Harare, Salisbury - Atacama Desert - Gobi, Gobi Desert - Kalahari, Kalahari Desert - Namib Desert - Negev, Negev Desert - Cotopaxi - El Misti - Etna, Mount Etna, Mt Etna - Fuji, Fujinoyama, Fuji-san, Fujiyama, Mount Fuji - Galeras, Pasto - Krakatao, Krakatau, Krakatoa - Lascar - Sangay - Tupungatito - Mount Vesuvius, Mt. Vesuvius, Vesuvius - Aconcagua - Adige, River Adige - Aire, Aire River, River Aire - Alps, the AlpsАльпы - Amazon, Amazon River - Amur, Amur River, Heilong, Heilong Jiang - Andes - Angel, Angel Falls - Ararat, Mount Ararat, Mt. Ararat - Arno, Arno River, River Arno - Brahmaputra, Brahmaputra River - Cachi - Caspian, Caspian SeaКаспийское море - Congo, Congo River, Zaire River - Coropuna - Danau, Danube, Danube RiverДунай - Dead SeaМёртвое море - Dhaulagiri - Ebro, Ebro River - Euphrates, Euphrates RiverЕвфрат - Ganges, Ganges RiverГанг - Himalaya, Himalaya Mountains, HimalayasГималаи - Hindu Kush, Hindu Kush Mountains - Huang He, Hwang Ho, Yellow RiverХуанхэ - Hudson Bay - Iguassu, Iguassu Falls, Iguazu, Iguazu Falls, Victoria Falls - Illampu - Illimani - Indus, Indus River - Jordan, Jordan RiverИордан, Ярдена - Kamet - Kilimanjaro, Mount KilimanjaroКилиманджаро - Kuenlun, Kuenlun Mountains, Kunlan Shan, Kunlun, Kunlun Mountains - Lhotse - Crocodile River, Limpopo - Llullaillaco - Loire, Loire River - Mackenzie, Mackenzie River - Madeira, Madeira River - Makalu - Matterhorn - Mekong, Mekong River - Mercedario - Mont Blanc, Monte Bianco - Nanda Devi - Neckar, Neckar River - Niger, Niger River - Nile, Nile RiverНил - Nuptse - Oder, Oder River - Ojos del Salado - Olduvai Gorge - Mount Olympus, Mt. Olympus, Olimbos, Olympus - Orinoco, Orinoco RiverОриноко - Liakoura, Mount Parnassus, Parnassus - Paulo Afonso, Paulo Afonso Falls - Po, Po River - Purus, Purus River - PyreneesПиренеи - La Plata, Plata River, Rio de la Plata - Suriname River, Surinam River - Tagus, Tagus River - Tigris, Tigris RiverТигр - Tupungato - River Tyne, Tyne, Tyne River - Ural Mountains, Urals - Vistula, Vistula River - Volga, Volga RiverВолга - Chang, Changjiang, Chang Jiang, Yangtze, Yangtze Kiang, Yangtze River - Zambezi, Zambezi River - Cambrian, Cymry, Welsh, Welshmanваллийцы - administrator, decision makerадминистратор - attorney generalгенеральный прокурор, министр юстиции - authorityавторитет - bailiffбейлиф, заместитель шерифа, судебный исполнитель, судебный пристав, управляющий имением - beadle, vergerкурьер при суде, университетский педель, церковный сторож - bobbyбобби, полисмен - administrative official, bureaucratбюрократ - burgomasterбургомистр, полярная чайка - candidate, prospect - census taker, enumeratorсчетчик - Chancellor, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Secretary of the Treasuryканцлер казначейства - CEO, chairman and chief executive officer, chairman and managing director, chief executive officer, chief operating officerпрезидент компании - civil servant - commissar, political commissarкомиссар - consulконсул - coordinatorкоординатор - detective, investigator, police detective, tecдетектив - director, manager, managing director, superintendentрежиссёр, руководитель, управляющий - dogeдож - fire-eater, firefighter, fire fighter, firemanпожарный, пожарный /požárnyj/ - flatfoot, patrolmanпатрульный, полицейский - beginner, father, founder, founding father"отцы-основатели", основатель, родоначальник - gendarmeжандарм - gaoler, jailer, jailor, prison guard, screw, turnkey, warderтюремный надзиратель - high commissionerверховный комиссар - judge, jurist, justice, lawyer, magistrateсудья - justice of the peace, magistrateмировой судья - lieutenant governor - city manager, mayor - notary, notary public, scrivener, solicitorнотариус - functionary, official - agent, federal agent - arranger, organiser, organizerорганизатор - pacha, pashaпаша - authorised agent, authorized agent, delegate, plenipotentiary, proxyполномочный представитель, уполномоченный - officer, policeman, police officer, policewomanженщина-полицейский, полицейский - praetor, pretorпретор - assistant provost marshal, mayor, provostградоначальник, мэр, начальник военной полиции, офицер военной полиции, проректор, ректор - secretary - Attorney General, United States Attorney General, US Attorney General - sacristan, sextonпономарь, церковный сторож - sheriffшериф - assessor, tax assessorналоговый инспектор - collector of internal revenue, exciseman, internal revenue agent, tax collector, taxmanакцизный чиновник - Ranger, Texas Ranger - verger - vizierвизирь - attendant, warden, warderнадзиратель, начальник тюрьмы, служитель - John Marshall, Marshall - Plato - Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Roosevelt - convertible bond - government bond - high-yield bond, junk bond - performance bond, surety bond - zero coupon bond, zero-coupon bond - CD, certificate of deposit - letter of creditаккредитив - T-bill, Treasury bill - document - commercial paper[Domaine]
