
diccionario analógico

IMO, International Maritime Organization - aanmelding, aantekening, depot, inschrijving, notificatie, orgelspel, registratieenrollment, enrolment, registration - B.R.D., Bondsrepubliek Duitsland, D, Duitse Bondsrepubliek, DuitslandDeutschland, F.R.G., Federal Republic of Germany, FRG, German Federal Republic, Germany - AndorraAndorra, Principality of Andorra - Canarische EilandenCanaries, Canary Islands - Beehive State, Mormon State, UT, Utah - Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar - BeninBenin, Dahomey, Fon, Republic of Benin - PekingBeijing, capital of Red China, Peiping, Peking - CairoAl Qahira, Cairo, capital of Egypt, Egyptian capital, El Qahira - SpaansSpanish - gezondmaking, reorganisatie, reorganizatie, saneringreorganisation, reorganization, shakeup, shake-up - Venetia, Veneto, Venezia-Euganea - French Revolution - groothertogdomgrand duchy - Papeete - eerste minister, minister-president, MP, premier, regeringsleiderPM, premier, Prime Minister - Lyon, Lyons - Orly - Oran - CanadaCanada - Costa RicaCosta Rica, Republic of Costa Rica - DenemarkenDanmark, Denmark, Kingdom of Denmark - Essen - EthiopiëAbyssinia, Ethiopia, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Yaltopya - Mount EverestEverest, Mount Everest, Mt. Everest - capital of Pakistan, Islamabad - Granada - Manchuria - India, IndiëBharat, India, Republic of India - Bahama's, Bahama-eilanden, BahamasBahama Islands, Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Bahamas - I, ItaliëItalia, Italian Republic, Italy - capital of Mozambique, Maputo - New JerseyGarden State, Jersey, New Jersey, NJ - NigeriaFederal Republic of Nigeria, Nigeria - capital of Mongolia, Kulun, Ulaanbaatar, Ulan Bator, Urga - Papoea-Nieuw-GuineaIndependent State of Papua New Guinea, Papua New Guinea - ParaguayParaguay, Republic of Paraguay - P, P., PortugalPortugal, Portuguese Republic - El Salvador, Salvador (El)El Salvador, Republic of El Salvador, Salvador - capital of New Mexico, Santa Fe - Seine, Seine River - Fengtien, Moukden, Mukden, Shenyang - SiberiëSiberia - Sierra LeoneRepublic of Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone - Somalia, SomaliëSomalia - MilaanMilan, Milano - Ceylon, Sri Lanka, Sri-LankaCeylon, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka - Lone-Star State, Texas, TX - Salonica, Salonika, Thessalonica, Thessaloniki - T'ien-ching, Tianjin, Tientsin - Sumatra - Timbuktoo, Timbuktu - Toronto - TunesiëRepublic of Tunisia, Tunisia - Turkmenië, TurkmenistanTurkmen, Turkmenia, Turkmenistan, Turkomen - Teherancapital of Iran, Iranian capital, Teheran, Tehran - S.U., Sovjetunie, Sowjetunie, Sowjet-Unie, SU, U.S.S.R., Unie der Socialistische Sovjetrepublieken, Unie van Socialistische Sovjetrepublieken, USSRRussia, Soviet Union, U.S.S.R., Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, USSR - UtrechtUtrecht - capital of Liechtenstein, Vaduz - Rome, VaticaanVatican, Vatican Palace - Green Mountain State, Vermont, VT - Mountain State, West Virginia, WV - VladivostokVladivostok - Canton, Guangzhou, Kuangchou, Kwangchow - San MarinoRepublic of San Marino, San Marino - Ashur, Assur, Asur - waterfront - chesterChester - afd., afdeling, dep., departement, Dept., min., ministerie, sectiedepartment, section - labradorLabrador - Lund - PolenPoland, Polska, Republic of Poland - personeelsafdeling, personeelszakenforce, personnel - president, voorzitterpresident - minister, ministerschapminister, Secretary, Secretary of State - Dresden - Long Beach - Kazan - Mycenae - foreign - domestic - logistieklogistics - adm., administratie, regulatieadministration, disposal - gerecht, Justitiajustice - organisatieorganisation, organization - self-organisation, self-organization - Austerlitz, battle of Austerlitz - Battle of Britain - Battle of the Marne, Belleau Wood, Chateau-Thierry, Marne River - Blenheim - Bouvines - battle of Caporetto, Caporetto - Chaeronea - Al Alamayn, Battle of El Alamein, El Alamein - Battle of Fontenoy, Fontenoy - battle of Hohenlinden, Hohenlinden - battle of Ivry, Ivry, Ivry la Bataille - Battle of Jena, Jena - battle of Jutland, Jutland - battle of Leuctra, Leuctra - Battle of Magenta, Magenta - Mantinea, Mantineia - marathonloopbattle of Marathon, Marathon - Marengo - battle of Minden, Minden - battle of Navarino, Navarino - battle of Panipat, Panipat - battle of Pharsalus, Pharsalus - battle of Plassey, Plassey - battle of Plataea, Plataea - Pleven, Plevna - battle of Poitiers, Poitiers - Battle of Ravenna, Ravenna - Battle of Rocroi, Rocroi - battle of Rossbach, Rossbach - battle of St Mihiel, Saint-Mihiel, St Mihiel - Salerno - battle of Soissons-Reims, battle of the Aisne, battle of the Chemin-des-Dames, Soissons - battle of Solferino, Solferino - battle of Tertry, Tertry - battle of Thermopylae, Thermopylae - battle of Valmy, Valmy - battle of Verdun, Verdun - battle of Wagram, Wagram - Battle of Waterloo, Waterloo - battle of Ypres, first battle of Ypres, Ypres - battle of Ypres, second battle of Ypres, Ypres - battle of Zama, Zama - February Revolution, Russian Revolution - oktoberrevolutieOctober Revolution, Russian Revolution - future, next, succeeding - koninkrijk, rijkkingdom, realm - national - international - mondiaal, over de hele wereld, wereld-, wereldwijd, wereldwijdeglobal, planetary, world, worldwide, world-wide - internationaal, multinationaalmultinational, transnational - aanstellen, aanwijzen, benoemd, benoemen, designeren, maken, nomineren, opwerpenconstitute, establish, found, institute, plant - ontbindendisband, dissolve - accept - abdiceren, abdiqueren, afstaan, aftreden, afzwerenabdicate, renounce - achterlaten, verlaten, weggaandepart, leave, pull up stakes - kandideren, voordragennominate, propose - administreren, beheren, bestieren, besturen, managenadminister, administrate - beheren, gaan, gezag hebben over, hanteren, het toezicht hebben op, omgaan met, superviseren, toezicht hebben, toezicht houden, toezicht houden opcontrol, manage, manipulate, oversee, stand over, superintend, supervise - contractueel, kontraktueelcontractual - Appian Way - Aswan High Dam, High Dam - administratief, bestuurlijk, bestuurs-administrative - Roman, Romanic - Roman - Bosniër, Bosnisch, BosnischeBosnian - Argentijns, ArgentijnseArgentine, Argentinean, Argentinian - NapolitaansNeapolitan - logistischlogistic, logistical - Corsicaan, Corsicaans, Corsicaanse, CorsicanenCorsican - Alpine - Andean - Ghanees, GhaneseGhanaian, Ghanese, Ghanian - romaic - Dachau - archiefkast, klapper, multomap, opbergmap, ordner, ringband, vijlbinder, file, file cabinet, filing cabinet, ring binder - ontmoetingscentrum, ontmoetingsplaats, ontmoetingspunt, trefcentrum, trefpunt, verzamelplaats, verzamelpuntassembly, forum, meeting place - Humber Bridge - Louvre, Louvre Museum - Panama Canal - Pierre Laporte Bridge - Quebec Bridge - authorisation, authority, authorization, sanction - resolutiedeclaration, resolution, resolve - bourgeoisie, etablissement, instelling, instituut, zaakestablishment, institute, institution - bestuursorgaanadministrative body, administrative unit - departement, Dept., min., ministerieministry - editorial department - thesaurietreasury - AEC, Atomic Energy Commission - C.I.A., CIAC.I.A., Canadian Institute of Actuaries, Central Intelligence Agency, CIA - NASANASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Office of Management and Budget, OMB - Agriculture, Agriculture Department, Department of Agriculture, USDA - Commerce, Commerce Department, Department of Commerce, DoC - ministerie van defensieDefense, Defense Department, Department of Defense, DoD, Ministry of Defence, United States Department of Defense - ministerie van onderwijs en wetenschappenDepartment of Education, Department of Education and Science, Education, Education Department - Department of Energy, DOE, Energy, Energy Department - Social Security Administration, SSA - Department of Housing and Urban Development, Housing and Urban Development, HUD - ministerie van justitieDepartment of Justice, DoJ, Justice, Justice Department, Ministry of Justice - FBI, gerechtelijke politie, opsporingsdienst, recherche, rijksrechercheC.I.D., Criminal Investigation Department, F.B.I., FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation - Department of Labor, DoL, Labor, Labor Department - ministerie van buitenlandse zakenDepartment of State, DoS, Foreign Affairs Ministry, Foreign Affairs Office, Foreign Ministry, Foreign Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Office of Foreign Affairs, State, State Department, United States Department of State - ministerie van binnenlandse zakenDepartment of the Interior, DoI, Home Office, Interior, Interior Department - National Park Service - ATF, Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms - belasting, belastinginspectie, fiscus, fiskusInland Revenu, Internal Revenue Service, IRS, tax authorities, tax department, treasury - Department of Transportation, DoT, Transportation - PO, Post Office, United States Post Office, US Post Office - congresCongress, U.S. Congress, United States Congress, US Congress - administratie, beheer, landsregering, overheidsdienst, regeringadministration, brass, establishment, governance, governing body, organisation, organization - eenheid, unit, zelfstandigheidsocial unit, unit - ontwikkelingshulp, ontwikkelingswerkPeace Corps - machine - United Nations Secretariat - TC, Trusteeship Council - Economic and Social Council, ECOSOC - Commission on Human Rights - UnicefUNICEF, UN International Children's Emergency Fund, UN International Children's Fund, United Nations Children's Fund, United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund - FAOFAO, Food and Agriculture Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - GATTGATT, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade - IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency - IBRD, wereldbankIBRD, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, World Bank - ICAO, International Civil Aviation Organization - IDAIDA, International Development Association, Investment Dealers Association of Canada - IFCIFC, International Finance Corporation - I.A.O., IAO, ILOILO, International Labor Organization, International Labour Organization - I.M.F., IMF, Internationaal Monetair FondsI.M.F., IMF, International Monetary Fund - UnescoUN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizati, UNESCO, United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization - Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie, Wereldgezondheidsorganizatie, WGO, WHOWHO, World Health Organization - WMO, World Meteorological Organization - beheerraad, board, concilie, gemeenteraad, ministerraad, raad, raadscollege, sanhedrincouncil - geheime raadprivy, privy council - bedrijfsorganisatie, o.r., ondernemingsraad, ORworks council - sovjetsoviet - administratie, griffie, kanselarij, secretariaat, sekretariaatadministration, secretarial office, secretariat, secretariate - cie, cie., college, comité, commissie, kamercommission, committee - comitécitizens committee, committee - subcommissiesubcommittee - standing committee - stuurgroepsteering committee - politbureaupolitburo - PAC, political action committee - praesidium, presidiumpraesidium, presidium - Hoge Raad, hooggerechtshofHouse of Lords, Supreme Court, Supreme Court of the United States, United States Supreme Court - agentuur, bureau, bureel, burelen, dienst, kantoor, overheidsdienst, overheidsinstantieagency, authority, bureau, federal agency, government agency, government department, office - intelligence, intelligence agency, intelligence service - inlichtingendienst, spionagedienst, veiligheidsdienstSecret Service, SS, United States Secret Service, US Secret Service, USSS - organ - centrale bankcentral bank - Fed, Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve System, FRS - Bank of England - Bank of Japan - ambtenarenapparaat, ambtenarij, overheidsapparaat, regeringsdienst, staatsapparaat, staatsdienstcivil service - bedrijfsleiding, beheer, bestuur, bestuurscollege, commissariaat, directie, direktie, hoofdbestuur, leiding, opperbestuur, staf, topboard, board of directors, direction, directorate, leadership, management, staff - administratie, bedrijfspolitiek, bedrijfsvoering, directie, directielid, leiding, managementmanagement - United States Cabinet, US Cabinet - onderafdeling, subafdeling, tak, wapenarm, branch, subdivision - ambtelijke molen, ambtenarij, bureaucratie, bureaukratiebureaucracy, bureaucratism, officialdom, red tape, wheels of government - World Council of Churches - host - administrative district, administrative division, territorial division - AndalusiëAndalucia, Andalusia - geboorteland, moederland, patria, thuisland, vaderlandcountry, country of origin, fatherland, home, homeland, mother country, mother-country, motherland, native country, native land - bufferstaatbuffer country, buffer state - bovenkast, hoofdletter, hoofdstad, kapitaalcapital - binnenstad, centrum, stadscentrum, stadskerncenter, central city, centre, city center, city centre, downtown, inner city, town center, town centre - gemeente, grootstad, hoofdstad, metropolis, metropool, plaats, stad, wereldstadcapital, city, metropolis, urban center - kantoncanton - communecommune - binnenstad, centrum, city, stadscentrum, stadskerninner city - staat, streekcountry, land, parts, region, state - hoofdplaats, provinciehoofdstadcapital city, capital town, county courthouse, county seat, county town - county town, shire town - departement, gewestdepartment - bisdom, bisschopsambt, bisschopszetel, diocees, diocese, episcopaat, sticht, stiftbishopric, diocese, episcopate - arr., arrondissement, auditie, bevelschrift, distr., district, distrikt, gebied, grondgebied, kolonie, lastbrief, mandaat, provincie, rayon, revier, streek, territorium, werkgebied, werkterrein, werkveld, wijk, wingewest, woongebiedcounty, district, dominion, precinct, territorial dominion, territory, ward - enclave, tussengebiedenclave, intervening area - woonbuurt, woonerf, woonwijkcommunity, residential area, residential district - gedoogzone, rodelampjesbuurt, rosse buurt, tippelzonered district, red-light district - buitenwijk, buitenwijken, randwijk, tuinstad, voorstadsuburb, suburban area, suburbia - domein, heerlijkheid, machtsgebieddemesne, domain, land - aartshertogdomarchduchy - hertogdomduchy, dukedom - prinsdom, vorstendomprincedom, principality - goudveldgoldfield - reservaat, reserve, restrictie, voorbehoudreservation, reserve - competentie, gezagsgebied, jurisdictie, rechtsbevoegdheid, rechtsgebied, rechtskring, rechtsmacht, rechtssfeer, ressortjurisdiction - kingdom, realm - protectoraatassociated state, protectorate - zetelseat - bidonville, krottenbuurt, krottenwijk, slumsbidonville, shantytown, shanty town - kerkprovincie, provincie, wingewestprovince, state - Strand - gemeente, plattelandsgemeente, stadsgebied, woonstadtown, township - NamibiëNamibia, Republic of Namibia, South West Africa - Afganistan, AfghanistanAfghanistan, Islamic State of Afghanistan - Kaboelcapital of Afghanistan, Kabul - AlbaniëAlbania, Republic of Albania - Albanian capital, Tirana - AlgerijeAlgeria, Algerie, Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria - AlgiersAlgerian capital, Algiers - Angola, AngolamAngola, Republic of Angola - Angolan capital, Luanda - Antigua en BarbudaAntigua and Barbuda - AntiguaAntigua - Barbuda - Redonda - Patagonia - Buenos AiresBuenos Aires, capital of Argentina - Rheinland, Rhineland - BG, BulgarijeBulgaria, Republic of Bulgaria - SofiaBulgarian capital, Serdica, Sofia - Birma, Burma, MyanmarBurma, Myanmar, Union of Burma - Rangoon, Yangon - Mandalay - Bujumbura, capital of Burundi, Usumbura - Cambodja, KampucheaCambodia, Kampuchea, Kingdom of Cambodia - Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, Pnom Penh - KameroenCameroon, Cameroun, Republic of Cameroon - Douala - KaapverdiëCape Verde, Republic of Cape Verde - capital of Cape Verde, Cidade de Praia, Praia - Centraal-Afrikaanse RepubliekCentral Africa, Central African Republic - Bangui, capital of Central Africa - capital of Sri Lanka, Colombo - capital of Chad, Fort-Lamy, N'Djamena, Ndjamena - ChiliChile, Republic of Chile - Antofagasta - Valparaiso - Tierra del Fuego - China, Volksrepubliek ChinaCathay, China, Communist China, mainland China, People's Republic of China, PRC, Red China - Chongqing, Chungking - Gansu, Gansu province, Kansu - Sichuan, Szechuan, Szechwan, Szechwan province - Yunnan, Yunnan province - Lanchou, Lanchow, Lanzhou - Loyang, Luoyang - Hangchow, Hangzhou - Nanjing, Nanking - SjanghaiShanghai - capital of Taiwan, Taipeh, Taipei - Taichung - Hongkong, Hong KongHong Kong - Colombia, ColombiëColombia, Columbia, Republic of Colombia - Bogota, capital of Colombia - Comoros, Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros - Brazzaville - Congo, ZaïreBelgian Congo, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zaire - Kinshasa, Leopoldville - IvoorkustCote d'Ivoire, Côte d'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of Cote d'Ivoire - AbidjanAbidjan - GuatemalaGuatemala, Republic of Guatemala - capital of Guatemala, Guatemala City - BelizeBelize, British Honduras - HondurasHonduras, Republic of Honduras - Honduran capital, Tegucigalpa - Salvadoran capital, San Salvador - NicaraguaNicaragua, Republic of Nicaragua - capital of Nicaragua, Managua, Nicaraguan capital - Merida - MexicoMexico, United Mexican States - Acapulco, Acapulco de Juarez - Guadalajara - Mexico, Mexico Citycapital of Mexico, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexican capital, Mexico City - Oaxaca, Oaxaca de Juarez - Tijuana - Veracruz - bolknak, havanna, knakcapital of Cuba, Cuban capital, Havana - Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince - Dominicaanse RepubliekDominican Republic - capital of the Dominican Republic, Ciudad Trujillo, Santo Domingo - San Juan - Trinidad - Tobago - Trinidad en TobagoRepublic of Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago - capital of Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain, Port-of-Spain - capital of Cyprus, Nicosia - Tsjecho-SlowakijeCzechoslovakia - PraagCzech capital, Prag, Prague, Praha - TogoTogo, Togolese Republic - SeelandSeeland, Sjaelland, Zealand - KopenhagenCopenhagen, Danish capital, Kobenhavn - DjiboutiAfars and Issas, Djibouti, Republic of Djibouti - Roseau - Equatoriaal-GuineaEquatorial Guinea, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Spanish Guinea - Malabo - Bioko - NoorwegenKingdom of Norway, Noreg, Norge, Norway - Spitsbergen, SvalbardSvalbard - Lofoten - Oslocapital of Norway, Christiania, Oslo - Bergen - Nidaros, Trondheim - S, ZwedenKingdom of Sweden, Sverige, Sweden - Stockholmcapital of Sweden, Stockholm - Goeteborg, Goteborg, Gothenburg - D.D.R., Duitse Democratische Republiek, Oost-DuitslandEast Germany, G.D.R., GDR, German Democratic Republic - NiedersachsenLower Saxony - West Berlin - LeipzigLeipzig - Weimar - BeierenBavaria - Bonn - KeulenCologne, Koln - Braunschweig, Brunswick - Frankfort, Frankfurt, Frankfurt on the Main - HamburgHamburg - Mannheim - MunchenMuenchen, Munich - Nuremberg, Nurnberg - Stuttgart - Palatinate, Pfalz - PruisenPreussen, Prussia - Thuringia - EcuadorEcuador, Republic of Ecuador - Guayaquil - Quitocapital of Ecuador, Quito - Galapagos, Galapagos Islands - EritreaEritrea, State of Eritrea - Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia, New Flower - Fidji, Fiji, Fiji-eilandenFiji, Republic of Fiji - Suva - FinlandFinland, Republic of Finland, Suomi - KareliëKarelia - Helsinkicapital of Finland, Finnish capital, Helsingfors, Helsinki - GriekenlandEllas, Greece, Hellenic Republic - AtticaAttica - Corinth, Korinthos - Argos - DelfiDelphi - Sparta - Laconia - TrojeIlion, Ilium, Troy - BeotiëBoeotia - Thessalia, Thessaly - ArcadiëArcadia - Peloponnese, Peloponnesian Peninsula, Peloponnesus - Lemnos, Limnos - Westelijke JordaanoeverWest Bank - Gaza, Gaza Strip - Golan, Golan Heights - Jeruzalemcapital of Israel, Jerusalem - calvariebergCalvary, Golgotha - Cotswold Hills, Cotswolds - Tel AvivTel Aviv, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Tel Aviv-Yalo - Haifa, Hefa - Jaffa, Joppa, Yafo - Italian Peninsula - Tessin, Ticino - Pompeii - Herculaneum - Abruzzi, Abruzzi e Molise - Aquila, Aquila degli Abruzzi, L'Aquila - Basilicata, Lucania - Calabria - Campania - NapelsNaples, Napoli - Messina - Capri - Ischia - Emilia-Romagna - Bologna - Friuli-Venezia Giulia - Latium, Lazio - Liguria - GenuaGenoa, Genova - LombardijeLombardia, Lombardy - Marche, Marches - Molise - Pisa - Torino, Turin - Apulia, Puglia - Bari - PalermoPalermo - Toscana, Tuscany - Trentino-Alto Adige - Umbria - Valle D'Aosta - Padova, Padua, Patavium - VenetiëVenezia, Venice - Verona - RoemeniëRomania, Roumania, Rumania - Boakarest, boekharestBucharest, Bucharesti, Bucuresti, capital of Romania - RwandaRuanda, Rwanda, Rwandese Republic - capital of Rwanda, Kigali - JoegoslaviëFederal Republic of Yugoslavia, Jugoslavia, Jugoslavija, Serbia and Montenegro, Union of Serbia and Montenegro, Yugoslavia - KroatiëCroatia, Hrvatska, Republic of Croatia - MontenegroCrna Gora, Montenegro - Bosnië, Bosnië en HerzegovinaBosna i Hercegovina, Bosnia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sarajevo - SloveniëRepublic of Slovenia, Slovenia, Slovenija - Ljubljana - BelgradoBelgrade, Beograd, capital of Serbia and Montenegro - DubrovnikDubrovnik, Ragusa - ZagrebZagreb - Serbia, Srbija - Baffin Island - Acadia - Canadian Maritime Provinces, Maritime Provinces, Maritimes - AlbertaAlberta - Calgary - Edmonton - Brits ColumbiaBritish Columbia - VancouverVancouver - ManitobaManitoba - Fredericton - Noordwestelijke TerritoriaNorthwest Territories - Halifax - Ontario - Prince Edward Island - Charlottetown - QuebecQuebec, Quebec City - Montreal - SaskatchewanSaskatchewan - Regina - Saskatoon - Australian capital, Canberra, capital of Australia - QueenslandQueensland - Brisbane - Nieuw-Zuid-WalesNew South Wales - Sydney - Melbourne - Hobart - South Australia - Adelaide - Western Australia - Perth - Noordelijk TerritoriumNorthern Territory - Gilbert Islands - KiribatiKiribati, Republic of Kiribati - New Britain - capital of Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby - OostenrijkAustria, Oesterreich, Republic of Austria - Tirol, Tyrol - WenenAustrian capital, capital of Austria, Vienna - capital of the Bahamas, Nassau - capital of Bahrain, Manama - Bangladesch, Bangladesh, Bangla DeshBangladesh, Bangla Desh, East Pakistan, People's Republic of Bangladesh - daccacapital of Bangladesh, Dacca, Dhaka - Flanders - BelgiëBelgique, Belgium, Kingdom of Belgium - Brussel, Brussels, spruit, spruitjesBelgian capital, Brussels, Bruxelles, capital of Belgium - AntwerpenAntwerp, Antwerpen, Anvers - BruggeBruges, City of Bridges - Bhoetan, Bhutan, BoetanBhutan, Kingdom of Bhutan - BotswanaBotswana, Republic of Botswana - capital of Botswana, Gaborone - Bolivia, Republic of Bolivia - capital of Bolivia, La Paz - BraziliëBrasil, Brazil, Federative Republic of Brazil - Brasilia, Brazilian capital, capital of Brazil - Rio de JaneiroRio, Rio de Janeiro - Pernambuco, Recife - Brittannië, Groot-Brittannië, Verenigd KoninkrijkBritain, Great Britain, U.K., UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Eng., EngelandEngland - LondenBritish capital, capital of the United Kingdom, Greater London, London - Greenwich - West EndWest End - Westminster Abbey - Liverpool - Brighton - Bristol - Leeds - Newcastle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne - Reading - Sheffield - Berkshire - Cornwall - Leicester, Leicestershire - Lincolnshire - Yorkshire - North Yorkshire - West Yorkshire - South Yorkshire - West Country - Noord-IerlandNorthern Ireland, Ulster - Belfast, capital of Northern Ireland - Ierse RepubliekEire, Ireland, Irish Republic, Republic of Ireland - Dublincapital of Ireland, Dublin, Irish capital - SchotlandScotland - Schotse HooglandenHighlands, Highlands of Scotland - EdinburghEdinburgh - GlasgowGlasgow - Hebriden ''m, pl''Hebridean Islands, Hebridean Isles, Hebrides, Western Islands, Western Isles - WalesCambria, Cymru, Wales - Cardiff - Swansea - BruneiBrunei, Negara Brunei Darussalam - sultanaatsultanate - Burkina FasoBurkina Faso, Upper Volta - EgypteArab Republic of Egypt, Egypt, United Arab Republic - Assouan, Assuan, Aswan - El Giza, Giza, Gizeh - El-Aksur, Luxor - Assam - Punjab - New Delhicapital of India, Indian capital, New Delhi - Delhi, Old Delhi - Calcutta, Kolkata - Bombay, Mumbai - ChennaiChennai, Madras - Bihar - MaharashtraMaharashtra - Orissa - NepalKingdom of Nepal, Nepal - capital of Nepal, Kathmandu, Katmandu - TibetSitsang, Thibet, Tibet, Xizang - Indië, Indonesië, Nederlands-Indië, Oost, R.I., RIDutch East Indies, Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia - BaliBali - Celebes, Sulawesi - batavia, djakarta, jakartacapital of Indonesia, Djakarta, Jakarta - Bandung - IranIran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Persia - Mashhad, Meshed - syrahShiraz - Tabriz - Persia, Persian Empire - Persepolis - IrakAl-Iraq, Irak, Iraq, Republic of Iraq - BagdadBagdad, Baghdad, capital of Iraq - Adrianople, Adrianopolis, Edirne - ballingsoord, exilium, verbanningsoordBabylon - Nineveh - capital of Japan, Edo, Japanese capital, Tokio, Tokyo, Yeddo, Yedo - Osaka - Ryukyu Islands - KyotoKyoto - Hiroshima - Sapporo - ammanAmman, capital of Jordan - Akaba, Al Aqabah, Aqaba - Jericho - Kenia, KenyaKenya, Republic of Kenya - capital of Kenya, Nairobi - Mombasa - Koeweitcapital of Kuwait, Koweit, Kuwait, Kuwait City, Kuweit - F, FrankrijkFrance, French Republic - Latin Quarter, Left Bank - Right Bank - Cannes - MarseilleMarseille, Marseilles - NiceNice - Riviera - de Elzas, ElzasAlsace, Alsatia, Elsass - Anjou - Aquitaine, Aquitania - Artois - Auvergne - BourgondiëBourgogne, Burgundy - BretagneBreiz, Bretagne, Brittany - Centre - Champagne, Champagne-Ardenne - Gascogne, Gascony - Ile-de-France - Languedoc-Roussillon - Limousin - Lorraine, Lothringen - Midi-Pyrenees - Nord-Pas-de-Calais - Pays de la Loire - Picardie, Picardy - Poitou, Poitou-Charentes - Normandie, Normandy - Provence - Gaboen, GabonGabon, Gabonese Republic, Gabun - capital of Gabon, Libreville - GambiaGambia, Republic of the Gambia, Republic of The Gambia, The Gambia - Banjul, capital of Gambia - GhanaGhana, Gold Coast, Republic of Ghana - Accra, capital of Ghana - GrenadaGrenada - Guinea, GuineeFrench Guinea, Guinea, Republic of Guinea - capital of Guinea, Conakry, Konakri - Guinee-BissauGuinea-Bissau, Guine-Bissau, Portuguese Guinea, Republic of Guinea-Bissau - bissauBissau, capital of Guinea-Bissau - GuyanaBritish Guiana, Co-operative Republic of Guyana, Guiana, Guyana - GeorgetownGeorgetown, Stabroek - Holland, kikkerland, Nederland, NLHolland, Kingdom of The Netherlands, Nederland, Netherlands, The Netherlands - Amsterdam, Den Haag, HaagAmsterdam, capital of The Netherlands, Dutch capital - Nijmegen - Rotterdam - Leiden, Leyden - HongarijeHungary, Magyarorszag, Republic of Hungary - BoedapestBudapest, capital of Hungary, Hungarian capital - capital of Iceland, Reykjavik - Orkney Islands - Shetland, Shetland Islands, Zetland - Noord-KoreaD.P.R.K., Democratic People's Republic of Korea, DPRK, North Korea - pyongyangfcapital of North Korea, Pyongyang - Zuid-KoreaRepublic of Korea, South Korea - Seoel, Seoulcapital of South Korea, Seoul - LaosLao People's Democratic Republic, Laos - capital of Laos, Laotian capital, Vientiane - LibanonLebanese Republic, Lebanon, the Lebanon - BeiroetBayrut, Beirut, capital of Lebanon - LesothoBasutoland, Kingdom of Lesotho, Lesotho - capital of Lesotho, Maseru - LiberiaLiberia, Republic of Liberia - capital of Liberia, Liberian capital, Monrovia - LibiëLibya, Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya - LiechtensteinLiechtenstein, Principality of Liechtenstein - MalawiMalawi, Nyasaland, Republic of Malawi - capital of Malawi, Lilongwe - MaleisiëMalaya, Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur - East Malaysia - North Borneo, Sabah - Sarawak - Male - MaliFrench Sudan, Mali, Republic of Mali - Bamako - capital of Malta, Valetta, Valletta - Mauretanië, MauritaniëIslamic Republic of Mauritania, Mauritania, Mauritanie, Muritaniya - Nouakchott - Port Louis - MonacoMonaco, Principality of Monaco - Monte Carlo - MarokkoAl-Magrib, Kingdom of Morocco, Maroc, Marruecos, Morocco, Morocco leather - Casablanca - capital of Morocco, Rabat - Tangier, Tangiers - MozambiqueMocambique, Mozambique, Republic of Mozambique - capital of Niger, Niamey - Abuja, capital of Nigeria, Nigerian capital - OmanMuscat and Oman, Oman, Sultanate of Oman - Maskate, muskaatdruifcapital of Oman, Masqat, Muscat - Cashmere, Jammu and Kashmir, Kashmir - PakistanIslamic Republic of Pakistan, Pakistan, West Pakistan - KarachiKarachi - PeruPeru, Republic of Peru - limabonen, limabooncapital of Peru, Lima - manilla, manillasigaarcapital of the Philippines, Manila - Warschaucapital of Poland, Warsaw, Warszawa - Cracow, Krakau, Krakow - Acores, Azores - Lissaboncapital of Portugal, Lisboa, Lisbon - Bida, capital of Qatar, Doha, El Beda - Saint Kitts en NevisFederation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Christopher-Nevis, Saint Kitts and Nevis, St. Christopher-Nevis, St. Kitts and Nevis - Saint Christopher, Saint Kitts, St. Christopher, St. Kitts - Basseterre - Nevis - Sombrero - Castries - Saint Vincent en de GrenadinesSaint Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Vincent and the Grenadines - Saint Vincent, St. Vincent - Kingstown - Apia, capital of Western Samoa - American Samoa, AS, Eastern Samoa - capital of San Marino, San Marino - Saoedi-Arabië, Saudi-ArabiëKingdom of Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia - capital of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh - Mecca - SenegalRepublic of Senegal, Senegal - capital of Senegal, Dakar - capital of Sierra Leone, Freetown - capital of Somalia, Mogadiscio, Mogadishu - Hargeisa - S.A., SA, Zuid-AfrikaRepublic of South Africa, South Africa - capital of South Africa, Pretoria - KaapstadCape Town - Johannesburg - Bloemfontein - Soweto - Moskoucapital of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian capital - Rusland, Russische FederatieRussian Federation - Molotov, Perm - Rostov, Rostov na Donu, Rostov on Don - Saratov - Stalingrad, Tsaritsyn, Volgograd - Novosibirsk - Chelyabinsk - Omsk - Wit-RuslandBelarus, Belorussia, Byelarus, Byelorussia, Republic of Belarus, White Russia - Minskcapital of Belarus, Minsk - Tallinncapital of Estonia, Tallin, Tallinn - capital of Latvia, Riga - capital of Lithuania, Vilna, Vilnius, Vilno, Wilno - Kaunas, Kovna, Kovno - MoldaviëMoldavia, Moldova, Republic of Moldova - OekraïneUkraine, Ukrayina - de Krim, KrimlandCrimea - Kiëvcapital of the Ukraine, Kiev, Kyyiv - Donetsk, Donetske, Stalino - Donbas, Donbass, Donets Basin - Chernobyl - Kharkiv, Kharkov - Sebastopol, Sevastopol - Yalta - ArmeniëArmenia, Hayastan, Republic of Armenia - JerevanErivan, Jerevan, Yerevan - AzerbeidzjanAzerbaijan, Azerbaijani Republic, Azerbajdzhan, Azerbajdzhan Republic - Bakoe, bakuBaku, capital of Azerbaijan - Tbilisicapital of Georgia, Tbilisi, Tiflis - Kazachstan, KazakKazak, Kazakh, Kazakhstan, Kazakstan, Republic of Kazakhstan - Alma Ata, Alma-Ata, Almaty - Kirgizië, KirgizstanKirghiz, Kirghizia, Kirghizstan, Kirgiz, Kirgizia, Kirgizstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek, Biskek, capital of Kyrgyzstan, Frunze - TadzjikistanRepublic of Tajikistan, Tadjik, Tadzhik, Tadzhikistan, Tajik, Tajikistan - OezbekistanRepublic of Uzbekistan, Uzbek, Uzbekistan - capital of Uzbek, Tashkent, Taskent - Samarcand, Samarkand - SpanjeEspana, Kingdom of Spain, Spain - Madridcapital of Spain, Madrid, Spanish capital - de BalearenBalearic Islands - Majorca - BarcelonaBarcelona - Jerez, Jerez de la Frontera - SevillaSevilla, Seville - Saragossa, Zaragoza - Castile, Castilla - CataloniëCatalonia - Galicia - chartoem, Khartoemcapital of Sudan, Khartoum - SurinameDutch Guiana, Netherlands Guiana, Republic of Suriname, Surinam, Suriname - capital of Suriname, Paramaribo - SwazilandKingdom of Swaziland, Swaziland - capital of Swaziland, Mbabane - ZwitserlandSchweiz, Suisse, Svizzera, Swiss Confederation, Switzerland - BernBern, Berne, capital of Switzerland - Basel, BazelBale, Basel, Basle - graanjeneverGeneva, Geneve, Genf - SyriëSyria, Syrian Arab Republic - Damascuscapital of Syria, Damascus, Dimash - Alep, Aleppo, Halab - TanzaniaTanzania, United Republic of Tanzania - capital of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam - Tabora - Siam, ThailandKingdom of Thailand, Siam, Thailand - bangkokBangkok, capital of Thailand, Krung Thep - tuniscapital of Tunisia, Tunis - Safaqis, Sfax - TurkijeRepublic of Turkey, Turkey - AnkaraAngora, Ankara, capital of Turkey, Turkish capital - Canakkale Bogazi, Dardanelles, Hellespont - Constantinopel, IstanboelConstantinople, Istanbul, Stamboul, Stambul - Oeganda, UgandaRepublic of Uganda, Uganda - Buganda - capital of Uganda, Kampala - V.A.E., VAE, Verenigde Arabische EmiratenUnited Arab Emirates - Abu DhabiAbu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates's capital - Amerika, USA, V.S., Verenigde Staten, Verenigde Staten van Amerika, VSAmerica, the States, U.S., U.S.A., United States, United States of America, US, USA - vrijstaatfree state - North, Union - AL, Alabama, Camellia State, Heart of Dixie - Selma - AlaskaAK, Alaska, Last Frontier - AR, Arkansas, Bear State, Land of Opportunity - CaliforniëCA, Calif., California, Golden State - City of the Angels, Los Angeles - San Francisco - Santa Clara - DE, Delaware, Diamond State, First State - Dovercapital of Delaware, Dover - Everglade State, FL, Florida, Sunshine State - Orlando - Aloha State, Hawai'i, Hawaii, HI - capital of Hawaii, Hawaiian capital, Honolulu - Gem State, ID, Idaho - Boise, capital of Idaho - IL, Illinois, Land of Lincoln, Prairie State - Hoosier State, IN, Indiana - Hawkeye State, IA, Iowa - Kansas, KS, Sunflower State - Bluegrass State, Kentucky, KY - LA, Louisiana, Pelican State - New Orleans - Maine, ME, Pine Tree State - wals bostonBeantown, Bean Town, Boston, capital of Massachusetts, Hub of the Universe - Gopher State, Minnesota, MN, North Star State - MissouriMissouri, MO, Show Me State - Independence - Montana, MT, Treasure State - Billings - Helenacapital of Montana, Helena - Cornhusker State, NE, Nebraska - Battle Born State, Nevada, NV, Sagebrush State, Silver State - Granite State, New Hampshire, NH - capital of New Jersey, Trenton - Bayonne - Camden - Newark - Land of Enchantment, New Mexico, NM - Empire State, New York, New York State, NY - Buffalo - New YorkGreater New York, New York, New York City - Bronx - Brooklyn - Manhattan - Queens - Staten Island - NC, North Carolina, Old North State, Tar Heel State - boudoir cap, Charlotte, curler cap, mob-cap, Queen City - ND, North Dakota, Peace Garden State - Buckeye State, OH, Ohio - Akron - OK, Oklahoma, Sooner State - Beaver State, OR, Oregon - Keystone State, PA, Pennsylvania - City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia - Providentie, Voorzienigheidcapital of Rhode Island, Providence - Coyote State, Mount Rushmore State, SD, South Dakota - capital of South Dakota, Pierre - Tennessee, TN, Volunteer State - Austin, capital of Texas - capital of Vermont, Montpelier - Burlington - capital of Virginia, Richmond - Norfolk - Lynchburg - Evergreen State, WA, Washington - Beckley - Clarksburg - Morgantown - Wheeling - Badger State, WI, Wisconsin - Equality State, WY, Wyoming - Casper - UruguayUruguay - Montevideocapital of Uruguay, Montevideo - VanuatuNew Hebrides, Republic of Vanuatu, Vanuatu - Port Vila, Vila - het Vaticaan, VaticaanstadCitta del Vaticano, Vatican City - VenezuelaRepublic of Venezuela, Venezuela - capital of Venezuela, Caracas - Annam, VietnamAnnam, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Vietnam, Viet Nam - hanoicapital of Vietnam, Hanoi - Ho Chi Minh City, Saigon - JemenRepublic of Yemen, Yemen - AdenAden - Sana, Sana'a, Sanaa - ZambiaNorthern Rhodesia, Republic of Zambia, Zambia - capital of Zambia, Lusaka - Lusitania - ZimbabweRepublic of Zimbabwe, Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia, Zimbabwe - capital of Zimbabwe, Harare, Salisbury - Atacama Desert - Gobi, Gobi Desert - Kalahari, Kalahari Desert - Namib Desert - Negev, Negev Desert - Cotopaxi - El Misti - Etna, Mount Etna, Mt Etna - Fuji, Fujinoyama, Fuji-san, Fujiyama, Mount Fuji - Galeras, Pasto - Krakatao, Krakatau, Krakatoa - Lascar - Sangay - Tupungatito - Mount Vesuvius, Mt. Vesuvius, Vesuvius - Aconcagua - Adige, River Adige - Aire, Aire River, River Aire - AlpenAlps, the Alps - AmazoneAmazon, Amazon River - Amur, Amur River, Heilong, Heilong Jiang - Andes - Angel, Angel Falls - Ararat, Mount Ararat, Mt. Ararat - Arno, Arno River, River Arno - Brahmaputra, Brahmaputra River - Cachi - Kaspische ZeeCaspian, Caspian Sea - KongoCongo, Congo River, Zaire River - Coropuna - DonauDanau, Danube, Danube River - Dode ZeeDead Sea - Dhaulagiri - Ebro, Ebro River - EufraatEuphrates, Euphrates River - Ganges, Ganges River - himalayasHimalaya, Himalaya Mountains, Himalayas - Hindu Kush, Hindu Kush Mountains - Huang He, Hwang Ho, Yellow River - Hudson Bay - Iguassu, Iguassu Falls, Iguazu, Iguazu Falls, Victoria Falls - Illampu - Illimani - Indus, Indus River - Jordan, Jordan River - Kamet - Kilimanjaro, Mount Kilimanjaro - Kuenlun, Kuenlun Mountains, Kunlan Shan, Kunlun, Kunlun Mountains - Lhotse - Crocodile River, Limpopo - Llullaillaco - Loire, Loire River - Mackenzie, Mackenzie River - madeira, maderaMadeira, Madeira River - Makalu - Matterhorn - Mekong, Mekong River - Mercedario - Mont Blanc, Monte Bianco - Nanda Devi - Neckar, Neckar River - Niger, Niger River - NijlNile, Nile River - Nuptse - Oder, Oder River - Ojos del Salado - Olduvai Gorge - OlympusMount Olympus, Mt. Olympus, Olimbos, Olympus - OrinocoOrinoco, Orinoco River - Liakoura, Mount Parnassus, Parnassus - Paulo Afonso, Paulo Afonso Falls - Po, Po River - Purus, Purus River - Pyrenees - La Plata, Plata River, Rio de la Plata - Suriname River, Surinam River - Tagus, Tagus River - Tigris, TigrusTigris, Tigris River - Tupungato - River Tyne, Tyne, Tyne River - Ural Mountains, Urals - Vistula, Vistula River - WolgaVolga, Volga River - Chang, Changjiang, Chang Jiang, Yangtze, Yangtze Kiang, Yangtze River - Zambezi, Zambezi River - Welshman, WelshmenCambrian, Cymry, Welsh, Welshman - administrateuradministrator, decision maker - procureur-generaal, prokureur-generaalattorney general - gezagauthority - deurwaarder, gerechtsdeurwaarder, stadsbodebailiff - bode, pedelbeadle, verger - bobbybobby - apparatsjik, bureaucraat, bureaucrate, bureaukraat, bureaukrate, dienstklopperadministrative official, bureaucrat - burgemeester, burgervaderburgomaster - examenkandidaat, examinandus, geëxamineerde, gegadigde, kand., sollicitantcandidate, prospect - teller, volkstellercensus taker, enumerator - minister van financiënChancellor, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Secretary of the Treasury - hoofddirecteurCEO, chairman and chief executive officer, chairman and managing director, chief executive officer, chief operating officer - landsdienaar, rijksambtenaarcivil servant - ceremoniemeester, commissariscommissar, political commissar - consul, konsulconsul - coördinator, coördinatrice, koördinator, koördinatricecoordinator - detective, opsporingsambtenaar, rechercheur, speurder, speurhond, speurneusdetective, investigator, police detective, tec - bedrijfsleider, beheerder, bestuurder, dir., directeur, dirk, gerant, manager, regisseurdirector, manager, managing director, superintendent - dogedoge - brandweermanfire-eater, firefighter, fire fighter, fireman - gendarme, politieagent, veldwachter, wegenwachterflatfoot, patrolman - bedenker, beginneling, beginner, debutant, debutante, nieuweling, nieuwkomer, peetvaderbeginner, father, founder, founding father - rijkswachtergendarme - cipier, custos, doelman, doelverdediger, doelwachter, gevangenbewaarder, gevangenbewaarster, goalie, goalkeeper, keeper, kiep, oppasser, roeper, sluitpost, steekwoordgaoler, jailer, jailor, prison guard, screw, turnkey, warder - Hoge Commissarishigh commissioner - jurist, juriste, Justitia, kantonrechter, politierechter, rechter, rechtsgeleerde, richterjudge, jurist, justice, lawyer, magistrate - kantonrechterjustice of the peace, magistrate - lieutenant governor - burg., burgervader, gemeentesecretaris, secretariscity manager, mayor - notaris, notariusnotary, notary public, scrivener, solicitor - ambtenaar, beambte, commissaris, employé, functionaris, magistraat, officiaal, officier, overheidsdienaar, regeringsfunctionaris, staatsambtenaar, staatsdienaarfunctionary, official - agent, federal agent - arrangeur, organisator, regelaararranger, organiser, organizer - pasjapacha, pasha - gedelegeerde, gevolmachtigdeauthorised agent, authorized agent, delegate, plenipotentiary, proxy - bout, diender, flic, flik, gerechtsdienaar, glimmerik, juut, klabak, pandoer, politie, politieambtenaar, politiebeambte, rakker, sjouter, smeris, tuut, woutofficer, policeman, police officer, policewoman - pretorpraetor, pretor - burg., burgemeester, burgervaderassistant provost marshal, mayor, provost - onderminister, secretaris, staatssecretarissecretary - P.G., PG, procureur-generaalAttorney General, United States Attorney General, US Attorney General - koster, kosteres, sacristeinsacristan, sexton - baljuw, drossaard, drost, landdrost, meier, schepen, schout, sheriffsheriff - assessor, beoordelaar, bijzitter, schade-expertassessor, tax assessor - belastingontvangercollector of internal revenue, exciseman, internal revenue agent, tax collector, taxman - champetter, koddebeier, veldwachterRanger, Texas Ranger - koster, kosteresverger - viziervizier - bediende, bewaker, blokhoofd, cipier, havenmeester, herbergmoeder, herbergvaderattendant, warden, warder - John Marshall, Marshall - Plato - Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Roosevelt - convertible bond - government bond - junk bondhigh-yield bond, junk bond - performance bond, surety bond - zero coupon bond, zero-coupon bond - B.B., BB, rentespaarbrief, spaarbriefCD, certificate of deposit - accreditief, kredietbriefletter of credit - schatkistpromesse, schatkistwisselT-bill, Treasury bill - document, paperassen, papier, papierendocument - commercial paper[Domaine]
