
diccionario analógico

Kommunikationcommunication - Xhosa - polysynthetischagglutinative, polysynthetic - Anführungszeichen, Gänsefüßcheninverted comma, quotation mark, quote - Sprachelanguage, natural language, tongue - Epigramm, Sinngedicht, Spottgedichtepigram, quip, satirical poem - Ausrufezeichen, Ausrufungszeichenexclamation mark, exclamation point - salbungsvollpithily, sententiously - Homographhomograph - idiolect - semantischsemantically - kurz und bündig, trockenconcisely, drily, dryly, laconically, tersely - Fachsprachelanguage, linguistic communication - name - glatt, rein, reinlich, sauberclean - fleckenlos, makellosimmaculate, speckless, spic, spic-and-span, spick, spick-and-span, spotless - articulate, enounce, enunciate, pronounce, say, sound out - übersetzen, übertrageninterpret, render, translate - telegrafen-, telegraphischtelegraphically, tersely - aphoristisch, epigrammatischaphoristic, apothegmatic, epigrammatic - gedrängt, knapp, kompakt, kurzgefaßt, kurz und bündig, kurz zusammengefaßtclose packed, compact, compendious, succinct, summary, terse - kurz angebunden, kurz und bündig, lakonischconcise, crisp, curt, laconic, terse - langatmiglong-winded, tedious, verbose, windy, wordy - auslegen, leseninterpret, read, translate, understand - Old - Modern, New - definieren, erklärendefine - umschreibentranscribe, transliterate - formal - Gesprächs-..., umgangssprachlichcolloquial, conversational - ideographic - semantischsemantic, semantical - Runen-runic - gleichlautend, homophonhomophonous - ethymologisch, etymologischetymological - namensgebend, Namensgebereponym, eponymic, eponymous - Psycholinguistikpsycholinguistics - Historische Sprachwissenschaft, Indogermanistik, Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaftcomparative linguistics, diachronic linguistics, diachrony, historical linguistics - Lautlehre, Phonemik, Phonologiephonemics, phonology - Lexikologielexicology - onomastics - Pragmatikpragmatics - Bedeutungslehre, Semantiksemantics - deixis - Grimm's law - Verner's law - Soziolinguistiksociolinguistics - Kontext, Zusammenhangcontext, context of use, linguistic context - Phrase, Satzphrase, sentence - word - Antonym, Gegensatzwort, Gegenwortantonym, opposite, opposite word - Kofferwortblend, portmanteau, portmanteau word - derivative - Wortdescriptor, form, signifier, word form - head, head word - heteronym - Homonymhomonym - Hyperonym, Oberbegriffhypernym, superordinate, superordinate word - Unterbegriffhyponym, subordinate, subordinate word - loan, loanword - metonym - hapax legomenon, nonce word - Palindrompalindrome - Stamm, Wortstammbase, radical, root, root of a word, root word, stem, theme - etymon, root - Entlehnung, Lehnübersetzung, Lehnwortborrowing, calque, calque formation, loan translation, loanword, quote - sinnverwandtes Wort, Synonymequivalent word, synonym - Ausdruck, Begriff, Bezeichnung, Terminusterm - Namengebung, Namenverzeichnis, Nomenklatur, Terminologielanguage, list, nomenclature, register of names, roll, terminology - manner name, troponym - spoken word, vocable - Silbesyllable - Lexemlexeme - ?morphologische Einheit, Morphemmorph, morpheme - Präfix, Vorsilbeprefix - Nachsilbe, Suffixending, termination - Gerundiumgerund - count noun - Eigennamename, proper name, proper noun, proper noun/name - Gattungsnamecommon noun - Verbalsubstantivdeverbal noun, verbal noun - Familienname, Nachname, Zunamecognomen, family name, last name, surname - Eigenname, Vornamechristian name, first name, forename, given name - Taufnamebaptismal name, Christian name - praenomen - Anonymusanonym, nom de guerre, pseudonym - Künstlernamestage name - Decknamenom de plume, pen name - Überschrifthead, header, heading - title - Alexandrine - orthography, writing system - Armenian, Armenian alphabet - Orthographie, Rechtschreibung, Rechtschreibung; Rechtschreibe-...orthography, spelling - Rechtschreibfehlermisspelling - boustrophedon - Silbenschriftsyllabary, syllabic script - Linear A - Linear B - Kopulacopula, copulative, linking verb - folk etymology - Bedeutung, Sinnsense, signifié, signified - amphibology, amphiboly - Euphemismus, gelinder Ausdruck, Hüllwort, verhüllender Ausdruckeuphemism - Zweideutigkeitdouble entendre - Pointegag line, laugh line, punch line, tag line - Schriftzeichencharacter, grapheme, graphic symbol - Accent aigu, Akutacute, acute accent, ague - Accent grave, Gravisgrave, grave accent - Brevisbreve - Cedillecedilla - Accent circonflexe, Zirkumflexcircumflex - Längestrich, Längezeichen, Macron, Makron, Querbalkenmacron - Tildetilde - Diärese, Diäresis, Trema, Trennpunkte, Umlautdiaeresis, dieresis, umlaut - Monogramm, monogrammierenmonogram - Großbuchstabe, großer Buchstabe, Majuskel, Versalcapital, capital letter, majuscule, uppercase, upper-case letter - Kleinbuchstabe, Minuskellowercase, lower case, lower-case letter, minuscule, small letter, upper case - type - blank, space - Ideogrammideogram, ideograph - logogram, logograph - ), a full stop.der Punkt, Punkt, put at the end of a sentencefull point, full stop, period, point, stop - Fragezeicheninterrogation point, query, question mark - Semikolon, Strichpunktsemicolon - Gebärdensprache, Zeichensprachesigning, sign language - fingerspelling, finger spelling - Gebärdensprache, TaubstummenspracheAmerican sign language, ASL - Zeichensign - Basic English - EsperantoEsperanto - Europan - Idiom Neutral - InterlinguaInterlingua - IdoIdo - Latino sine flexione - Novial - Pasigraphy - Ro - Solresol - Abfragesprachecommand language, query language, search language - metalanguage - Muttersprachefirst language, maternal language, mother tongue, native language, native tongue - Tonsprachetonal language, tone language - Kreole, Kreolincreole, creole earring, hoop earring - Pidgin, Pidgin, Pidgin-..., Tok Pisinpidgin - Chinook Jargon, Oregon Jargon - Gemeinsprache, Verkehrsspracheinterlanguage, koine, lingua franca, official language - Yuman - Chinook, Chinookan - Beijing dialect, Mandarin, Mandarin Chinese, Mandarin dialect - Shanghai dialect, Wu, Wu dialect - KantonesischCantonese, Cantonese dialect, Yue, Yue dialect - Hakka, Hakka dialect - Qiang, Qiangic - Bai, Baic - Karen, Karenic - Lolo, Yi - Chin, Kuki, Kuki-Chin - Naga - Abor, Dafla, Miri, Mirish - Red Tai - Shan, Tai Long - Tay - Zhuang - Yay - Sundanese - BalinesischBalinese, Balinesian - CebuanoCebuan, Cebuano - Hottentot, Khoikhoi, Khoikhoin - PIE, Proto-Indo European - ArmenischArmenian, Armenian language - AltkirchenslawischChurch Slavic, Old Bulgarian, Old Church Slavic, Old Church Slavonic - SerbokroatischSerbo-Croat, Serbo-Croatian - Old Prussian - EnglischEnglish, English language - Amerikanisch, Amerikanisches EnglischAmerican, American English, American language - Middle English - Modern English - Anglo-Saxon, Old English - German, German language, High German - Old High German - Middle High German - jiddisch, JidischYiddish - Low German, Plattdeutsch - Old Saxon - AltnordischOld Norse - Landsmaal, Landsmal, New Norwegian, Nynorsk - Färinger, färöischFaeroese, Faroese - SamiLapp, Saame, Saami, Same, Sami - Irish, Irish Gaelic - Middle Irish - Scots Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic - classical Latin - VulgärlateinVulgar Latin - Medieval Latin - Neo Latin, Neo-Latin, New Latin - Old French - Anglo-French, Anglo-Norman - OkzitanischOccitan, Provencal - GalizischGalician - East Tocharian, Turfan, Turfan dialect - SanskritSanskrit, Sanskritic language - Sindhi - Bihari - MarathiMahratti, Marathi - Avestan, Zend - Afghan, Afghani, Pashto, Pashtu, Paxto - Lycian - Modern Greek, New Greek - Byzantine Greek, Medieval Greek, Middle Greek - Ancient Greek - Doric, Doric dialect - Ionic - Ubykh - Kanarese, Kannada - MalayalamMalayalam - Gondi - Manda - Bolanci, Bole - Angas - Pidlimdi, Tera, Yamaltu - Bura, Pabir - Daba, Kola, Musgoi - Bata - Sibine, Somrai - akkadischeAkkadian - Arabic, Arabic language - Fang - Chaga, Chagga, Kichaga - Kinyarwanda - Nyamwezi - Basuto, Sesotho - SuaheliSwahili - Ful, Fula, Fulani, Peul - Serer - Wolof - Dinka - line - GallizismusGallicism - Abkürzungabbreviation - apocope - Akronym, Buchstabenwortacronym - Pentameterpentameter - Hexameterhexameter - phone, sound, speech sound - Laut, Phon, Phonemphoneme - allophone - Diphthong, Diphtong, Doppelvokal, Zwielautdiphthong - Schwaschwa, shwa - Gleitlaut, Halbvokal, Liquidglide, semivowel - Alveolaralveolar, alveolar consonant, dental, dental consonant - Plosiv, Verschlusslautocclusive, plosive, plosive consonant, plosive speech sound, stop, stop consonant - explosion, plosion - Labial, Lippenlautlabial, labial consonant - Glottal, Knacklaut, Laryngalglottal catch, glottal plosive, glottal stop - Nasalisierungnasalisation, nasalization - Engelaut, Frikativ, Reibelaut, Spirantfricative, fricative consonant, spirant - Affrikataffricate, affricate consonant, affricative - Nasalnasal, nasal consonant - falsche Aussprachemispronunciation - Gleichklang, Homophonhomophone - Artikulationarticulation - Ausdruck, Aussprachediction, enunciation, pronunciation - Denkspruch, Kernspruch, Reden, die Redensart, Redensart, Redewendung, Sprichwort, Spruchexpression, locution, maxim, proverb, saw, saying - Motto, Slogan, Spruchcatchword, motto, shibboleth, slogan - Axiom, Grundsatzaxiom, maxim - Aphorismusaphorism, apophthegm, apothegm - Sprichwortadage, byword, proverb, saw - Dialekt, Mundartaccent, dialect, idiom - Fachjargon, Fachsprache, Gaunersprache, Jargon, Rotwelsch, Slang, Umgangsspracheargot, cant, gobbledegook, gobbledygook, jargon, lingo, patois, shoptalk, slang, technical jargon, vernacular - etymologist - Noah Webster, Webster - aphaeresis, apheresis - Aphäreseaphesis - Assimilationassimilation - Ellipseeclipsis, ellipsis - holonymy, whole to part relation - Meronymiemeronymy, part-of relation, part to whole relation, part-whole relation - words per minute, wpm[Domaine]
