
diccionario analógico

ozbiljnobadly, gravely, seriously, severely - trenutnoin a flash, in a jiffy, in a second, in a trice, in no time, instantaneously, instantly, in two shakes, outright - dodatan, dodatniadditional, extra, other - predhodno, prethodno, ranijeantecedently, before, formerly, previously - kupljeni proizvod, kupovinapurchase - kupljene stvari, kupovina, pazarenjeshopping - succession, taking over - eksproprijacijadispossession, expropriation - subvencionisanxegrant, subsidisation, subsidization - nedavno, onomad, u poslednje vremelate, lately, latterly, of late, recently - međunarodnointernationally - zakupletting, letting out, rental, renting, renting out - arbitar, sudac, sudija, судијаarbiter, arbitrator, judge, referee, umpire - embargoembargo, trade embargo, trade stoppage - critical - globalnocomprehensively, globally, universally - isplativ, koji dospeva, otplativ, plativcollectable, collectible, payable - rasticlimb, go up, rise - accrue - bez uspeha, uzalud, uzaludnoavail, for nothing, futilely, ineffectually, in vain, to no effect, to no purpose, unavailingly, unsuccessfully, vainly - sxtednxa, ušteda, usxtedaeconomy, saving - estradicija, izručenjeextradition - obustava, otpust, otpusxtanxedischarge, dismissal, dismission, firing, liberation, release, sack, sacking - otkaz, otkazivanjecancellation - block, freeze, immobilise, immobilize - badava, besplatno, džaba, zabadavacomplimentarily, for free, for nothing, free, free of charge, gratis, gratuitously - estimated - pay cut, salary cut - država sa socijalnim osiguranjemwelfare state - smanjenjedepletion - deduction, discount, price reduction - bolnogrievously - akumulacija, gomilanxe, nagomilavanje, zgrtanxeaccrual, accruement, accumulation - siromaštvo, siromasxtvoimpoverishment, poorness, poverty - cap, ceiling, roof - plantaža, plantazxaplantation - damage, price, terms - kolonijalizam, kolonijalizmcolonialism - neokolonijalizamneocolonialism - penzionerpensionary, pensioner - atonement, expiation, satisfaction - razgranati sebranch out, broaden, diversify - fizicyki radlabor, labour, toil - dangerous, grave, grievous, life-threatening, serious, severe - fraud - sporazumeti se, zaklxucyiticlose - indexation - Malthus, Thomas Malthus, Thomas Robert Malthus - gajenxe, uzgajanxebreeding - kapitalizacijacapitalisation, capitalization - hitan, trenutanimmediate, instant, instantaneous - alokacija, dodeljivanje, dodelxivanxeallocation, allotment, apportioning, apportionment, assignation, assignment, award, conferment, grant, parceling, parcelling - reallocation, reallotment, reapportionment - novi kursnew deal - rationing - deogrist, parcel, portion, share - čovekoljublje, filantropijacharity, humanitarianism, philanthropic gift, philanthropy - obavlxanxe posla, posao, transakcijadealing, dealings, transaction - international affairs, world affairs - transfer, transference - prenos imovineconveyance, conveyance of title, conveyancing, conveying - delivery, legal transfer, livery - polaganje kaucije, privredno prenošenjebailment, deposit, payment into court - zakon o zajmu i najmulease-lend, lend-lease - isplacxivanxe, placxanxe, platadefrayal, defrayment, payment - compensatory spending, deficit spending, pump priming - dozvolaapproval, go-ahead, license, permission, permit - povratitiget back, win back - kolektivizacijacollectivisation, collectivization - zasxtititiprotect - aid, economic aid, financial aid - angazxovanxe, zaposxlxavanxeemployment, engagement - mobilizacijamobilisation, mobilization - decentralisation, decentralization, devolution - besplatan, neprocenjivcomplimentary, costless, free, gratis, gratuitous, groundless - productive, prolific - besplodan, jalov, uzaludanabortive, bootless, fruitless, futile, sleeveless, unfruitful, vain - nominal - siromašanaffluent, badly, flush, loaded, moneyed, wealthy, well off - dovoljno obezbeđen, imućancomfortable, easy, prosperous, well-fixed, well-heeled, well-off, well-situated, well-to-do - siromasxanbadly-off, poor - bankrotiran, propao, švorcbroke, bust, flat broke, skint, stone-broke, stony-broke - siromašandestitute, impecunious, impoverished, indigent, necessitous, needy, poverty-stricken - bez prebijene pare, napaljen, u oskudicihard up, impecunious, in straitened circumstances, penniless, penurious, pinched - premestiti, preseliti seremove, transfer - doprineti, pokriticontribute, put up - platiti unapredprepay - kompenzovati, nadoknaditi, nadomestiti, popraviticompensate, indemnify, recompense, repair - platiti, uplatiti, vratitipay - isplatiti, otplatiti, vratitiante up, pay, pay up - namiriti, vratiti dugpay - isplatiti, nadoknaditicompensate, make it up, make up, pay, pay off - izgubiti, izgubiti novaclose, turn a loss - skretatibear, pay, yield - dati ponudu, licitirati, ponuditibid, make a bid, make an offer, offer, tender - deponovati, ulozxitibank, deposit - posuditi, pozajmitiborrow - give - privilegovatiprefer - uposliti, zaposlitiemploy, engage, hire, take on - collectivise, collectivize - declare - pridruzxiti, priklxucyiti, regrutovati, upisati, upisati seenrol, enroll, enter, inscribe, recruit - ekonomskieconomic, economical - ergonomic - odvrtetibyproduct, by-product, child company, corporate restructuring spin-out, independent spin-off, independent spin-off company, restructuring spin-out, spinoff, spin off, spin-off, spinoff business, spin-off business, spinoff company, spin-off company, spinoff enterprise, spin-off enterprise, spinoff firm, spin-off firm, spin-off venture company, spin out, spin-out, swarming - Keynesian - objekatfacility, installation - output, outturn, turnout - brod, чамацbarge, boat, craft, vessel - tramvaj, tramvajske šinestreetcar, tram, tramcar, tramway, trolley, trolley car - total, ukupan iznos, ukupnostaggregate, sum, total, totality - commutability, replaceability, substitutability - manjakdeficit, shortage, shortfall - pension account, pension plan, retirement account, retirement plan, retirement program, retirement savings account, retirement savings plan - egalitarianism, equalitarianism - Malthusianism, Malthusian theory - monetarism - ergonomijabioengineering, biotechnology, ergonomics - ekonomijaeconomics, economic science, political economy - game theory, theory of games - econometrics - supply-side economics - utilitarizamutilitarianism - Maoism - arbitration clause - poveljacharter - Magna Carta, Magna Charta, The Great Charter - patentpatent, patent of invention - faktura, računaccount, bill, check, invoice - priznanicabank cash certificate, delivery note, receipt, short-term borrowing - ugovorcontract - collective agreement, collective labour agreement, labor agreement, labor contract - contract of employment, employee's statement, employment agreement, employment contract - economic policy - fiscal policy - control - price administration, price control, price maintenance - base, floor - protekcionizamprotectionism - saglasnostagreement, understanding - condition, term - collective bargaining - business cycle, trade cycle - finansijska institucija, finansijska organizacijafinancial institution, financial organisation, financial organization - prevoznikcarrier, common carrier, contract carrier, haulage business, haulage contractor, haulage firm, hauler, haulier, transit company, transport company - blokaxis, bloc, block, power bloc - ljudstvo, radna snagaemployees, hands, labour, manpower, men, workers, workforce, work force - day shift, day watch - sindikatbrotherhood, labor union, trades union, trade union, union - company union, entreprise union - park, vozni parkfleet - kapitalizamcapitalism, capitalist economy - industrijalizamindustrialism - free enterprise, laissez-faire economy, market economy, private enterprise - state capitalism - International - nacizamnational socialism, Naziism, Nazism - ekonomija, ekonomika, ekonomski sistemeconomic system, economy - foundation - trust company, trust corporation - okrug u unutrašnjosti zemlje, šumski predeoback country, backwoods, boondocks, hinterland, primaeval forest, primeval forest - medijator, posrednikgo-between, intercessor, intermediary, intermediator, mediator, middleman - prijemnik, primalac, stečajni upravnikreceiver, recipient - primalacaddressee - banker - primalac poklonabeneficiary, donee - koji uzima na zajam, pozajmljivačborrower - broker-dealer - dužnikdebitor, debtor - dragomandragoman - ekonomistaeconomic expert, economist - finance minister, minister of finance - ministar spoljnih poslovaforeign minister, secretary of state - garant, jemacguarantor, surety, warranter, warrantor - prevodilac, тумачdragoman, interpreter, translator - zakupacleaseholder, lessee - Lord Chancellor, Lord High Chancellor - ministargovernment minister, minister - partnerpartner - actuary, statistician - blagajnikbank clerk, cashier, teller, ticket clerk - blagajnik, rizničarfinancial officer, treasurer - V.P., vice-chairman, vice president, vice-president - John Maynard Keynes, Keynes - J. P. Morgan, John Pierpont Morgan, Morgan - crown land, Crown property, demesne of the Crown, national domain, public domain, public land, Royal demesne, state land - imovina, materija, posed, stvar, svojina, vlasništvobelongings, holding, property, stuff, substance - personal estate, personal property, personalty, private property - effects, personal effects - stvarithings - nekretninaimmovable, immovable property, real estate, real property, realty - imanje, imanxe, majur, salasx, zemljišteacres, demesne, estate, land, landed estate, landed property, landholding, landownership, landowning, property, real estate - tloglebe - izdata imovinalease, letting, rental - zajednička imovinacommon property, public property - zemlxa, zemlxisxteland - imetak, novac, новацmoney - gross national product, national income - društveni proizvodGNP, gross national product, gross national profit - GDP, gross domestic product - aid to the developing countries, foreign aid - bonusbonus, incentive - adjustment, allowance - isplata, trošakexpenditure, outgo, outlay, spending - izdatak, trosxakdisbursal, disbursement, expense - potrosxnxacost - capital expenditure, capital outlay - isplacxen novac, plaćanjepayment - nadoknada, nagrada, plata, zaradaearnings, pay, remuneration, salary, wage - minimum wage, wage-floor, wage minimum - discount, rebate - kompenzacija, naknada štete, odsxtetacompensation, damage - alimentacija, izdržavanjealimony, maintenance - payola - interes, kamatainterest, stake - reimbursement - prihod, zaradaemolument - amends, damages, indemnification, indemnity, redress, restitution - platasalary, stipend, wage - prebendaprebend - posredna olakšicafringe benefit, perk, perquisite - napojnicabacksheesh, baksheesh, bakshis, bakshish, gratuity, pourboire, tip - child support - penalty - cost of living - distribution cost - production cost - price - asking price, offered price, offering price, offer price, sale price, selling price - purchase price - opportunity cost - finansijski gubitakfinancial loss - moral hazard - paper gold, special drawing rights - dobro, nematerijalno dobrointangible, intangible asset - investicija, uloginvestment, investment funds - book value - poduhvatspeculation, venture - jamstvo, jemstvo, zalogsecurity, surety - depozit, kapara, kaucijadeposit, down payment - hipotekamortgage - garancijaguarantee, guaranty - account, accounting, account statement - gotov novac, novcyana sredstva, sredstvacash in hand, finances, fund, funds, monetary resource, pecuniary resource - kupovina na odloženo, otplatacredit, deferred payment, part payment, payment on account - deficitdeficit - budgetary deficit, budget deficit - limited liability - dugdebt - domestic debt, national debt, public debt - note, note of hand, promissory note - pozajmica, zajamborrowing, loan, money loan - potrazxivanxe, trosxakcharge - potvrda, zapisrecord - bilansbalance, balance sheet - balance of international payments, balance of payments - tekući računcurrent account - registarregister - conspicuous consumption - iskorisxcxenxe, korisxcxenxe, potrošnjaconsumption, economic consumption, usance, use, use of goods and services - potražnja, potrazxnxa, trazxnxacall, demand - economic growth - exponential decay, exponential return - ponuda, snabdevanjesupply - konkurencijacompetition - racyunaccount, business relationship - savezaffiliation, association, tie, tie-up - krizacrisis - autarkijaautarchy, autarky, economic self-sufficiency, self-sufficiency - solventnostsolvency - insolventnost, neplatezxnostinsolvency - bankrot, bankrotstvobankruptcy, failure - posednisxtvoownership - credit crunch, liquidity crisis, squeeze, tightening of money, tight money policy - Great Depression - full employment - prosperity - obavezanost, obaveznostobligation - zaduženost, zaduzxenxefinancial obligation, indebtedness, liability - debt - bogatost, izobilxe, luksuzaffluence, opulence, richness - mamonmammon - nemaština, siromaštvodestitution, indigence, need, neediness, pauperism, pauperization, penury - fiskalna godinafinancial year, fiscal year, trading year - lease, term of a contract[Domaine]
