
diccionario analógico

ひどくbluntly, boorishly, churlishly, coarsely, crudely, curtly, grossly, roughly - 材料matter - Henry, Joseph Henry - 電気泳動cataphoresis, dielectrolysis, electrophoresis, ionophoresis - oscillation, vibration - automatically, mechanically - 物質的にphysically - すいざん, やせた, やせ衰えた, やつれた, 衰残, 骨張ったangular, bony, cadaverous, emaciated, gaunt, haggard, pinched, scrawny, skeletal, skinny, wasted - あかるさ, きど, 光度, 明るさ, 輝度brightness, brightness level, light, luminance, luminosity, luminousness - birefringent - Albert Einstein, Einstein - ぜったいれいど, 絶対零度absolute zero - 目立ってconsequentially, considerably, extensively, markedly, significantly - 光る, 燃えるようなaglow, glowing, lambent, lucent, luminous - さんらんたる, まぶしい, 光を放つ, 燦爛たる, 眩しいbeaming, beamy, effulgent, radiant, refulgent - 沸かすboil - 取り除く, 解凍するdefrost, deice, de-ice - burn, combust - imperceptibly, indiscernibly, unnoticeably - ぐんと, ひときわ, 一際noticeably, observably, perceptibly - flight, trajectory - 明白な, 目にあまるblatant, crying, egregious, flagrant, glaring, gross, rank - Geiger, Hans Geiger - Heinrich Hertz, Heinrich Rudolph Hertz, Hertz - Evangelista Torricelli, Torricelli - ばねがはいっている, 弾力がある, 弾力のあるbouncy, elastic, live, lively, resilient, springy - こぶとり, ふくよか, ふとった, ほうまん, まるまるとふとった, デブ, 丸々とした, 丸々と太った, 丸々太った, 丸丸と太った, 太った, 小肥り, 肥った, 豊満buxom, chubby, plump, zaftig, zoftig - ひまんした, ほうまん, 太った, 肥満, 肥満した, 豊満corpulent, obese, rotund, stout, weighty - heavy - 軽いlight - 暑いhot - 寒いcold - virion - anisotropic - electropositive, positive - 陰電気のelectronegative, negative - erogenous - そりゅうしかそくき, 素粒子加速器accelerator, atom smasher, particle accelerator - diamagnetic - armilla, armillary sphere - boiling water reactor, BWR - evaporative - electromagnetic - breeder, breeder reactor, fast breeder, fast breeder reactor - ブンゼンバーナーbunsen, bunsen burner, etna - hydrodynamic - camera lucida - cloud chamber, Wilson cloud chamber - せいぎょぼう, 制御棒control rod - げんしはかいき, サイクロトロン, 原子破壊機cyclotron - Jpan, でんけん, でんしけんびきょう, 電子顕微鏡, 電顕electron microscope - fast reactor - Foucault pendulum - こんろ, コンロ, 焜炉gas burner, gas jet, gaslamp, gas ring, lamppost - かくだいきょう, てんがんきょう, むしめがね, 天眼鏡, 拡大鏡, 虫眼鏡hand glass, magnifying glass, simple microscope - ヒートポンプ, ヒーポンheat pump - けんびきょう, マイクロスコープ, 顕微鏡microscope - microtome - かくはんのうろ, げんしろ, 原子炉, 核反応炉nuclear plant, nuclear reactor, reactor - ふりこ, 振り子, 振子balance rail, pendulum, timed balance motor - solar telescope - ストロボスコープ, ストローブstrobe, strobe light, stroboscope - シンクロトロンsynchrotron - temperature - enthalpy, H, heat content, total heat - Curie point, Curie temperature - ろてん, 露点dew point - ぎょうこてん, ひょうてん, ゆうかいてん, ゆうてん, れいど, 凝固点, 氷点, 融点, 融解点, 零度freezing point, freezing-point, melting point, pyrometric cone equivalent - こうおん, 高温heat, high temperature, hotness - calefaction, incalescence - application, ardency, ardor, ardour, fieriness, fire, red heat - ふかし, 不可視, 見えないことinvisibility, invisibleness - illuminance, illumination - mass - おもりweight - throw-weight - むじゅうりょう, むじゅうりょく, 無重力, 無重量, 軽さlightness, weightlessness, zero gravity - angular momentum - しぜんてつがく, ぶつり, ぶつりがく, りがく, 物理, 物理学, 理学, 自然哲学natural philosophy, physics - せいぶつぶつりがく, 生物物理学biophysics - クライオジーニクスcryogenics, cryogeny - けっしょうがく, 結晶学crystallography - かくぶつりがく, げんしぶつりがく, 原子物理学, 核物理学atomic physics, microphysics, nuclear physics, nucleonics - high energy physics, high-energy physics, particle physics - plasma physics - rheology - エネルギーほぞんのほうそく, エネルギー保存の法則conservation of energy, first law of thermodynamics, law of conservation of energy - conservation of mass, conservation of matter, law of conservation of mass, law of conservation of matter - conservation of parity, mirror symmetry, parity, space-reflection symmetry - kinetic theory, kinetic theory of gases - そうたいせい, 相対, 相対性Einstein's theory of relativity, relativity, relativity theory, theory of relativity - いっぱんそうたいせいりろん, 一般相対性理論Einstein's general theory of relativity, general relativity, general relativity theory, general theory of relativity - Einstein's special theory of relativity, special relativity, special relativity theory, special theory of relativity - supersymmetry - りょうしろん, 量子論quantum theory - Heisenberg indeterminacy principle, Heisenberg principle, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, indeterminacy principle, principle of indeterminacy, principle of uncertainty, uncertainty principle - ニュートンりきがく, ニュートン力学classical mechanics, Newtonian mechanics - solid-state physics - statistical mechanics - りょうしりきがく, 量子力学quantum mechanics - Jpan, すいりがく, すいりきがく, すいりょくがく, ゆあつ, りゅうたいりきがく, 水力学, 水理学, 油圧, 流体力学fluid mechanics, hydraulics, hydromechanics - pneumatics - せいりきがく, 静力学statics - どうりきがく, りきがく, ダイナミクス, ダイナミックス, 力学, 動力学dynamics, kinematics, kinetics - うんどうがく, 運動学kinematics - magnetohydrodynamics - aerodynamics, aeromechanics - ねつりきがく, 熱力学thermodynamics - しゅうはたい, 周波帯frequency band, waveband - gravitation wave, gravity wave - せいげんは, 正弦波sine wave - はもん, 波, 波紋undulation, wave - seiche - スタンディングウェーブstanding wave, stationary wave - アルファりゅうし, アルファ粒子alpha particle - atmosphere - β粒子, ベータ粒子beta particle - blackbody, black body, full radiator - ボソン, ボース粒子boson - exosphere - フェルミ粒子fermion - gluon - magnetic monopole - mesosphere - micelle - 粒子particle, subatomic particle - こうし, 光子photon - せいそうけん, 成層圏stratosphere - thermosphere - たいりゅうけん, 対流圏troposphere - ぶつりがくしゃ, 物理学者physicist - オームGeorg Simon Ohm, Ohm - Oppenheimer, Robert Oppenheimer - 光スペクトルspectrum - かっせいかエネルギー, 活性化エネルギーactivation energy, energy of activation - かくエネルギー, げんしりょく, 原子力, 核エネルギーatomic energy, nuclear energy, nuclear power - atomic power, nuclear power - こうぼう, 光芒, 1筋beam, beam of light, irradiation, light beam, ray, ray of light, shaft, shaft of light - binding energy, separation energy - きあつ, たいきあつ, 大気圧, 気圧air pressure, atmospheric pressure, pressure - けつあつ, 血圧blood pressure - boundary layer - capillarity, capillary action - えんしんりょく, 遠心力centrifugal force - きゅうしんりょく, こうしんりょく, 向心力, 求心力centripetal force - counterglow, gegenschein - はずみdrift, impetus, impulsion - でんぱ, 電波electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic wave, electro-magnetic wave, EM wave, nonparticulate radiation - energy, free energy - power - work - ちからのば, 力の場field, field of force, force field - けいこう, 蛍光, 蛍光性, 螢光fluorescence - Jpanforce - gamma radiation, gamma ray - 引力gravitation, gravitational attraction, gravitational force, gravity - dusk, half-light, twilight - かんせいモーメント, 慣性モーメントmoment of inertia, second moment of area - うんどうエネルギー, 運動エネルギーK.E., kinetic energy - せんねつ, 潜熱heat of transformation, latent heat - light, visible light, visible radiation - bioluminescence - chemiluminescence - magnetosphere - じかい, じじょう, じば, 磁場, 磁界flux, magnetic field, magnetic flux - かくじききょうめい, 核磁気共鳴NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance, proton magnetic resonance - antiferromagnetism - diamagnetism - ferrimagnetism - ferromagnetism - paramagnetism - mechanical energy - moment - magnetic moment, moment of a magnet - ほしあかり, ほしかげ, スターライト, 星影, 星明かりstarlight - りんこう, 燐光phosphorescence, phosphor persistence - いちエネルギー, 位置エネルギーP.E., potential energy - force per unit area, pressure, pressure level - corpuscular-radiation pressure, radiation pressure - radiant energy - 放射radiation - はんそうは, 搬送波carrier, carrier wave - reflection, reflexion - birefringence, double refraction - たいようエネルギー, 太陽エネルギーsolar energy, solar power - flare, solar flare - Doppler effect, Doppler shift - tension - fundamental interaction, interaction - color force, strong force, strong interaction - weak force, weak interaction - ひょうめんちょうりょく, 表面張力surface tension - interfacial surface tension, interfacial tension - syzygy - toruku, トルクtorque, torsion - turbulent flow - laminar flow - 蒸気圧vapor pressure, vapour pressure - きょぞう, 虚像virtual image - ふうりょく, 風力aeolian energy, eolian energy, wind energy, wind generation, wind power - こうどうこう, 黄道光zodiacal light - blowing - 崩壊decay, disintegration, radioactive decay - desorption - extinction - かくぶんれつ, 核分裂fission, nuclear fission - かくゆうごう, かくゆうごうはんのう, 核融合, 核融合反応fusion, merger, nuclear fusion, nuclear fusion reaction - えきか, えきじょうか, えきじょうかげんしょう, 液化, 液状化, 液状化現象liquefaction - ほうしゃせい, ほうしゃのう, 放射性, 放射能action, activity, natural action, natural process - かくはんのう, 核反応nuclear reaction - pair creation, pair formation, pair production - 相転移phase change, phase transition, physical change, state change - じょうはつ, 蒸発evaporation, vapor, vaporisation, vaporization, vapour - ヤング率Young's modulus - constant of gravitation, G, gravitational constant, universal gravitational constant - baryon number - albedo, reflective power - マッハすう, マッハ数Mach number - くっせつりつ, 屈折率index of refraction, refractive index - にゅうしゃかく, 入射角angle of incidence, grazing angle, incidence angle, incident angle - むかえかく, 迎え角angle of attack - absorber - firedamp, fire damp - 液体アンモニアammonia - nitric oxide - cyanogen - けむり, はいきガス, はいガス, 排ガス, 排気ガス, 煙exhaust, exhaust fumes, fumes - こうしゅう, 口臭halitosis - discharge, emission - effluvium - ガス, ガソリン , 毒ガス, 軽油, 麻酔ガスgas, gasoline - 理想気体ideal gas, perfect gas - fluid, liquid, liquor - blistering agent, dichloroethyl sulfide, mustard agent, mustard gas, sulfur mustard, yperite - しんけいガス, 神経ガスnerve agent, nerve gas - オゾンozone - ホスゲンphosgene - プロピレンpropene, propylene - こうさい, こうし, ようさい, ようし, 溶滓, 熔滓, 鉱滓dross, scoria, slag - ligand[Domaine]
