
diccionario analógico

basically, essentially, fundamentallyau fond, essentiellement, foncièrement - but, exclusively, just, merely, none but, only, simply, solelyavec simplicité, ne...que, seul, seulement, simplement - as a matter of course, automaticallyautomatiquement, machinalement - alarmingly, hideously, horribly, horrifically, horrifyinglyde façon alarmante, horriblement - amply, capaciously, commodiously, comprehensively, hugely, immensely, roomily, spaciously, sweepingly, vastly, widelybeaucoup, immensément, vastement - bluntly, boorishly, churlishly, coarsely, crudely, curtly, grossly, roughlygrossièrement - appreciablysensiblement - pure, saturatedpur - about, almost, approx, approximately, around, broadly, close on, close to, in the region of, just about, more or less, or so, or thereabouts, roughly, roundabout, some, something like, somewhere in the region of, sort ofà peu près, approximativement, à première vue, disons, en gros, env, environ, peu ou prou, plus ou moins, presque, quelque, quelque chose comme, vers - comparative, relativerelatif - absolutelyabsolument - absolutely, all, altogether, clean, completely, dead, downright, entirely, fully, perfectly, quite, right, thoroughly, to one's fingertips, totally, to the fingertips, utterly, very, whole, whollyabsolument, complètement, complèt- ement, d'autant plus/mieux, de loin, entièrement, jusqu'à l'os, jusqu'à la moelle des os, jusqu'au bout des ongles, jusqu'au cou, jusqu'aux oreilles, jusqu'aux os, parfaitement, pleinement, totalement, tout, tout à fait - alone, entirely, exclusively, only, solelyexclusivement - absolutely, dead, perfectly, utterlyabsolument - perfectlyparfaitement - amiss, imperfectlyimparfaitement - full, fully, to the fullà fond, complètement - onlyne, seulement, uniquement - gluttonous, voraciousvorace - onlyne, uniquement - good, wellbien - wellbien - wellbien - wellbien - wellbien - comfortably, wellbien - advantageously, wellavantageusement - abundantabondant - considerably, substantially, wellsubstantiellement - wellbien - wellbien - intimately, well - wellbien - exuberant, lush, luxuriant, profuse, riotousabondant, exubérant - badly, gravely, seriously, severelygravement, sérieusement, sévèrement - badly, mischievously, naughtilyavec malice, malicieusement - even, still, yetmême - evenmême - acceptableacceptable - always, e'er, ever, for ever / foreverconstamment, continuellement, depuis, sans arrêt, toujours - always, forevertoujours - at intervals, at times, every now and then, every now and then / every now and again / every so often, every once in a while, every so often, from time to time, now and again, now and then, occasionally, off and on / on and off, once in a while, on occasionde temps à autre, de temps en temps, occasionnellement, par intervalles - conventionallyconventionnellement - all/just the same, all the same, at the same time, even so, gee up, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, none the less, notwithstanding, still, though, withal, yetcependant, hue, malgré tout, néanmoins, pourtant, tout de même - as yet, heretofore, hitherto, so far, thus far, til now, until now, up to now, yetencore, entrée en vigueur de la présente loi, avant l', jusqu'alors, jusqu'ici - achievement, effort, exploit, feat, performanceaction, exploit, fait d'armes, performance, prouesse - rattling, real, really, verytrès, vraiment - activeactif - acrobatic, athletic, gymnasticacrobatique, athlétique - just, just nowà l'instant - in a flash, in a jiffy, in a second, in a trice, in no time, instantaneously, instantly, in two shakes, outrighten moins de deux, instantanément - agile, nimble, quick, spryagile, souple, vif - before long, in a little while, presently, shortly, soonbientôt, tôt - frequently, oft, often, oftentimes, ofttimesfréquemment - rarely, seldomrarement - active, in/into force, in effectactif, en vigueur - as such, in and of itself, intrinsically, per seen soi, intrinsèquement - by all odds, decidedly, definitely, emphatically, in spades, unquestionablycatégoriquement - genuinely, really, trulyréellement - equalisation, equalization, levelingégalisation - course, naturally, of coursebien entendu, bien sûr, naturellement - clearlyclairement - activeentreprenant - apparently, evidently, just, manifestly, obviously, patently, plain, plainly, simplyavec simplicité, clairement, manifestement, simplement - apparently, at first glance, by all appearances, by the look of it, on the face of it, ostensibly, seemingly, to all appearancesapparemment, à première vue, en apparence - inactive, passivepassif - specificallyexpressément, spécifiquement - as luck would have it, by luck, fortuitously, fortunately, happily, luckily, through luckfortuitement, heureusement - record, track recorddossier - alas, regrettably, unfortunately, unhappily, unluckilymalheureusement, regrettablement - chronicchronique - extraordinarily, inordinatelyextraordinairement - exceptionally, excessively, extravagantly, extremely, inordinately, lavishly, outrageously, overly, to a fault, too, uncommonlyà l'excès, excessivement, trop - in time, sooner or later, yettôt ou tard - at last, at length, at long last, at the end of the day, eventually, finally, in the end, in the event, in the long run, ultimatelyà la fin, enfin, en fin de compte - at once, at the double, directly, forthwith, immediately, instantly, like a shot, now, on the double, outright, promptly, right, right away, right now, right off, straightaway, straight away, straight off, this instantau pas de course, immédiatement, maintenant, promptement, sans hésiter, sur le coup, tout de suite - nowdésormais, maintenant - at present, nowactuellement, désormais, maintenant, présentement - nowdésormais, maintenant - nowdésormais, maintenant - nowdésormais, maintenant - aimed, direct, directly, pointed, straightdirectement - indefatigably, inexhaustibly, tirelessly, unflaggingly, untiringly, unweariedlyd'une manière inépuisable, infatigablement - adequate, equaladéquat, suffisant - fleetly, swiftlyrapidement - for the moment, for the present, for the time being, provisionallypour le moment, provisoirement - inadmissibly, intolerably, unacceptably, unendurablyinsupportablement, intolérablement - abusivelyabusivement - adroitly, deftly, skilfullyadroitement, habilement - awfully, dreadfully, horriblyhorriblement - greatly, muchbeaucoup, très - drasticallydrastiquement, radicalement - at all, in the least, the least bitdu tout - by no means, not by a blame sight, not by a long sightcertainement pas, en aucun cas, nullement - successréussite, succès - exhaustively, thoroughlyexhaustivement - directly, flat, straight, straightlyà plat, directement - in a roundabout way, indirectly, on the grapevine, secondhand, through the grapevineindirectement - a good deal, a good deal / a great deal, a great deal, a lot, lots, much, very muchbeaucoup - failureéchec, panne - abruptly, dead, precipitously, short, suddenlyabruptement, brusquement, soudainement, tout d'un coup - error, fallacy, fault, misconception, misconstruction, mistake, oversighterreur - deft, dexterous, dextrousadroit - after all, all in all, at last, finally, in conclusion, in the final analysis, last, lastly, to closeen conclusion, enfin, finalement, pour conclure - durably, enduringly, firmly, lastingly, staunchly, steadily, strongly, tightlydurablement - advantageousavantageux, favorable - omission, skipomission - bloomer, blooper, blunder, boner, boob, boo-boo, botch, botched job, botch-up, bungle, bungled work, eyewash, flub, foul-up, fuckup, gaffe, pratfall, shoddy work, sloppy workbêtise, bévue, bousillage, cafouillage, gaffe - faux pas, gaffe, gaucherie, lapse, slip, solecismbévue, faux pas, gaffe, gaucherie, solécisme - faintlyfaiblement - arbitrarily, at a venture, at random, every which way, haphazardly, indiscriminately, on the off chance, randomly, willy-nillyau hasard, au petit bonheur - about, almost, most, near, nearly, next to, nigh, pretty well, virtually, well-nighà peu près, pratiquement, presque, virtuellement - above all, chiefly, especially, in the main, mainly, mostly, primarily, principallyprincipalement, surtout - brazenlyeffrontément, insolemment - affectionately, dear, dearly, fondly, lovingly, softly, tenderheartedly, tenderlyaffectueusement, avec tendresse, naïvement, tendrement - overtlyouvertement - beyond all doubt, beyond doubt, confessedly, doubtless, doubtlessly, for sure, no doubt, undoubtedly, unquestionably, without a doubtindubitablement, sans aucun doute - passivelypassivement - contemptuously, contumeliously, derogatorily, disdainfully, disparagingly, scornfullyavec dédain, avec mépris, dédaigneusement - comicallycomiquement - deceitfully, deceivingly, deceptively, falsely, misleadingly, untruthfullymensongèrement - especially, particularly, peculiarly, rarely, speciallybizarrement, spécialement - apace, chop-chop, quickly, rapidly, speedily, swiftlyrapidement - categorically, dogmatically, flatly, unconditionallycatégoriquement, inconditionnellement - ad infinitum, eternally, everlastingly, evermore, forever, for ever / forever, timelesslyà l'infini, à tout jamais, de façon intemporelle, éternellement, éternel- lement, pour toujours - forever, for ever, for good, permanentlyde façon permanente, en permanence, pour toujours - provisionally, temporarilyprovisoirement, temporairement - ad lib, ad libitum, adventitiously, by surprise, impromptu, offhand, off the cuff, off-the-cuff, spontaneously, unawares, unexpectedlyà l'improviste - ceaselessly, constantly, continually, continuously, persistentlycontinuellement, sans cesse - marginallymarginalement - dangerously, hazardously, perilouslydangereusement, périlleusement - energeticallyénergétiquement, énergiquement - conclusively, once and for allde façon concluante, une fois pour toutes - deplorably, disgracefully, forlornly, lamentably, pitiably, pitifully, sadly, woefullyd'un air affligé, déplorablement, lamentablement, tristement - afarloin - delicately, exquisitely, fine, finely, sophisticatedly, subtlyd'une façon exquise, délicatement - promptly, pronto, readily, without delaypromptement, sans délai - promptly, quick, quickly, speedilypromptement, rapidement, vite - as a general rule, as a rule, commonly, generally, habitually, normally, ordinarily, unremarkably, usuallyd'accoutumée, d'habitude, en règle générale, habituellement, normalement, ordinairement, usuellement - late, lately, latterly, of late, recentlyces temps-ci, dernièrement, la dernière fois, récemment - erratically, unpredictablyirrégulièrement - bit by bit, by degrees, gradually, step by stepgraduellement, petit à petit - here, hither, roundchez, par ici, voici - full, goodbien, qualifié - peacefullypaisiblement - meager, meagerly, meagre, scrimpy, stingyavare, maigre, mesquin - how, howevercomment - measly, miserable, paltrymisérable - inside, internally, withinà l'intérieur - internationallyinternationalement - fresh, freshly, neo-, new, new-, newlyfrais, nouvellement, récemment - afresh, again, anew, morede nouveau, encore - changelessly, invariably, unchangingly, unvaryinglyinvariablement - mechanicallymécaniquement - preferably, rather, soonerde préférence, préférablement - and so, and then, so, thenet alors - thoughalors - but then, on the other hand, then againaprès tout, mais enfin - consistently, systematicallyrégulièrement, systématiquement - so, thus, thuslyainsi, non - astronomicallyastronomiquement - lifelesssans vie - characteristically, typicallytypiquement - comprehensively, globally, universallyglobalement, universellement - unprecedentedsans précédent - mysteriously, mysticallymystiquement - likewise, similarlyde la même façon, pareillement, semblablement - secondarily, subordinately, subsidiarilysecondairement - proper, rightbon, correct, juste - appreciably, conspicuously, notably, noteworthily, noticeably, singularly, substantiallynotablement, notamment - extensively, industriously, intensively, labor-intensive, labour-intensive, sedulouslyintensivement - adequately, appositely, appropriately, aptly, becomingly, befittingly, fitly, fittingly, passably, suitablyadéquatement, convenablement - inappropriately, unsuitablydéfectueusement - artificially, by artificial means, factitiously, unnaturallyartificiellement - episodicallyépisodiquement - eerily, fabulously, fantastically, incrediblyextraordinairement, fabuleusement, fantastiquement - feverishlyfiévreusement - apposite, appropriate, apt, fit, fitting, good, pertinent, proper, right, suitableapproprié, convenable, pertinent, qualifié - incomprehensibly, inconceivablyinconcevablement - earnestly, emphatically, expressly, insistently, with great emphasisavec insistance, instamment - cursorily, facilely, shallowly, superficiallysuperficiellement - evilly, wickedlyavec malveillance, méchamment - certain, certainly, definitely, for certain, for sure, indeed, reliably, safely, securely, sure, sure as shooting, sure enough, surelyavec certitude, certainement, en effet, nettement, sûrement, tout de même - sufficientlysuffisamment - enough, plenty, sufficientassez, comme il faut, en quantité suffisante, en suffisance, ni peu ni prou, ni trop ni trop peu, suffisamment, suffisant - inadequately, insufficientlyinsuffisamment - sonon - sonon - sonon - manipulation, usemanipulation, manœuvre - easily, easy, readilyaisément, facilement - actually, reallyeffectivement, réellement - crafty, cunning, deceitful, dodgy, foxy, guileful, knavish, slick, sly, tricksy, tricky, wilyartificieux, futé, malin, matois, risqué, rusé, sournois - all in all, altogether, on balance, on the whole, tout ensembleà tout prendre, dans l'ensemble - articulate, eloquent, facile, fluent, silver, silver-tongued, smooth-spoken, voluble, well-spokenéloquent, fluide - excitedly, feverishlyd'une manière agitée, fiévreusement - apropos, by the bye, by the way, incidentallyà propos, au fait, soit dit en passant - completelycomplètement, entièrement, intégralement - incompletely, unfinishedincomplètement - exactly, just, preciselyexactement, précisément - audacious, bald-faced, barefaced, bodacious, brassy, brazen, brazen-faced, insolenteffronté - from scratchà partir de zéro - closely, intimately, nearlyétroitement - by comparison, comparatively, relativelycomparativement, relativement - easily, readilyfacilement - consequentially, considerably, extensively, markedly, significantlyconsidérablement, visiblement - earnestly, gravely, in all earnestness, in earnest, seriously, solemnlyavec sérieux, gravement, sérieusement - at a convenient moment, at a convenient time, at a good time, in due course, in due season, in due time, in good time, in time, on time, when the time comesà la longue, à pic, à propos, à temps, au bon moment, en avance, en son temps et lieu, en temps et lieu, en temps utile, en temps voulu, pile - in the nick of time, just in timejuste à temps - appealing, attractiveattachant, attractif, attrayant, bandant, séduisant - off the cuffextemporanément - bewitching, captivating, enchanting, enthralling, entrancing, fascinating, spellbindingenchanteresse, enchanteur, envoûtant, fascinant, passionnant - a contrario, au contraire, contrarily, contrariwise, on the contrary, quite the contrary, the other way around, the other way round, to the contrarya contrario, à l'inverse, à l'opposé, au contraire, dans le sens contraire, en sens inverse, tout au contraire - appealing, attractive, comely, dishy, engaging, fetching, lovely, piquantaffriandant, attirant - comely, winsomeaccort - just right, to a T, to perfection, to the letterà la lettre - bravely, courageously, gallantly, pluckilyavec courage, bravement, courageusement - deeply, profoundlyprofondément - impatiently, longingly, yearninglyimpatiemment - patientlypatiemment - doltishly, mindlessly, rashly, stupidly, thoughtlesslyinconsidérément, stupidement - creativelyd'une façon créatrice - drastically, radicallyradicalement - conscientiously, dutifully, painstakingly, religiously, scrupulouslyavec scrupule, consciencieusement, religieusement, scrupuleusement - exceptionallyexceptionnellement - purely, strictlypurement, strictement - cleanly, neatly, tidilyproprement, soigneusement - smartly, vigorouslyvigoureusement - clearly, distinctlydistinctement - excellentlyparfaitement - gorgeously, lavishly, magnificently, magnificiently, marvellously, marvelously, sumptuously, superbly, terrifically, toppingly, wonderfully, wondrous, wondrouslymagnifiquement, merveilleusement, superbement, terriblement - impeccablyirréprochablement - blandlyavec affabilité - gravely, soberly, staidlyavec modération, gravement - boldlyhardiment - nicelybien, gentiment - cosily, cozily, snuglydouillettement - inaccessible, out of stock, sold out, unobtainable, unprocurable, untouchableépuisé - correspondinglyconformément - cleverly, smartlyingénieusement - popularlycommunément - intellectuallyintellectuellement - reactionréaction - exaggeratedly, excessively, hyperbolicallyexagérément, excessivement - proudlyfièrement - solemnlysolennellement - clumsilymaladroitement - coarselygrossièrement - intenselyintensément - spontaneouslyspontanément - atrocious, frightful, heinous, homely, horrible, horrifying, inelegant, plain, terrible, ugly, unlovely, unsightlyaffreux, atroce, horrifiant, horrifique, laid, terrible - awful, dire, direful, dread, dreaded, dreadful, fearful, fearsome, formidable, frightening, horrendous, horrific, terriblecraintif, effrayant, redoutable, terrible - fussily, meticulously, nigglinglyméticuleusement - baleful, forbidding, menacing, minacious, minatory, ominous, sinister, threateningmenaçant, rébarbatif - awkwardlymaladroitement - triumphantlytriomphalement - bloodcurdling, eerie, gruesome, hair-raising, lurid, nightmarish, uncannyà faire frémir, à faire se dresser les cheveux sur la tête, cauchemardesque - on a regular basis, regularlyrégulièrement - chilling, creepy, ghastly, grim, grisly, scarey, scary, shivery, shudderyqui donne le frisson, sinistre - formidable, redoubtable, unnervingredoutable - ideallyidéalement, parfaitement - childishly, puerilelypuérilement - ghastly, grim, grisly, gruesome, macabre, sickmacabre - improperlyabusivement, improprement - attentively, carefully, observantlyattentivement - enormously, hugely, immensely, staggeringly, tremendouslyénormément - generously, liberally, munificentlygénéreusement, libéralement - effortlessly, no problem at all, no trouble at all, without any trouble, without effortsans effort, sans peine - in detailen détail - closing, completion, culmination, mop up, take up, windupaccomplissement, achèvement, clôture, enroulement - conveniently, handilycommodément - inconvenientlyinopportunément, malencontreusement - abstractlyabstraitement - cussedly, mulishly, obdurately, obstinately, pig-headedly, stubbornlyobstinément - victoriouslyvictorieusement - sagely, wiselyavec sagesse, sagement - foolishly, unwiselyimprudemment, stupidement - intelligently, sharply, shrewdly, smartlyintelligemment - clearly, comprehensibly, intelligibly, understandablyintelligibilité, intelligiblement - aristocraticallyaristocratiquement - diplomaticallyavec tact, diplomatiquement - disaster, fiascobérézina, bide, fiasco - indefinitelyà une date indéterminée - aright, correctly, properly, right, rightlyavec raison, bien, convenablement, correctement, exactement, juste - beneficently, benevolently, charitably, kindlycharitablement - sluggishlymollement - assuming, assumptive, presumptuousimpertinent - hastily, hurriedly, in a hurry, in hasteà la hâte - satiricallysatiriquement - freefall, freelylibrement - spiritually, wittilyspirituellement - dimly, faintly, foggily, fuzzily, hazily, indefinitely, indeterminately, indistinctly, mistily, shadowily, unclearly, vaguelyfaiblement, flou, indistinctement, vaguement - determinedly, unfalteringly, unshakably, unshakeablyimmuablement - periodically, sporadicallysporadiquement - amazingly, astonishingly, astoundingly, surprisinglyétonnamment - abundantly, amply, copiously, extravagantly, lavishly, liberally, plentifully, profusely, richlyabondamment, copieusement, en abondance, profusément, richement - boringly, monotonously, tediously, tiresomelyde façon ennuyeuse, fastidieusement - supremelysuprêmement - gorgeoussensationnel, splendide - pulchritudinoussomptueux - courteously, courtly, politelycourtoisement, poliment - ravishingravissant - discourteously, impolitely, rudelydiscourtoisement, grossièrement, impoliment - admirably, commendable, laudably, praiseworthily, wonderfullyadmirablement, louablement - agreeably, comfortably, congenially, enjoyably, pleasantly, pleasingly, pleasurably, snuglyagréablement - unpleasantlydésagréablement - cordially, heartily, warmlycordialement, de tout coeur - affably, amiably, chummily, friendlily, genially, good-humouredly, graciously, lovably, loveablyaimablement, avec bonne humeur, avec grâce, gracieusement - explicitly, unambiguously, unequivocally, univocallyexplicitement - at the last moment, by the skin of one's teeth, hardly, just, narrowly, no sooner, only justde justesse - kindbienveillant - dependably, faithfully, reliablyfidèlement - optimal, optimumoptimal - aberrantly, abnormally, atypicallyanormalement - perenniallyéternellement - deliciously, pleasurablyagréablement, délicieusement - fondly, lovinglyaffectueusement, naïvement - at/in the back of one's mind, innerly, inside, inwardlyen son for intérieur, intérieurement - favorably, favourably, positivelyfavorablement - disadvantageously, unfavorably, unfavourablydésavantageusement - ameliorating, ameliorative, amelioratory, meliorativemélioratif - concisely, drily, dryly, laconically, terselyd'un air pince-sans-rire, laconiquement - reduceréduire - accommodatingly, obliginglyobligeamment - gloomilylugubrement - mistily, vaguelyvaguement - pompouslypompeusement - improvementamélioration - advancement, furtherance, progress, promotionamélioration, développement, progrès, promotion - doggedly, firmly, persistently, steadfastly, stubbornly, tenaciously, unwaveringlyavec ténacité, tenacement - effectively, effectually, efficaciously, efficiently, energetically, expeditiously, suitablyefficacement, expéditivement - tragicallytragiquement - ominouslysinistrement - justifiably, with good reasonavec juste raison, avec raison - immodestlyimmodestement, impudiquement - irresistibly, overpoweringly, overwhelmingly, unstoppablyirrésistiblement - austerely, dourly, rigorously, severely, sternly, strictly, stringentlyaustèrement, avec sévérité, rigoureusement, sévèrement, strictement - authoritatively, magisteriallyimpérativement - correction, emendation, rectificationcorrection, rectification - stainless, unstained, unsullied, untainted, untarnishedimmaculé, pur - ferociously, fiercelyférocement - bloodthirsty, bloody-minded, sanguinaryassoiffé de sang, sanguinaire - reform, reformationréforme - beautificationembellissement - classicallyclassiquement - abstrusely, darkly, murkily, obscurelyobscurément - audacious, brave, dauntless, fearless, hardy, intrepid, undaunted, unfearing, unflinchinghardi, intrépide - horrifyinglyeffroyablement - artisticallyartistiquement - especially, in particular, particularly, speciallyen particulier, particulièrement, spécialement - modernisation, modernizationmodernisation - evenly, monomorphically, regularly, steadily, unchangingly, uniformly, unvaryinglyuniformément - enduringlycontinuellement - blatantlyd'une manière flagrante - debasement, degradationdégradation, dépréciation - par excellencepar excellence - brave, courageous, gallant, plucky, stout-hearted, valiantcourageux, intrépide - aesthetically, estheticallyesthétiquement - appallinglyépouvantablement - valiant, valorousbrave, valeureux - cowardly, fearfulcraintif - contamination, pollutioncontamination, dégradation de l'environnement, pollution - anxious, chicken, chickenhearted, chicken-hearted, chicken-livered, chinless, coward, craven, fearful, gutless, lily-livered, nervous, spineless, timorous, white-livered, yellow, yellow-belliedcraintif, froussard, peureux, pleutre, poltron, trouillard - faint, fainthearted, faint-hearted, pusillanimous, timidpusillanime - poor-spirited, pusillanimous, unmanlymanqué de courage, pusillanime, timoré - abjectly, objectionably, resignedlyabjectement, misérablement - arrogantly, condescendingly, presumptuouslyarrogamment, avec arrogance - audaciously, boldly, bravely, daringly, doughtily, hazardously, stoutheartedlyaudacieusement - avidlyavidement - amorously, lovinglyamoureusement - assiduously, dedicatedlyassidûment - acutely, astutely, sagaciously, sapiently, shrewdlyastucieusement, avec sagacité - archly, mischievously, roguishly, wickedlymalicieusement - austerely, hardaustèrement - acquisitively, avariciously, avidly, covetously, desirously, eagerly, graspingly, greedily, hungrily, keenly, rapaciously, thirstilyavaricieusement, avec rapacité, avidement - benignantly, benignlyavec bienveillance, bénignement, d'une façon bénigne - bluffly, bluntly, brusquely, curtly, flat out, roundlybrusquement, sans ménagements - boorishlygrossièrement - big-heartedly, bounteously, bountifully, generously, lavishly, plenteously, plentifully, prodigally, profusely, unsparinglygénéreusement - alertly, briskly, sprylyalertement, vivement - all the time, ceaselessly, continuously, endlessly, incessantly, the whole time, unceasingly, unendinglycontinuellement, sans arrêt, sans cesse - endlessly, interminablyinterminablement - opinionated, opinionative, self-opinionatedarrêté dans ses opinions, dogmatique - barefacedly, boldly, brashly, brazenly, carelessly, cheekily, heedlessly, impudently, mindlessly, negligently, nervily, rashly, shamelessly, sloppily, thoughtlessly, unthinkingly, untidilyeffrontément, négligemment - churlishly, surlilygrossièrement - colloquially, conversationally, informallyfamilièrement, sans cérémonie - calmly, collectedly, composedly, leisurelyavec calme, calmement - accommodate, adapt, suits'adapter - complacentlyavec suffisance - comprehensivelytrès largement - briefly, concisely, in a word, in brief, in short, in sum, shortly, the long and the short of it, to cut a long story shortavec concision, bref, brièvement, en résumé, en un mot, le fin mot de l'histoire - cynicallycyniquement - condescendingly, patronisingly, patronizinglyavec condescendance, d'un air condescendant - confusedlyconfusément - consequentiallyconséquemment - constructively, positivelyde manière constructive, positivement - clinically, cold-bloodedly, coldly, coolly, cooly, detachedly, nervelessly, nonchalantly, standoffishly, stonilycalmement, cliniquement, froidement, nonchalamment - beyond belief, implausibly, improbably, incredibly, unbelievablyimprobablement, incroyablement, invraisemblablement - believably, convincingly, credibly, plausibly, probably, prollyde manière crédible, plausiblement - cryptically, enigmatically, mysteriously, puzzlinglyénigmatiquement, mystérieusement - countless, infinite, innumerable, innumerous, legion, multitudinous, myriad, numberless, uncountable, uncounted, unnumberable, unnumbered, unnumerable, without numberinnombrable - delightfullydélicieusement - maybe, mayhap, might have, peradventure, perchance, perhaps, possiblyc'est possible - absurdly, ludicrously, nonsensically, preposterously, ridiculously, senselesslyabsurdement - coquettishly, flirtatiouslycoquettement, en manière de flirt - currishly, ignoblyignoblement - blow-by-blow, circumstantial, detailed, elaborate, elaborateddétaillé - objectionably, obnoxiously, offensivelyodieusement - casual, cursory, facile, passing, perfunctory, shallow, superficialen passant, hâtif, sans profondeur, superficiel - devilishly, diabolically, fiendishlyabominablement, diaboliquement - basely, despicably, meanlybassement - diametricallydiamétralement - diligentlyavec application, avec soin - cheerlessly, disagreeably, distastefully, grimly, nastily, uncomfortably, unkindly, unpleasantlydésagréablement - discreditably, disgracefully, dishonorable, dishonorably, dishonourable, dishonourably, ignominiously, inglorious, ingloriously, shamefullyde façon déshonorante, de façon indigne, honteusement, ignominieusement, sans gloire, sans honneur - accessibly, candidly, frankly, honestly, openly, overtlyau vu et au su de tous, candidement, ouvertement, sincèrement - disinterestedlyimpartialement - constantly, fairly, faithfully, loyally, staunchlyloyalement - disloyally, faithlessly, unfaithfullydéloyalement, infidèlement - proportionally, proportionatelyproportionnellement - deferentially, respectfully, reverentially, reverently, with respectrespectueusement - disrespectfully, impiously, irreverentlyirrespectueusement - doctrinally, dogmaticallydogmatiquement - centralcentral - dreamfully, dreamily, meditatively, moonilyrêveusement - ecstatically, rapturously, rhapsodicallyavec beaucoup d'enthousiasme, avec extase - eerily, spookilyétrangement - effectuallyefficacement - effectively, efficaciouslyefficacement - wavevague - egoistically, egotistically, selfishlyégoïstement - eminently, pre-eminentlyéminemment - equablyrégulièrement - eruditely, learnedlyéruditement - cagey, elusively, evasivelyévasivement - regularlyrégulièrement - unequally, unevenlyinégalement - exorbitantly, extortionately, usuriouslyde façon exorbitante, démesurément - expediently, inadvisablyproprement - expensivelycher, coûteusement - exponentiallyexponentiellement - extenuation, mitigation, palliationadoucissement, soulagement - detente, détentedétente - liberalisation, liberalization, relaxationlibéralisation - familiarlyfamilièrement - fanaticallyfanatiquement - faultlesslyirréprochablement - flabbilyindolemment - inflexibly, unbendingly, uncompromisinglyinflexiblement - forcefullyvigoureusement - burgeonbourgeonner - formidablyformidablement - characteristic, distinctive, typicalcaractéristique, distinctif, typique - gluttonouslygloutonnement - gorgeously, magnificently, resplendently, splendidlyavec splendeur - gratuitouslygratuitement - grievouslydouloureusement - grotesquely, ludicrously, monstrouslygrotesquement - grudginglyde mauvaise grâce - easy, light, loose, promiscuous, sluttish, wantonclair - harmoniouslyharmonieusement - headlong, rashlyimprudemment - audaciously, bravely, daringly, foolhardily, rashly, recklesslytémérairement - heartlesslysans pitié - heroicallyhéroïquement - hideously, horridly, monstrouslyhideusement - hygienically, sanitarilyhygiéniquement - conjugation, jointure, unification, union, unitingligue, unification, union - reunification, reunionréunification, réunion - idly, lazilyparesseusement - break, disruption, disturbance, gap, interruptiondérangement, interruption, perturbation, rupture - authoritatively, commandingly, imperatively, imperiously, peremptorilyimpérieusement - barefacedly, freshly, impertinently, impudently, insolently, pertly, saucilyavec impertinence, effrontément, impertinemment, insolemment - impetuously, impulsively, on the spur of the moment, passionately, tempestuously, wildlyimpétueusement, impulsivement - absolutely, definitely, exactly, on the button, on the dot, on the nose, positively, preciselyabsolument, exactement, parfaitement, pile, précisément, précises, tapantes, tout à fait - carelessly, imprudently, incautiously, unwiselyimprudemment - beyond compare, incomparably, uncomparablyincomparablement - discreetlydiscrètement - decontaminationdésinfection - flabbily, indolently, laxly, slothfullyindolemment - industriouslylaborieusement - cleverly, ingeniously, inventivelyingénieusement - inherentlyfondamentalement, par nature - inopportunely, malaproposinopportunément - conveniently, expediently, opportunelyopportunément - insidiously, perniciouslyinsidieusement - simplify, streamlinesimplifier - keenlyardemment - laboriouslylaborieusement - languidlylanguissamment - languishingly, languorouslylangoureusement - lasciviously, obscenely, salaciouslyobscènement - laughably, ludicrously, preposterously, ridiculouslygrotesquement, ridiculement - accommodatingly, complacently, compliantly, indulgently, kindly, laxly, leniently, obligingly, smuglyavec indulgence, complaisamment, indulgemment - coordinate, organise, organizecoordonner, organiser - cleannet, propre - immaculate, speckless, spic, spic-and-span, spick, spick-and-span, spotlessimmaculé - dismally, gloomily, lugubriously, sinisterlylugubrement - exaltedly, in a stately way, majesticallymajestueusement - exploitation, using, victimisation, victimizationexploitation, représailles - drippily, mawkishlydoucereusement - abuse, ill-treatment, ill-usage, maltreatment, mistreatmentmaltraitance, mauvais traitement, sévices - persecution, pursuitpersécution - witch-huntchasse aux sorcières - callously, cold-bloodedly, cold-heartedly, heartlessly, inexorably, lovelessly, mercilessly, pitilessly, relentlessly, remorselessly, ruthlessly, unmercifully, unyieldinglyimpitoyablement, inexorablement, sans pitié, sans pitité - McCarthyismmaccarthisme, maccarthysme - bewilderingabasourdissant, stupéfiant - circumstantially, minutelyminutieusement - by a miracle, miraculouslymiraculeusement - semitransparent, translucenttranslucide - miserably, pitifully, wretchedlymisérablement - escape, escapismévasion du réel - monotonouslyde façon monotone - cloudy, mirky, muddy, murky, turbidturpide - milklike, milky, whitishlaiteux - narrow-mindedly, small-mindedlymesquinement - astute, sharp, shrewd, subtleastucieux, avisé, fin - close, near, nighprès - dispassionately, objectivelyobjectivement - obsequiously, servilely, slavishly, submissively, subservientlyobséquieusement, servilement - opulently, sumptuouslyavec opulence - ostentatiously, showilyavec ostentation - envelopingenveloppant - bosom, close, intimate, nearintime, proche - pertinentlypertinemment - phlegmaticallyflegmatiquement - pithily, sententiouslysentencieusement - pitiably, pitifullypitoyablement - pointlesslyen vain - cocksurely, pretentiouslyprétentieusement - unpretentiouslysimplement - prettilyjoliment - prosaically, unimaginativelyprosaïquement - punily, puny, scantily, scanty, tight, tightlychétivement, juste - funnily, funny, oddly, queerly, strangelybizarrement - calmly, peacefully, placidly, quietly, restfully, serenely, tranquillycalmement, paisiblement, placidement, sereinement, silencieusement, tranquillement - completeachever, compléter - relevantlyjustement - creditably, honorably, honourably, respectablyhonorablement, respectablement - reverentially, reverentlyrespectueusement - robustlyvigoureusement - commodious, convenientspacieux - crampedgêné - comfortable, comfy, convenient, easyà l'aise, confortable - disquietinginquiétant - sensually, sensuously, sultrilysensuellement, voluptueusement - sensually, sultrilysensuellement - serenelysereinement - proportional, relativeproportionnel, relatif - shallowlyrapidement - democratic, populardémocratique - frequentfréquent - generalgénéral - basal, base, basic, elementary, standardbasal, de base - skilfully, skillfullyhabilement - especial, exceptional, particular, specialexceptionnel, particulier - rare - unusualexceptionnel - usualhabituel - accustomed, customary, habitual, regular, wont, wontedaccoutumé, habitué, habituel, traditionnel - commondu commun - basely, dingily, dirtily, sordidly, squalidlysordidement - particularparticulier - respective, several, variousrespectif - separatedistinct, séparé - expressive, revealing, tellingexpressif - deadpan, expressionless, impassive, poker-faced, unexpressivepince-sans-rire, sans expression - strictly, stringentlyrigoureusement, strictement - superlativelysuperlativement - sneakily, surreptitiouslyfurtivement, subrepticement - sweet, sweetlyagréablement, doucement, gentiment - tacitlytacitement - telegraphically, terselytélégraphiquement - tenderlytendrement - by tradition, traditionallytraditionnellement - effective, efficientefficace - fretful, querulous, whiney, whinybougon, récriminateur, ronchonneur - protestantprotestant - unbearablyinsupportablement - excite, stimulatestimuler - completecomplet - absolutely, unconditionally, unquestioningly, unreservedly, wholeheartedlyentièrement, franchement, inconditionnellement - exhaustive, thorough, thoroughgoingcomplet, exhaustif - full, overall, totalcomplet, total - shamefully, unworthilyindignement - incomplete, uncompleteincomplet - usefullyutilement - valiantly, valorouslybravement, valeureusement - vehementlyvéhémentement - vilelybassement, vilement - gluttonously, voraciouslyavec voracité, voracement - encyclopaedic, encyclopedicencyclopédique - plenaryplénier - wholeheartedlyde tout cœur - wittilyavec beaucoup d'esprit - accessible, approachableaccessible - alleviate, ease, facilitatefaciliter - aye, yea, yeah, yesaffirmatif, oc, oïl, ouais, oui, oui-da, voui, yes - conjugally, connubial, connubiallyconjugalement - dingily, grubbily, grungilymalproprement - especially, speciallyspécialement - immediatelyimmédiatement, tout de suite - direct, directly, right, straight, straightlyde gré à gré, directement, sans intermédiaire, tout droit - conciseconcis - aphoristic, apothegmatic, epigrammaticaphoristique, épigrammatique - close packed, compact, compendious, succinct, summary, tersecompact, compendieux, concis, succinct, succint, succinte f. - concise, crisp, curt, laconic, tersebrusque, laconique - long-winded, tedious, verbose, windy, wordyintarissable - eroticallyérotiquement - havoc, mayhem, ravagesravage - agitation, excitement, hullabaloo, turmoil, upheavalagitation, bouleversement, protestations, tapage, vacarme - ado, bustle, bustling, flurry, fuss, hustle, jostling, pushing, stiragitation, bousculade, bousculement, cohue, grand bruit - crowded, overcrowdedbondé, surpeuplé - incongruousincongru - breeze, child's play, cinch, duck soup, picnic, piece of cake, pushover, snap, walkoverla soupe au canard - profaned, violatedviolé, violée - serviceservice - big, large, prominentgrand, proéminent - blatant, crying, egregious, flagrant, glaring, gross, rankflagrant - loose end, unfinished businessaffaire pendante - constantconstant - perennial, recurrent, renewed, repeated, repetitivepériodique, récurrent, réitéré, renouvelé, répété, répétitif - occasional, sporadicsporadique - knowconnaître - argumentativeargumentatif, raisonneur - know - conventionalconventionnel - conventionalconformiste, conventionnel - bizarre, eccentric, flakey, flaky, freakish, freaky, gonzo, off-the-wall, outlandish, outrebizarre - difficulty, troubledifficulté, problème - considerableconsidérable - appreciableappréciable - insignificant, undistinguishedinsignifiant - confound, confuseconfondre - chivalrous, gallant, knightlychevaleresque, galant - abrupt, brusk, brusque, curt, short, snappybrusque - ill-mannered, impolite, mannerless, rude, uncivilimpoli, malappris, mal élevé, mal poli - believable, crediblecrédible, croyable - incredible, unbelievableincroyable - boiling, boiling hot, broiling, broiling hot, scathing, vituperativebouillant, cinglant - criticalcritique - dangerous, grave, grievous, life-threatening, serious, severegrave - crucial, importantimportant - outdated, out-of-date, superannuatedabandonné, démodé, dépassé, désuet, suranné, vieux - obsolescent, obsoleteobsolescent, obsolète, vieilli - accursed, accurst, cursed, maledictmaudit - bedraggled, broken-down, crumbling, derelict, dilapidated, ramshackle, rickety, shaky, tatterdemalion, tumbledown, tumble-downbranlant, caduc, délabré, dépenaillé, infirme, vieux - cheap, common, crude, earthy, gross, rascal, vulgargrossier, ordinaire, vulgaire - sedate, staiddigne, posé, rassis - undefined, vagueindéfini, indéterminé, non défini, vague - primaryprimaire - decided, distinctdéfinitif - demanding, exacting, fastidiousastreignant, exigeant - rigorous, stringent, tightrigoureux - pressing, urgentpressant - arbitrary, indiscriminate, randomarbitraire - calculate, count on, estimate, figure, forecast, reckoncalculer, compter sur, estimer, évaluer, juger, s'en remettre à, se fier à, tenir compte de - dependable, reliabledigne de confiance - deviance, deviationdéviance - dependentdépendant - indiscretion, peccadilloindiscrétion, peccadille, vétille - independentindépendant - extravagance, highlife, high life, lavishness, prodigalitydépense excessive, prodigalité - desirablesouhaitable - foul playjeu irrégulier - desirable, enviable, temptingdésirable, enviable - blasphemy, desecration, profanation, sacrilege, sacrilegiousnesscaractère sacrilège, profanation, sacrilège - preferable, preferredpréférable - blue movie, erotica, obscene literature, porn, porno, pornographic literature, pornography, smutfilm classé X, film cochon, film porno, film pornographique, film X, littérature obscène, porno, pornographie - paypayer, verser - envy, invidiaenvie - awkward, difficult, hard, heavy, stiff, tough, uphillcompliqué, délicat, difficile, douteux, dur, épineux, laborieux, lourd, pénible - anger, ira, ire, wrathcolère, courroux - gluttony, gula, overeatingexcès de table - delicate, ticklish, touchydélicat - serioussérieux - troublesome, unfavorable, unfavourable, unsuitable, unwelcomeimportun, pénible - easyfacile, fastoche - elementary, simple, uncomplicated, unproblematicélémentaire, pur et simple - honey-like, smoothmielleux - assiduous, sedulous, zealousappliqué, assidu, diligent, zélé - hardworking, industrious, tireless, untiringinfatigable, inlassable - delinquent, derelict, neglectful, remissinsouciant, négligent, paresseux, souple - directdirect - braving, confronting, coping with, grappling, tacklingtacle - goodbon, meilleur - selectivesélectif - indistinctindistinct - generalgénéral - danger, hazard, jeopardy, peril, riskdanger, péril - dominant, predominantdominant, prédominant - acute, intensefin - defence, defensedéfense - changing, ever-changingchangeant, variable - inchoate, incipientdébutant, fruste, incipient, incipiente, incomplet - confront, face, face upaffronter, faire face à, tenir tête à - businesslike, effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient, suitableactif, efficace, qui fait de l'effet - arduous, backbreaking, difficult, exhausting, grueling, gruelling, hard, heavy, laborious, operose, painful, punishing, shattering, tiring, toilsomedifficile, dur, épuisant, éreintant, laborieux, pénible - heavy, labored, labouredgros, lourd - facilefacile - promiscuity, promiscuousness, sleeping aroundpromiscuité sexuelle - economic, economicalde faible prix, économique, pas cher, profitable - energetic, expeditious, quickexpéditif - drastic, extreme, sweepingdraconien, drastique, énergique, radical - emphatic, exclamatoryexclamatif - firm, strongsolide - gauche, graceless, left-handed, unpolishedgauche, inhabile, maladroit - exportableexportable - enthusiasticenthousiaste - avid, eager, keen, zealousfervent, zélé - blandish, butter up, fawn on, fawn upon, flatter, sweet-talk, toady toflatter - explicit, unambiguous, unequivocal, univocalexplicite - esotericésotérique - abstruse, deep, reconditeabscons, abstrus - arcaneésotérique - exotericexotérique - basal, basic, primaryélémentaire - euphemistic, inoffensiveeuphémique - approximate, approximative, broad, roughapproximatif, ébauché, global, grossier - free, liberal, looselibre - breathless, breathtakingà couper le souffle - abuse, misuseabus, mauvais usage - expensivecher, chère, coûteuse, coûteux - costly, dear, expensive, high-priced, precious, pricey, pricycher, chérot, coûteux, onéreux - overpricedsurévalué - affordable, cheap, dirt-cheap, inexpensive, reasonableabordable, à vil prix, bon marché, économique, pas cher, très bon marché - capitalisation, capitalizationcapitalisation - green, inexperienced, new, rawinexpérimenté - clarify, clear up, elucidateclarifier, éclaircir, élucider, expliquer - inner, interior, internalintérieur, profond - equitable, justéquitable - unfamiliarinconnu - antique, demode, démodé, ex, old-fashioned, old-hat, outmoded, out of date, out of fashion, out of style, passe, passee, unmodishancien, antique, démodé, passé de mode - dowdy, frumpish, frumpydémodé - classy, posh, swishchic, chique - immediate, instant, instantaneousimmédiat, immédiate, instantané - finical, finicky, fussy, particular, pickyméticuleux, tatillon - choosey, choosy, meticulous, particulardélicat, difficile - buxom, chubby, plump, zaftig, zoftiggrassouillet, potelé - corpulent, obese, rotund, stout, weightycorpulent, obèse - angular, bony, cadaverous, emaciated, gaunt, haggard, pinched, scrawny, skeletal, skinny, wastedamaigri, décharné, émacié, étique, osseux - arrangement, handling, ordering, organisation, organizationaccord, arrangement, mise en ordre, rangement - backing up, perfecting, printing the verse, reduplication, reiteration, second printing, verso printinggarnissage de la coquille, impression au verso, mise de dessous, réitération - copyingcopiage - replication, reproductionmultiplication, reproduction - perseverance, perseveration, persistenceacharnement, persévérance, persistance - basic, introductorybasique, de base, élémentaire - rite, ritualcérémonie, rit, rite, rituel - fit, healthful, healthy, sounden bonne santé, en forme, sain, salutaire - able, able-bodiedfort, robuste, solide - accent, accentuate, emphasise, emphasize, lay/put stress on, punctuate, stress, underline, underscoreaccentuer, faire ressortir, mettre l'accent sur, souligner - fossilised, fossilized, ossified, petrifiedfossilisé, pétrifié - accent, accentuate, emphasise, emphasize, stress, underline, underscoreaccentuer, faire ressortir, souligner - inflexible, intransigent, sturdy, uncompromisingimpitoyable, intransigeant - extraneous, foreign, strangeétranger - ceremonious, conventionalcérémonieux - ease, relaxation, repose, restrelaxation, repos - good, wellbon, meilleur - abstinenceabstinence - black, calamitous, disastrous, fatal, fatefulfatal - clear, empty, free, off, unrestrictedlibre - occasionaloccasionnel - freshfrais - hotfrais - affable, amiable, cordial, genialaffable, aimable, cordial - beetle-browed, scowlingrenfrognement - fat, fertile, productive, richfertile, fructueux, productif - congested, engorgedencombré - meresimple - such, such thattel - specificparticulier, propre, spécifique - locallocal - technicaltechnique - obedience, respectobéissance, soumission - big, bighearted, bounteous, bountiful, free, freehanded, generous, giving, handsome, lavish, liberal, openhandedgénéreux, joli, prodigue - lavish, munificent, overgenerous, too-generous, unsparing, unstinted, unstintingmunificent - maladministration, misdirection, misgovernment, mismanagement, misrulemauvaise administration, mauvaise gestion - mean, mingy, miserly, tightméchant, misérable - parsimonious, penuriousparcimonieux - big, large, magnanimousgrand - good, honestbien - syntheticsynthétique - beneficial, goodbien, bienfaisante - acceptable, satisfactorybienvenu - convenient, suitablecommode, qui convient - appeasement, calmingapaisement - crappy, icky, lousy, rotten, shitty, stinking, stinkymerdique, minable - conciliation, placation, propitiationconciliation - negativenégatif - goodbon - whiteblanc - black, dark, sinisterfoncé - demoniac, demoniacal, demonic, demonical, devilish, diabolic, diabolical, fiendish, hellish, infernal, satanic, unholydémoniaque, diabolique, indu, irrespectueux, satanique - devilish, diabolic, diabolical, mephistophelean, mephistopheliandiabolique, méphistophélique - bristly, prickly, splenetic, waspishacariâtre, acerbe, âcre, aigre, aigu, âpre, cuisant, fin, incisif, mordant, pénétrant, perçant, piquant, pointu, saillant, vif - bad-tempered, cantankerous, crabbed, crabby, cross, fussy, grouchy, grumpy, ill-tempered, moodybougon, de mauvaise humeur, fâché, grognon - cranky, fractious, irritable, nettlesome, peckish, peevish, pettish, petulant, scratchy, techy, testy, tetchygrincheux - dark, dour, glowering, glum, grouchy, moody, morose, saturnine, sour, sullen, testygrognon, maussade, menaçant, morose, noir, renfrogné, revêche - surly, uglybourru - gradualprogressif - sudden - aggroagressivité, violence - calamitous, catastrophic, disastrous, ruinouscatastrophique, désastreux - desegregation, integrating, integrationdéségrégation, intégration - faithparole - heavylourd, pesant - light - heavylourd - burdensome, onerous, taxingéprouvant, pénible - distressful, distressing, disturbing, perturbing, startling, troubling, worrisome, worryinggênant, inquiétant, troublant - supportaide, soutien - heavyénorme, gros - lightléger - homogeneous, homogenoushomogène - favor, favour, patronagefaveur - beau gestebeau geste - attentionattention - highgrand - mobilisation, mobilizationmobilisation, organisation - low, low-lyingbas, basse - act of revenge, reprisal, retaliation, retaliatory action, revenge, vengeancereprésailles, rétorsion, vengeance - highhaut - lowbas - high, high-pitchedélevé, haut, supérieur - intercession, interventioningérence, intercession, intervention - renewalrenouvellement - openfranc - deceptive, misleading, shoddytrompeur - diffuse, imbue, interpenetrate, penetrate, permeate, pervade, riddles'infiltrer, se répandre - outlet, release, ventexutoire - welcomingaccueillant, hospitalier, souriant - hottrès chaud - cold - bleak, cutting, rawdésolé - coldfroid - superhumansurhumain - humanehumain - beastly, bestial, brutal, brute, brutish, harsh, heavy-handedbestial, brutal, de brute - buffoonish, clownish, clownlike, zanybouffon, clownesque - amusing, comic, comical, funny, laughable, mirthful, risibleamusant, comique, divertissant, drôle, plaisant, risible - droll, funnydrolatique, drôle, rigolo - hilarious, screaming, uproariousbidonnant, hilare - alert, quick, quick-witted, sharp, sharp-witted, smart, telling, wittyspirituel, vif - hurriedfait à la hâte - appreciable, big, consequential, considerable, important, marked, material, of import, significant, weightyconsidérable, de poids, essentiel, grand, gros, important, significatif - biggrand, gros - cardinal, central, fundamental, key, primalcardinal, central, -clef, fondamental - chief, high, main, master, primary, principalhaut, majeur, principal - historichistorique - serioussérieux - strategic, strategicalstratégique - valuablede valeur, précieux - fiddling, footling, futile, lilliputian, little, niggling, petty, picayune, piddling, piffling, trifling, trivialfutile - amazing, awe-inspiring, awesome, awful, awing, commanding, imposing, impressive, statelyd'une majesté grandiose, imposant - brilliant, glorious, magnificent, splendidmagnifique, splendide - decadent, effetedécadent - informedinstruit - populous, thickly settledpopuleux, très peuplé - blameless, inculpable, irreproachable, unimpeachableirréproachable, irréprochable, sans reproche - edifying, enlighteningédifiant - intellectualcérébral, intellectuel, intello - clever, intelligent, shrewdintelligent - interestingintéressant - absorbing, captivating, engrossing, fascinating, gripping, intriguing, rivetingabsorbant, captivant, intrigant, passionnant - boring, dead-and-alive, deadening, drab, draggy, dreary, dull, ho-hum, irksome, jejune, monotonous, slow, soul-destroying, stodgy, stultifying, tedious, tiresome, wearisomeabêtissant, abrutissant, assommant, bêtifiant, ennuyant, ennuyeux, fastidieuse, fastidieux, lassant, pénible, sans imagination - extrinsicextrinsèque - adventitiousaccessoire, accidentel, adventice, secondaire - depressed, depressing, depressive, gloomy, saddeningdépressif - bitteramer - lugubriouslugubre - celebrated, distinguished, famed, famous, far-famed, illustrious, notable, noted, prominent, renownedcélèbre, illustre, important, renommé, très en vue - largegrand, gros - broad, spacious, widegrand - bulkyvolumineux - ample, capacious, commodious, comprehensive, roomy, spacious, sweepingspacieux, vaste - colossal, lofty, prodigious, stupendous, toweringcolossal, fantastique - enormous, huge, towering, tremendous, vasténorme - elephantine, gargantuan, giant, gigantic, jumbogéant, gigantesque - giant, gigantic, huge, leviathan, mammoth, mountainousgéant, gigantesque - Brobdingnagian, huge, immense, vastimmense - banging, humongous, thumping, walloping, whoppingénorme, lancinant, monstre, phénoménal - little, smallminuscule, petit - bantam, diminutive, flyspeck, lilliputian, micro-, midget, petite, tinymenue, micro-, minuscule - fractional, miniscule, minuscule, minute, nominal, teensy, teensy weensy, teeny, teeny weeny, tiny, weeinfime, insignifiant, minuscule - different, dissimilar, unlikedifférent, dissemblable - little, minor, modest, pocket-size, pocket-sized, small, small-scalemineur, modeste, petit, secondaire - locallocal - drawn-out, extended, lengthy, long, long-drawn-out, prolonged, protractedinterminable, long, prolétaires de tous les pays, prolongé, unissez-vous! - close, close-knit, closely-knit, durable, firm, hardwearing, hard-wearing, lasting, long-lasting, long-lived, longwearing, staunch, strong, tight, tightly-knitdurable - endless, eternal, interminableinterminable - brief, shortbref, court - fleeting, fugitive, momentaneous, momentary, non-fast, not fast to light, short-livedfugitif, momentané, non solide à la lumière - heavy, sonoroussonore - adorable, endearing, lovelyadorable, attachant - charming, cuddlesome, cuddly, cute, lovely, sweetdoup, mignon, mignonnet - abominable, detestable, execrable, loathsome, odiousabominable, détestable, odieux, répugnant - blue-eyed, fair-haired, white-hairedaux yeux bleus - affectionate, lovingaimant - affectionate, fond, lovesome, tender, warmaffectueux, tendre - amorous, besotted, enamored, enamoured, head over heels in love, infatuated, in love, madly in love, potty, smitten, soft on, sweet, taken withamoureux, éperdument amoureux, fou - majorgrand, important, majeur, principal - minormineur - insignificant, peanutinfime, insignifiant - womanishefféminé, féminin - childish, infantileenfantin, puéril - overripeblet - maximal, maximummaximum - minimal, minimumminime, minimum - meaningfulsignificatif - inane, meaningless, nonmeaningfulcreux, vide de sens - merciless, unmercifulimpitoyable - cold-blooded, cutthroat, cut-throat, hard-hearted, heartless, merciless, pitiless, relentless, remorseless, ruthless, showing no mercy, unpityingimpitoyable, implacable, sans merci, sans pitié - mildléger - intensiveintensif - severe, terrible, wickedgrave - strongfort, présent - attract, draw, draw in, pull, pull inattirer, tirer - excessive, inordinate, steep, undue, unreasonableexcessif - exorbitant, extortionate, outrageous, steep, unconscionable, usuriousexorbitant, usuraire - extremist, radical, ultra, ultra-extrémiste, radical, ultra, ultra-... ultraviolet - retiring, unassumingmodeste - debauched, degenerate, degraded, dissipated, dissolute, fast, libertine, profligate, riotous, wantondébauché, dégénéré, dévergondé, dissolu, libertin - manybeaucoup, beaucoup de, grand nombre, quantité de - legion, manifold, numerousnombreux - few, little[ peu de ] - global, planetary, world, worldwide, world-widedans le monde entier, mondial, planétaire - naturalnaturel - apparitional, ghostlike, ghostly, phantasmal, spectral, spiritualfantomatique - eventualqui s'ensuit - final, last, netdernier - aberrant, abnormal, deviant, unnaturalanormal - obedientobéissant - clear, opendécouvert, ouvert - free, sparelibre - abhorrent, detestable, disgusting, obscene, off-putting, repellant, repellent, repelling, repugnant, repulsivedétestable, repoussant, répugnant - disgustful, disgusting, distasteful, foul, loathly, loathsome, repellant, repellent, repelling, revolting, skanky, wicked, yuckydégoûtant, désagréable, écœurant, révoltant - regenerate, renewremplacer, renouveler, rénover - oldex- - fresh, new, newest, novelneuf, nouveau, nouvelle - recentrécent - aged, elderly, older, seniorâgé, ancien, assez âgé, vieux - accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, execute, fulfil, fulfillaccomplir, achever, exécuter, mener à bien - seasonable, timely, well timed, well-timedopportun - ordinarymoyen, ordinaire - average, fair, mediocre, middling, moderatemédiocre, moyen, passable - commoncommun - everyday, mundane, quotidian, routine, unremarkable, workadayde tous les jours - fabulous, fantastic, grand, howling, marvellous, marvelous, out of sight, rattling, terrific, thundering, tremendous, wonderful, wondrousénorme, fantastique, formidable, incroyable, merveilleux - holisticholistique - originaloriginal - fresh, new, noveloriginal - groundbreaking, innovational, innovativeinnovantes, innovateur - banal, clichéd, commonplace, corny, hackneyed, old-hat, shopworn, stale, stock, threadbare, timeworn, tired, trite, well-wornbanal, trivial - orthodoxorthodoxe - iconoclasticiconoclaste - open, overtdéclaré, manifeste - fanatic, fanatical, overzealous, rabidfanatique - attendant, presentactuel, présent - irenicirénique - acute, astute, clever, discerning, discriminating, incisive, keen, knifelike, penetrating, penetrative, piercing, sagacious, sharp, shrewdperçant, sagace, violent - lasting, permanentpermanent - impermanent, temporarytemporaire - ephemeral, fleeting, fugacious, passing, short-lived, transient, transitoryéphémère, passager - evanescentévanescent - baffled, confused, perplexed, puzzledperplexe - at a loss, nonplused, nonplussed, puzzleddérouté - intimate, personalintime, personnel - assure, reassureassurer, garantir - bare, mere, nude, plain, simplenu, nue - simplesimple - agreeable, congenial, enjoyable, gratifying, pleasant, pleasurableagréable - delicious, delightfulcharmant, délicieux - reduceréduire - entertainingdivertissant - amusing, amusive, divertingamusant, divertissant - positiveindéniable, positif - appal, appall, offend, outrage, scandalise, scandalize, shockoutrager, scandaliser - negativenégatif - neutralneutre - gratify, satisfysatisfaire - impracticable, infeasible, unfeasible, unworkableirréalisable - potent, stiff, strongfort, puissant - discouragedissuader, empêcher - potent, strongpuissant - puissantvigoureux - powerlessimpuissant - authoritative, importantimportant - preciseprécis - bombastic, grandiloquent, overblown, pompous, pontifical, portentousemphatique, grandiloquent, pompeux - secondarysecondaire - auxiliary, subsidiary, supplemental, supplementaryfilial - basicfondamental - privateprivé - confidentialconfidentiel - publicpublic, publique - openouvert - productive, prolificproductif - abortive, bootless, fruitless, futile, sleeveless, unfruitful, vaininfructueux, vain - lucrative, moneymaking, paying, profitable, remunerativelucratif - becoming, comely, comme il faut, decent, decorous, seemlybien, comme il faut, convenable, gracieux - priggish, prim, prissy, prudish, puritanical, square-toed, straightlaced, straight-laced, straitlaced, strait-laced, tight-laced, victoriancollet monté, guindé - protectiveconservatoire, protecteur - arrogant, chesty, self-importantarrogant, arrogante, orgueilleuse, orgueilleux, suffisant - disdainful, haughty, imperious, lofty, lordly, overbearing, prideful, sniffy, supercilious, superior, swaggeringdédaigneux, hautain, orgueilleux, supérieur - conceited, egotistic, egotistical, self-conceited, swollen, swollen-headed, vainprétentieux, vaniteux - neat, purepur, sec - clean, clear, light, uncloudednet, propre, vierge - alleged, so-called, supposedsoi-disant - apocryphal, implausibleapocryphe, invraisemblable - doubtful, dubious, fishy, funny, shady, suspect, suspiciousdouteux, louche, ombragé, suspect - noisybruyant - cool, cool-headed, peaceable, peaceful, relaxing, reposeful, restfulcalme, paisible, relaxant, reposant, reposé, tranquille - disruptive, riotous, troubled, tumultuous, turbulentperturbateur, tumultueux - orderly, systematicsystématique - hardheaded, hard-nosed, practical, pragmaticpragmatique, pratique - kafkaesquekafkaïen - phantasmagoric, phantasmagorical, surreal, surrealist, surrealisticfantasmagorique, surréaliste - healthy, intelligent, levelheaded, level-headed, soundsain, solide - boorish, loutish, neandertal, neanderthal, oafish, swinishgrossier, lourdaud, mufle - coarse, common, rough, rough-cut, uncouth, vulgargrossier, rêche, rude, rugueux, vulgaire - coarse, crassépais, fruste, grossier - regularrégulier - irrelevantsans rapport - esteemed, honored, prestigiousbien vu - disreputable, ill-famed, infamous, notoriousabominable, de mauvaise réputation, infâme, notoire - reconcilableconciliable - resolved, single-mindeddéterminé, résolu - presentableprésentable - responsibleresponsable - rewardingqui vaut la peine - oratoricaloratoire - beating, pulsating, pulsingexcitant, palpitant, vibrant - affluent, badly, flush, loaded, moneyed, wealthy, well offaisé, dans la gêne, fortuné - comfortable, easy, prosperous, well-fixed, well-heeled, well-off, well-situated, well-to-doaisé - badly-off, poorpauvre - broke, bust, flat broke, skint, stone-broke, stony-brokeà sec, fauché, fauché/fauchée, fauché comme les blés - destitute, impecunious, impoverished, indigent, necessitous, needy, poverty-strickenindigent, nécessiteux, sans ressources - hard up, impecunious, in straitened circumstances, penniless, penurious, pinchedsans le sou - deluxe, gilded, grand, lush, luxurious, opulent, princely, sumptuousluxueux, opulent, somptueux - robustrobuste - beefy, brawny, buirdly, burly, husky, strapping, sturdycostaud, fort, musclé, robuste, solide - arcadian, bucolic, pastoralarcadien, bucolique, rustique - hazardous, risky, wildpérilleux - dangerous, hazardous, parlous, perilous, precarious, touch-and-go, unhealthydangereuse, dangereux, malsain, périlleux - self-destructive, suicidalautodestructeur, suicidaire - assorted, variousvarié - similarmême, semblable, similaire - around the bend, balmy, barmy, bats, batty, bonkers, buggy, cracked, crackers, daft, dotty, fruity, haywire, kookie, kooky, loco, loony, loopy, nut, nuts, nutty, round the bend, wacky, whackyau goût de noisette, aux noisettes, cinglé, détraqué, folle, fou, maboule - maniac, maniacal, manicmaniaque - acid, sarcasticmordant, sarcastique - sardonic, wryironique, sardonique - satiric, satiricalsatirique - unsatisfactoryinsatisfaisant - disappointing, dissatisfactory, unsatisfyingdécevant, déce- vant, décevante - academic, donnish, pedanticpédant, pédante - erudite, learnedérudit - alluring, appealing, attractive, beguiling, charming, enticing, fascinating, temptingattrayant - selfishégoïste - self-seeking, self-servingégoïste - erogenousérogène, érotogène - hygienic, hygienical, sanitaryhygiénique - extraneous, foreignétranger - serioussérieux - frivolousfrivole - arch, impish, implike, mischievous, pixilated, prankish, puckish, wickedespiègle - serious, sober, unplayfulposé - open, undecided, undetermined, unresolvedouvert - coquettish, flirtatiouscoquet, flirteur - erotic, erotical, titillating, titillatinglyérotique, sensuel - blue, gamey, gamy, juicy, naughty, racy, risque, spicyrisqué - concupiscent, lascivious, lewd, libidinous, lustfullibidineux - lubricious, lustful, prurient, salaciouslubrique - appear, look, seemavoir l'air, avoir l'aspect - appear, seemapparaître, sembler - flash, showexhiber rapidement, faire voir - act big, boast, brag, flash, flaunt, make a flourish of, make a show of, ostentate, parade, show off, show off with, swagger, swankfaire étalage, faire le fanfaron, fanfaronner, parader, prendre de grands airs, se donner des airs, se pavaner - argus-eyed, hawk-eyed, keen-sighted, lynx-eyed, quick-sighted, sharp-eyed, sharp-sightedau regard perçant - important, significantsignificatif - frivolous, immaterial, inconsequential, inconsiderable, indifferent, insignificant, trifling, unimportantinsignifiant, insignifiante, négligeable - simplepur et simple - elemental, elementary, essential, fundamental, material, ultimate, vitalélémentaire, essentiel, fondamental - Byzantine, convoluted, involved, knotty, tangled, tortuouscompliqué - complex, complicated, convoluted, intricate, involvedcomplexe, compliqué, com- pliqué, tortueux - bootlicking, fawning, obsequious, sycophantic, toadyishflagorneur - lone, lonesome, only, sole, solitaryunique - adept, adroit, capable, clever, competent, efficient, expert, good, neat, practiced, proficient, skilful, skilled, skillfuladroit, capable, compétent, expert, habile, très bien/bon - smooth - bumpyaccidenté, cahotant - recoup, recover, recuperaterécupérer - polished, refined, svelte, urbaneraffiné - stablestable - firm, fixed, solid, steady, strong, substantialferme, solide - alert, brisk, hale and hearty, sprightly, spryalerte - vibrant, vivaciousvif - stablestable - ramshackle, rickety, shaky, wobbly, wonkybancal, branlant, vacillant - come off second best, loseperdre, se faire battre - fluctuatingvariable - straightraide - high, mighty, powerful, strongpuissant, violent - weakfaible - cussed, dogged, dour, mulish, persistent, pertinacious, pigheaded, stubborn, tenacious, unyielding, wayward, wilful, willfulentêté, tenace - hardheaded, mulishtêtu - contumaciousinsoumis, rebelle, récalcitrant - successfulcouronné de succès, gagnant, réussi - chagrined, defeated, disappointed, discomfited, foiled, frustrated, her ZZZetcZZZ face fell, his, thwartedallonger, deçu, déçu, frustré, insatisfait - adequate, enough, sufficientassez, suffisamment, suffisant - deficient, inadequate, insufficient, insufficiently, unsufficientinsuffisamment, insuffisant - lean, skimpytrop petit - arch, condescending, patronising, patronizingcondescendant - eminent, high, tallhaut - superiorsupérieur - excellent, fantabulous, first-class, splendidexcellent - fine, goodbeau, bon, dévoué, très bien - bum, cheap, cheesy, chintzy, crummy, punk, sleazy, tinnybon marché, minable - commercial, commercial-graded'affaires - mediocre, second-ratemédiocre - accessary, accessory, adjunct, adjuvant, ancillary, appurtenant, auxiliary, extraneous, subsidiary, supplementaryaccessoire, filiale - give, sacrificedonner - odd, peculiar, surprisingsurprenant - susceptiblesusceptible - empathetic, empathicempathique - anachronic, anachronistic, anachronousanachronique - consistent, systematic, systematicalsystématique - delectable, delicious, luscious, pleasant-tasting, scrumptious, toothsome, yummysucculent - hard, heavygros - uncontrolled, unrestrained, untemperedincontrôlé - break, bump, degrade, demote, kick downstairs, lower in rank, move down, relegatedégrader, reléguer, rétrograder - economical, frugal, meager, meagre, scotch, sparing, stinting, thriftyéconome, économique, frugal - messy, mussysale - hold back, keep, keep back, restrain, suppresscontenir, garder, interdire, retenir - cartilaginous, gristly, rubberycroquant - crisp, crispycrépu, croustillant - organise, organize, stageorganiser - cynic, cynical, misanthropic, misanthropicalcynique, misanthropique - bona fide, dependable, reliable, trustworthy, trustyde confiance, digne de confiance, fiable, fidèle - representativereprésentatif - abide by, honor, honour, observe, respecthonorer, respecter - liberalise, liberalizelibérer - advantageous, helpful, profitable, serviceable, usable, useable, useful, utileutile - futile, ineffectual, otiose, unavailing, unsuccessful, vainfutile, vain - valuablecommercial - worthlesssans valeur - proteanchangeant, inconstant - variable, varyingvariable - iterative, reiterative, repetitiveitératif, réitératif, répétitif - airless, close, stuffy, unairedétouffant, mal aéré, renfermé - ferocious, fierce, furious, rough, savage, wildacharné, cruel, féroce, sauvage - iniquitous, sinful, ungodlyinique - check, contain, control, curb, hold, hold in, moderatecontrôler, modérer - lukewarm, tepid, warmishtiède - attitudinise, attitudinizeaffecter, feindre, minauder - aby, abye, atone, expiateexpier, faire pénitence, subir sa peine - accomplish, achieve, attain, reachaccomplir, arriver à, atteindre, réaliser, réussir - begincommencer - finagle, manage, wanglecarotter - balls up, ball up, bedevil, blight, blow, bobble, bodge, bollix, bollix up, bollocks, bollocks up, botch, botch up, bumble, bungle, fiddle around, flub, fluff, foozle, foul up, fuck up, fumble, louse up, mar, mess about, mess around, mess up, mishandle, muck up, muff, potter, putter, ruin, screw up, spoilbâcler, faire bouffer, gâcher, hérisser, merder - betray, selltrahir, vendre - good for you, healthy, salubrioussalubre - loathsome, nauseating, nauseous, noisome, offensive, queasy, sickening, vileoffensant - recognise, recognizereconnaître - narrowborné, étroit, étroite - advance, boost, encourage, further, promoteappuyer, encourager, promouvoir, pro- mouvoir - helpaider, contribuer - back up, supportaider, encourager, soutenir - absurd, cockeyed, derisory, idiotic, laughable, ludicrous, nonsensical, preposterous, ridiculousabsurde, dérisoire, grotesque, insensé, ridicule - asinine, fatuous, inane, mindless, obtuse, stupid, vacuousimbécile, niais, stupide - ideologic, ideologicalidéologique - bunco, con, defraud, diddle, gip, goldbrick, gyp, hornswoggle, mulct, nobble, rook, scam, short-change, swindle, victimizeduper, escroquer, rouler - oppress, persecutepersécuter - contend, cope, deal, get along, get by, grapple, make do, make out, make shift, managedébrouiller, s'en tirer, se débrouiller - condescend, deign, descenddaigner - serveservir - act a part, act superior, lord it over, play-act, pose, pretend, put on airs, put on airs / give oneself airs, put on an act, queen it overdonner de grands airs, jouer la comédie, traiter avec arrogance - livemener une vie, vivre - makefaire - footle, hang about/around, hang around, lallygag, linger, loaf, loiter, lollygag, lounge, lurk, mess about, mill about, mill around, mooch, tarryatermoyer, flâner, paresser, traînasser, traîner - count, matter, weighavoir de l'importance, importer - agree, check, correspond, fit, gibe, jibe, match, tally, tie in/upêtre similaire - check, check outcontrôler, vérifier - dependdépendre - look like, resemble, take afterressembler, ressembler à, se ressembler - chimeral, chimeric, chimericalchimérique - exceed, go past, overstep, pass, top, transcenddépasser - answer, do, serve, sufficeeffectuer, exécuter, fabriquer, faire l'affaire, ficher, suffire, suffire à - serve, serve wellservir - fulfil, fulfill, honour, live up to, meet, satisfycombler, honorer, remplir, répondre, satisfaire, vivre en accord avec - compensate, correct, counterbalance, even off, even out, even up, make upcompenser, contrebalancer, égaliser - excel, stand out, surpassexceller, surpasser - apply, go for, holds'exercer - affect, involve, regardaffecter, atteindre, toucher - holdmaintenir, rester dans un certain état, tenir - accord, agree, concord, consort, fit in, harmonise, harmonize, toneconcorder, convenir, harmoniser, s'accorder, se mettre d'accord, se mettre en harmonie - defy, refuse, resistrefuser - cancel, make up for, offset, set offannuler, compenser, contrebalancer, neutraliser - localdu quartier, local - belongavoir sa place - belong, goaller avec, avoir sa place, être à sa place - addajouter - sellvendre - technicaltechnique - base, pedestal, standpiédestal, socle, support - vulpecular, vulpinesournois, vulpin - messianicmessianique - culturalculturel - air-raid shelter, bombproof, bomb shelterabri, abri antiaérien, abri souterrain, blockhaus, casemate - expiative, expiatory, propitiatoryexpiatoire - Draconian, draconicdraconien - Hegelianhégélien - changechangement - gem, treasurejoyau, trésor - golden calfVeau d'or - Christmas gift book, giftbook, gift book, keepsake, memento, relic, souvenir, tokenkeepsake, livre d'étrennes, relique, souvenir - magnum opusgrande œuvre, grand œuvre, magnum opus, opus magnum - asylum, refuge, sanctuaryasile, havre - ribcôte - nonentity, small beer, small fry, trifle, trivia, trivialitybagatelle, broutilles, nullité, rien - weightpoids - spiritesprit - naturesorte - animation, brio, invigoration, spiritedness, vivificationanimation, brio, entrain, vivacité - alacrity, briskness, smartnessalacrité, empressement - energy, muscularity, vigor, vigour, viménergie, vigueur - esprit, ghost, mind, quip, ready wit, spirit, sprite, witesprit, esprit d'à-propos - camaraderie, chumminess, companionship, comradeliness, comradery, comradeship, good-companionship, good-fellowshipcamaraderie - adaptability, conformabilityadaptabilité - effect, impressionimpression - figurefigure - cuteness, prettinessaura, beauté, charme, joliesse, magnificence, ostentation - attractivenessattractivité - animal magnetism, beguilement, bewitcherymagnétisme animal - charisma, personal appeal, personal magnetismcharisme - desirability, desirableness, oomph, sex appealcharme sensuel, désirabilité, séduction, sex-appeal - homeliness, plainness, uglinesslaideur - blemish, defect, mardéfaut, imperfection, tache - facility, readinessfacilité - difficultness, difficultydifficulté - fly in the ointmenthic, os, problème - combinability, compatibilitycompatibilité - accordance, coincidence, congruence, congruency, congruity, congruousness, correspondenceanalogie, concordance, conformité, congruité, identité - incompatibilityincompatibilité - conflictincompatibilité - adequacy, applicability, appositeness, appropriateness, aptness, eligibility, suitability, suitablenessadmissibilité, convenance, justesse, opportunité, pertinence - accessibility, availability, availableness, handiness, usabilitydisponibilité, maniabilité - ethic, ethics, ethoséthique, éthos - air, atmosphere, aura, flavourair, ambiance, atmosphère - notenote - caliber, calibre, qualityde qualité - excellenceexcellence - loftiness, majesty, statelinessmajesté, noblesse - absoluteness, absolute superlativeabsoluité - similarityressemblance, similarité - homologyhomologie - correspondence, parallelismconcordance, parallélisme, ressemblance - uniformity, uniformnessuniformité - homogeneity, homogeneousnesshomogénéité - correspondence, likeness, resemblance, similarityressemblance, similitude - disagreement, discrepancy, divergence, variancedésaccord, différence - allowance, leeway, margin, tolerancetolérance - dissimilarity, dissimilitude, unsimilaritydissemblance, dissimilitude - diverseness, diversity, multifariousness, varietydiversité, variété - change, varietychangement - smokefumée - interdependance, solidarity, togethernesssolidarité - complexity, complexness, complicatedness, intricacycomplexité, complication - regularityrégularité - organisation, organization, systemorganisation - irregularity, unregularityirrégularité - spasticityparalysie spasmodique, spasticité - erraticness, fickleness, instability, unstablenessdéséquilibre, instabilité - immutability, stability, stableness, steadinesséquilibre, immuabilité, immutabilité, régularité, stabilité - advantage, agreeableness, amenity, benefit, plus, plus point, vantageavantage, commodités - admissibility, likeliness, plausibility, plausiblenessadmissibilité, plausibilité - exoticism, exoticness, exotismexotisme - autochthony, endemism, indigenousnessendémisme - originalityoriginalité - freshness, noveltyfraîcheur - academicism, academism, formalism, scholastic, scholasticismacadémisme, scolastique - carefulness, exactitude, exactness, meticulousnessexactitude, précision - accuracy, exactness, preciseness, precisionexactitude, précision - impreciseness, imprecision, inaccuracy, indistinctness, inexactness, obscurity, opacityimprécision, inexactitude, infidélité - impreciseness, imprecisionimprécision - elegance, elegancyélégance, raffinement - eclat, pomppompe, splendeur - classclasse - cheapness, second-hand clothing shop, second-hand clothing store, sleaze, tackiness, tat, used clothing shop, used clothing storecamelote, friperie - clarity, clearness, limpidity, lucidity, lucidness, pellucidityclarté, transparence - explicitnessclarté - vaguenessimprécision, vague - integrity, probity, righteousnessdroiture, probité - rectitude, straightforwardness, straightness, uprightnessdroiture, honnêteté, probité, rectitude - piety, piousnessdévotion, piété - dedication, devotion, devoutness, religiousnessdévotion, piété - pietism, religionism, religiosity, religiousismdévotion, piété, piétisme - godlinesspiété - godlessness, irreligion, irreligiousnessirréligion - atrociousness, atrocity, barbarity, barbarousness, brutality, disgustedness, enormity, heinousness, loathsomeness, repulsiveness, terriblenessatrocité, barbarie, bestialité, brutalité, cruauté - brutality, ferociousness, ferocity, meanness, nastiness, savageness, savagery, venomousness, viciousness, wickedness, wildnessagressivité, barbarie, bestialité, cruauté, férocité, méchanceté, sauvagerie - inexorability, inexorableness, relentlessnessimplacabilité - altruism, selflessnessaltruisme - enterprise, enterprisingness, go-ahead, initiativeentreprise, initiative - competitiveness, fightcompétitivité, lutte - delicacy, diplomacy, discreetness, finessedélicatesse, finesse - conscience - gallantry, heroism, valiance, valiancy, valor, valorousness, valour, value, worthforce, héroïsme, vaillance, valeur - assiduity, assiduousness, concentration, drive, perseverance, persistenceassiduité, persévérance - incorruptibilityincorruptibilité - meretriciousness, speciousnessapparence trompeuse, spéciosité - nationalism, patriotismnationalisme, patriotisme - acre, gullibility, ingenuousness, innocence, innocency, naiveness, naivete, naïveté, naivety, naïvetynaïveté - dignity, self-regard, self-respect, self-worthamour-propre, dignité, respect de soi - boastfulness, vaingloryorgueil, vantardise - hubrishybris - gaminess, raciness, ribaldry, spicinesspiquant, verve - calm, calmness, composure, equanimitycalme, tranquillité - deference, respect, respectfulnessconsidération, déférence, estime, respect - bad manners, bluntness, crudeness, crudity, curtness, ill-breeding, ill manners, lack of manners, rudeness, unmannerlinessgrossièreté - newness, noveltynouveauté - freshnessfraîcheur - moldiness, must, mustinessdécomposition, moisissure - vanity fairla foire aux vanités - grace, gracefulness, gracilitygrâce - force, might, mightiness, power, strengthforce, puissance - hardiness, lustiness, robustness, validityrobustesse, vigueur - backbone, courage, daring, grit, gumption, guts, moxie, nerve, sand, spunkcourage, cran - stamina, staying power, toughnessendurance, résistance - force, forcefulness, strengthforce - intensity, intensivenessintensité - ferocity, fierceness, furiosity, furiousness, fury, madness, rage, vehemence, violence, wildnessférocité, fureur, furie, rage, violence - Achilles' heel, Achilles heelpoint névralgique, talon d'Achille - contemporaneity, contemporaneousness, modernism, modernity, modernnessmodernisme, modernité - continuity, persistencecontinuité, persistance - celerity, fastness, promptitude, promptness, quickness, rapidity, rapidness, speed, speediness, suddenness, swiftnesspromptitude, rapidité, vitesse - immediacy, immediateness, instancy, instantaneousnessinstantanéité - promptitude, promptnesspromptitude - balance, proportion, proportionalityproportion - externality, outwardnesseffet externe, externalité - glibness, slicknessbagou, désinvolture, facilité de parole - bulk, mass, volumecontenance, masse, volume - enormity, enormousness, grandness, greatness, hugeness, immenseness, immensity, sizeableness, vastness, widenessénormité, grandeur démesurée, immensité - quantityquantité - exiguity, leanness, meagerness, meagreness, poorness, scantiness, scantness, skimpinessexiguïté, insuffisance, maigreur - cornucopia, horn of plenty, profuseness, profusion, richnesscorne d'abondance, profusion, richesse, surabondance - scarceness, scarcitymanque, pénurie - overabundance, overmuch, overmuchness, profusion, superabundanceprofusion, surabondance - excess, nimiety, surplus, surplusagesurplus - embarrassment, excess, glut, overage, overflow, overplus, plethora, superfluity, superfluousness, surfeit, surplusinutilité, pléthore, superflu, superfluité, surabondance, surplus - bound, boundary, limitfrontière, limite, restriction - ambit, compass, orbit, range, reach, scopedomaine, étendue, portée - confineslimites - enacting terms, horizon, purview, viewdispositif, horizon - value, worthutilité, valeur - pricevaleur - good, goodnessbonté - benefit, welfarebien-être - lavishness, luxury, sumptuosity, sumptuousnesssomptuosité - serviceability, use, usefulness, utilityutilité - futilityfutilité, inutilité - feasibility, feasiblenessfaisabilité - competence, competencycompétence - asset, plusactif, atout, avantage, plus - advantage, vantage, virtueavantage, plus - favor, favourfaveur - gain, profit - cost-effectiveness, gainfulness, lucrativeness, pay off, profitability, profitablenessrentabilité - preferencepréférence - privilegeprivilège - green fingers, green thumbmain verte - common good, commonweal, general good, public interestintérêt collectif, intérêt commun, intérêt public - disadvantagedésavantage, dommage - circumscription, constraint, curtailment, limitation, restraint, restriction, trammelslimitation, restriction - defect, flaw, shortcomingdéfaut - deprivation, lossperte - cost, price, tollcoût, prix - drawbackinconvénient - importanceimportance, intérêt - significanceimportance, portée - weight, weightinesspoids - inanity, insanity, mental derangement, mindlessness, pointlessness, senselessness, vacancy, vacuityaliénation, aliénation mentale, aliénisme, bêtise, niaiserie - power, powerfulnessforce, pouvoir - puissancepuissance - color, colour, vividnesscouleur, éclat, vivacité - influenceinfluence - pressurepression - wagon wheels, wheelsbagnole, caisse, roues - effectiveness, effectivity, effectuality, effectualnessefficacité - efficaciousness, efficacy, efficiencyefficacité, efficience, rendement - formforme - helplessness, impotence, impotency, inability, powerlessnessimpuissance - stardustamas stellaire, être plein d'illusion, poudre magique, stardust - insolubility, insolvabilityinsolubilité - thigh, upper legcuisse - placeplace - astuteness, deepness, depth, profoundness, profundityastuce, finesse - common sense, down-to-earthness, good sense, gumption, horse sense, matter-of-factness, mother wit, realism, sense, sense of realitybon sens, gros bon sens, jugement, jugeote, réalisme, sens commun, sens des réalités - circumspection, discreetness, discretion, prudencecirconspection, prudence - caginess, care, caution, cautiousness, forethought, precaution, prudence, steadinesscirconspection, prudence, soin - intelligence - brain, brainpower, learning ability, mental capacity, mentality, witesprit - artfulness, astuteness, brains, brightness, craft, craftiness, cunning, foxiness, guile, sharpness, slickness, slyness, wiliness, witfinesse, fourberie, ruse, sournoiserie - genius, wizardrygénie, magie, sorcellerie - Heavenciel, paradis - innovativenessinitiative - coordinationcoordination - versatilitysouplesse - agility, deftness, dexterity, expertise, manual dexterity, skill, sleight, virtuosityadresse, dextérité - proficiency, techniquecompétence, technique - efficiencyefficacité - custom, traditioncoutume, habitude, mœurs - convention, formula, normal, pattern, ruleconvention, règle - closed book, enigma, inscrutability, mysteriousness, mystery, riddle, secretdevinette, énigme, mystère - dilemma, predicament, quandary, trade-offdilemme, embarras, entre l'arbre et l'écorce, entre le marteau et l'enclume, expectative, perplexité - difficultydifficulté - problem, troubledifficile, ennuis - supportaide, soutien, support - anchor, backbone, keystone, linchpin, lynchpin, mainstayattache, pilier, planche de salut - forbidden fruitfruit défendu - bait, come-on, hook, lure, sweetenerappât, leurre - replacement, substituteremplaçant, remplaçante, substitut - advertence, advertencyattention - underevaluationsous-évaluation - point of no return, Rubiconpoint de non retour - appreciation, discernment, perceptiveness, tasteappréciation, jugement - haute couture, high fashion, high stylehaute couture - craze, cult, fad, furor, furore, ragetocade, vogue - counterculturecontreculture - identification, recognitionidentification - pseudosciencepseudo-science - alternative, alternative arrangement, choice, fall-back arrangement, optionalternative, choix, option - keyclé - lightlueur - traditionmœurs - reality, worldmonde, réalité - real life, real worldmonde réel - deja vu, déjà vudéjà-vu - food, food for thought, intellectual nourishmentnourriture - issuequestion - circumstance, condition, considerationcondition, considération - bonus, fillip, goad, incentive, inducement, pep pill, spur, stimulant, stimulation, stimulus, upperstimulant - annoyance, arse, arsehole, arse-licker, ass, bastard, bother, botheration, brownnose, coarse, cock, cock up, crap, cunt, darkie, dick, fanny, fart, flashy wog, fuck, fuck up, hawk, infliction, Negro girl, pain, pain in the arse, pain in the ass, pain in the neck, piccaninny, piss, prick, puke, screw, shit, shitty, sod, wognuisance, personne désagréable - irritant, thornagacement - burden, duty, encumbrance, incumbrance, load, millstone, onus, tax, weightboulet, devoir, fardeau, poids, poids écrasant - germ, seed, sourcemuse, source - textureessence - surfaceapparence, surface - wholetout - unitunité - bosom, heartcoeur, cœur - meaning, substancesignification - implication, import, significanceimportance - base, bottom, center, centre, core, essence, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, kernel, marrow, meat, nitty-gritty, nub, pith, substance, sum, wickcœur, essence, essentiel, fond, noyau - valuevaleur - criterion, standardnorme - example, exemplar, good example, instance, modelexemplaire, exemple, modèle - phantasmagoriafantasmagorie - archetype, epitome, image, paradigm, prototypeimage, paradigme, prototype - foretasteavant-goût - demonism, diabolism, Satanismdémonisme, satanisme - acculturation, culture - encyclopaedism, encyclopedism, eruditeness, erudition, knowledge, learnedness, learning, scholarshipconnaissance, encyclopédisme, érudition, savoir - directiondirection - drift, movement, trendesprit, tendance - Callappel, cri, visite - bigotry, dogmatismbigoterie, dogmatisme - bigotry, fanaticism, fanatism, zealotryfanatisme - conservatism, conservativismconservatisme - reactionréaction - literature - nicety, nuance, refinement, shade, subtletynuance - crux, crux of the matternoeud, point crucial - buzzword, cantbuzzword, mot á la mode, mot à la mode, mot en vogue - abracadabraabracadabra - buncombe, bunk, bunkum, guff, hogwash, rotconnerie, foutaise - shadow, tincture, trace, vestigemarque, trace - foreign policypolitique extérieure, politique intérieure - answer, resolution, result, solution, solvent - understatementaffirmation en dessous de la vérité, litote, minimisation - caustic remark, irony, lampoon, sarcasm, satireironie, sarcasme, satire - gag line, laugh line, punch line, tag lineconclusion comique - one-linerbon, bon-mot, mot - caseaffaire - brain-teaser, conundrum, enigma, riddlecharade, devinette, énigme - pedantrypédanterie - eloquence, fluency, smoothness, volubilitybien-dire, éloquence - gobbledygookcharabia, jargon - archaicism, archaismarchaïsme - elocution, oratoryart oratoire, élocution - blah, bombast, claptrap, fustian, rantemphase - technobabbletechnobabble - conciseness, concision, pithiness, succinctness, tersenessconcision - ambage, circumlocution, periphrase, periphrasisambages, circonlocution, périphrase - pleonasmpléonasme - imagery, metaphor, metaphorecomparaison, métaphore - curse, curse word, cuss, cussword, expletive, oath, swearing, swearword, swear word, swear-wordblasphème, gros mot, juron, malédiction - profanityblasphème, injure, juron - acquiescence, assent, consentassentiment, consentement - disclosure, exposure, eye-opener, revealing, revelationdévoilement, révélation - innuendo, insinuationallusion, insinuation, sous-entendu - voicevoix - auspicepatronage - fair deal, square dealarrangement équitable - just deserts, poetic justicejustice poétique - payoff, reward, wagesrécompense - blow, jolt, shock - accident, misadventure, mishapaccident, mésaventure - calvary, martyrdom, torturemartyre - breach, break, falling out, rift, rupture, severancerupture - misadventure, mischance, mishapaccident, incident, mésaventure - affliction, calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, disaster, misery, tragedy, woecalamiteux, catastrophe, drame, malheur, tragédie - epiphanyÉpiphanie - destiny, fatedestinée, sort - advance, betterment, improvementamélioration, avance - debacle, fiascodébâcle, désastre, échec - accommodation, adjustment, fittingadaptation, ajustement, arèglement, réglage - juncture, occasionévénement, occasion - emergency, exigency, pinchcas d'urgence - crisiscrise - Fall of Manchute - fireenfer, feu - damage, harm, impairmentdétérioration, dommage, ébranlement, mal - revolutionbouleversement, révolution - black eye, blow, reversal, reverse, reverse shot, setbackcontretemps, raclée - Falldéchéance - conflictantagonisme, conflit - aloofness, distancedistance - sensitiveness, sensitivitysensibilité - arrangement, set-uparrangement, mise en ordre - societyassociation - overcrowding, overpopulationsurpeuplement, surpopulation - hoi polloi, mass, masses, multitude, people, the great unwashedfoule, gens, masse, masses - bourgeoisie, citizenry, middle classbourgeoisie, classe moyenne - communitycommunauté - civilisation, civilization, culturecivilisation, culture - coevals, contemporaries, generationgénération, multiplication, reproduction - assortment, miscellanea, miscellany, mixed bag, mixture, motley, potpourri, range, range of products, salmagundi, selection, smorgasbord, varietyassortiment, varia - current, flow, streamcourant, cours - cubismcubisme - distance - Eden, heaven, nirvana, paradise, promised land, Shangri-laciel, paradis - cache, hiding place, safe housecachette - refuge, safetyrefuge - destiny, fatedestin - Logos, Son, Wordfils, logos - cowardfroussard, lâche, poltron, poltronne - expertconnaisseur, expert, instruit - coon, jigaboo, nigga, nigger, nigra, spadenègre, négresse - Tom, Uncle Tom - poor white trash, white trashwhite trash - coolie, coolycoolie - Injun, red man, Redskinindien - John Bull, limeymatelot anglais - pom, pommypom - Mick, Mickey, PaddyMickey - Anglo-Americananglo-américain - Boche, Hun, Jerry, Kraut, Krautheadboche, fritz - adviser, advisor, consultant, counsellor, counselorconseiller, conseillère, expert-conseil, experte-conseil, informateur - asshole, bastard, cocksucker, dickhead, motherfucker, mother fucker, prick, shit, SOB, son of a bitch, son of a whore, whoresonbâtard, fils de putain, fils de pute, nique ta mère - authorityautorité, expert - beau, boyfriend, fellow, lover, paramour, swain, young manamant, mec, petit ami - brute, bully, hooligan, rough, roughneck, rowdy, ruffian, tough, yahoo, yob, yobbo, yobobrute, loubar, loubard, loulou, ruffian, rufian, tyran, voyou - baby, childbébé, nourrisson - aggregator, collectorcollecteur, collectionneur, collectionneuse - CO, conscientious objector, draft dodgerobjecteur de conscience - cub, greenhorn, rookiebleu - fag, faggot, fagot, fairy, nance, pansy, poof, poove, pouf, queen, queerallosexuel, homo, homosexuel - bushwhacker, hillbilly, loutrustaud, rustre - caffer, caffre, kaffir, kafirkafir, kâfir - lightsoleil - machinemachine - maestro, mastermaestro, maître - playfellow, playmatecamarade de jeu, compagne de jeu, compagnon de jeu - force, powerforce, pouvoir - half-pint, peewee, runt, shrimpavorton, freluquet, nabot - shiksa, shikseshiksa - evildoer, sinnereresse, pécheur - national leader, solon, statesmanfemme d'État, homme, homme d'État - budget items, business expenses, cost of operation, operating cost, operating costs, operating expense, operating expenses, operational costs, overhead, running costs, working expensesbudget, charge d'exploitation, charges d'exploitation, coût d'exploitation, coût de fonctionnement, coûts d'exploitation, dépenses d'exploitation, dépenses de fonctionnement, frais, frais d'exploitation, frais de fonctionnement, traitement - fringe benefit, perk, perquisiterevenus annexes - lossperte - protection, securitysauvegarde - chickenfeed, chump change, small changemenue monnaie, petite monnaie - conspicuous consumptionconsommation ostentatoire - declension, decline in quality, deterioration, worseningcorruption, détérioration - development, evolutiondéveloppement, évolution - malabsorptionmalabsorption - flowering, unfoldingépanouissement - extremum, peakapogée, maximum - aught, cipher, cypher, goose egg, nada, naught, nil, nix, nothing, nought, null, zero, zilch, zipnul, rien, zéro - bugger all, Fanny Adams, fuck all, sweet Fanny Adamsne rien branler - lower limit, minimumminimum - fistful, handfulpoignée - hint, suggestion, suspicion, tracesoupçon, trace - batch, deal, flock, good deal, great deal, hatful, heap, lot, mass, mess, mickle, mint, mountain, muckle, passel, peck, pile, plenty, pot, quite a little, raft, sight, slew, spate, stack, tidy sum, wadlot, paquet, tas - billion, gazillion, jillion, million, trillion, zillionmillions - elbow room, room, wayespace - basis, footing, groundbase - bridgepasserelle, pont - detail, item, particulardétail - scaleéchelle - balance, counterbalance, equilibrium, equipoise, footingéquilibre - amity, friendly relationship, friendshipamitié - crisiscrise, situation critique - elementélément - environmentenvironnement - equilibriuméquilibre - inclusioninclusion, inscription - rejectionrejet - status quostatu quo - natural state, state of nature, wildétat sauvage, nature - acme, climax, culmination, elevation, height, meridian, peak, pinnacle, summit, superlative, tiptop, topapogée, comble, point culminant, sommet - case, eventcas - position, statusposition, prestige, statut - place, stationplace, position, situation - championship, titletitre de champion - precedence, precedency, prioritypriorité - subordinateness, subsidiarityimportance secondaire - lifevie - orderordre, ordre social - peacepaix - anarchy, lawlessnessanarchie - bedlam, chaos, pandemonium, topsy-turvydom, topsy-turvynesschaos, pagaïe, vacarme - incidentincident - Sturm und Drang, turbulence, upheavalagitation, bouleversement, turbulence - cold warguerre froide - disagreement, dissension, dissonancedésaccord - freedom, libertyliberté - autonomy, libertyautonomie - polarisation, polarizationpolarisation - break-even point, dead end, deadlock, impasse, stalemate, standstillimpasse, point mort - emergencyurgence - critical point, crossroads, juncturepoint critique, situation critique - desperate straits, dire straitsdire straits - energy, vim, vitalityénergie - difficultydifficulté, problème - plight, predicament, quandarydifficulté, situation embarrassante - strain, stressstress - job, problemproblème - acknowledgement, acknowledgment, recognitionreconnaissance - insulation, isolationisolation, isolement, solitude - improvement, meliorationamélioration - developmentdéveloppement - disuse, neglectabandon, désuétude - refurbishment, renovation, restorationrénovation - grandness, importancegrandeur, importance - accent, emphasisemphase, importance, insistance - face, kudos, prestige, prestigiousnessprestige - anonymity, anonymousness, namelessness, online anonymityanonymat, anonymat en ligne, anonymie, anonymité - celebrity, fame, good name, illustriousness, name, renownbonne réputation, célébrité, gloire, nom, renom, renommée - fame, reputation, reputerenommée, réputation - character, reputationrenommée, réputation - namerenommée, réputation - abasement, abjection, abjectness, degradationabjection, humiliation - decadence, decadency, decline, degeneracy, degeneration, lossdécadence, dégénérescence - ascendance, ascendancy, ascendancy/ascendency, ascendence, ascendency, control, dominance, superior power, superior strength, supremacyascendant, prédominance, suprématie - dominance, domination, mastery, supremacydomination, maîtrise, suprématie - paramountcyprépondérance - bane, curse, nemesis, scourgefléau - miserableness, misery, wretchednessmalheur, misère - urgencyurgence - imperativeness, insistence, insistency, press, pressurenécessité, pression, urgence - infestationinfestation - integrity, unity, wholenessintégralité, unité - completenessintégralité, plénitude, totalité - entireness, entirety, integrality, totalityintégralité, totalité - imperfection, imperfectnessdéfectuosité, imperfection - hamartia, tragic flawhamartia - circumstances, destiny, doom, fate, fortune, lot, luck, portionchance, destin, destinée, sort - prosperity, successfulnessprospérité - successréussite - catastrophe, disastercatastrophe, désastre - failureéchec - chance, outlook, prospectperspectives, perspectives d'avenir - break, chance, occasion, opportunity, scopechance, occasion, possibilité - daychance, jour - clean slate, fresh start, tabula rasafaire table rase, tabula rasa - impureness, impurityimpureté - credit crunch, liquidity crisis, squeeze, tightening of money, tight money policypolitique de l'argent rare, resserrement de crédit, resserrement du crédit - full employmentplein emploi, plein-emploi - prosperityprospérité - affluence, opulence, richnessaisance, opulence, richesse - mammonargent, mammon, veau d'or - impoverishment, poorness, poverty - destitution, indigence, need, neediness, pauperism, pauperization, penurybesoin, indigence, misère, mistoufle, mouise, paupérisme, pauvreté - hygienehygiène - immaculateness, spotlessnesspropreté impeccable - order, orderlinessordre - dirt, filth, grease, grime, grunge, soil, staincrasse, saleté - sordidness, squalidness, squalorcaractère sordide, saleté - circumstance, context, settingcadre, contexte - area, arena, domain, field, orbit, spheredomaine, milieu, réalité, sphère - province, responsibilitycompétence, ressort - bad weather, inclemency, inclementness, rigour, rigours, severityinclémence, mauvais temps, rigueur - ambiance, ambience, atmosphereatmosphère - feel, feeling, flavor, flavour, look, smell, spirit, toneambiance - safetysécurité - safeness, safety, securitysécurité - peace, public securitypaix - protection, shelterprotection - dangerdanger - dangerdanger - clear and present dangerdanger immédiat - danger, distress, endangerment, hazard, jeopardy, peril, riskdanger, risque - menace, threatdanger, menace - fitness, physical fitnessfitness - illumination, lightillumination, lumière - elixir, philosopher's stone, philosophers' stonepierre philosophale - dross, impurityimpureté - atom, corpuscle, molecule, mote, particle, speckatome, corpuscule, molécule, parcelle, particule - dustpoudre, poussière - waste, waste material, waste matter, waste productchute, déchet, déchets, matériau perdu - contemporary world, modern times, modern world, present timesépoque moderne, temps modernes - nightobscurité, ténèbres - crack of doom, Day of Judgement, Day of Judgment, day of reckoning, Doomsday, end of the world, eschaton, Judgement Day, Judgment Day, Last Day, Last Judgement, Last Judgmentjour du Jugement dernier, jugement dernier - hourheure - age, long time, yearsannées - timeheure, moment, temps - blink of an eye, flash, heartbeat, instant, jiffy, New York minute, split second, trice, twinkling, winken moins de deux, fraction de seconde - generationgénération, multiplication, reproduction[Domaine]
