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desporto — sport; sports[ClasseHyper.]
diversão, passatempo, recreaçao, recreação, recreio — diversion, entertainment, recreation[Hyper.]
brincar, curvetear, fazer travessuras, garotar, saltar, traquinar — be boisterous, cavort, disport, frisk, frolic, gambol, lark, lark about, rollick, romp, run around, skylark, sport - acrobático, atlético — acrobatic, athletic, gymnastic[Dérivé]
rock climbing - contact sport - field sport, outdoor sport - Ginastica, Ginástica — gym, gymnastic exercise, gymnastics - atletismo — track and field - Esqui — ski, skiing - esportes aquáticos — aquatics, water sport - ato de remar, esporte do remo, remadela, remadura, remo — row, rowing - arco-e-flecha, jogo do arco, tiro com arco — archery, bow - sledding - patinação — ice-skating, skating - ação de correr, aceleração, carreira, corrida, corrida de cavalos, Esportes de corrida — race, racing, run, running - equitação, hipismo — equitation, horseback riding, riding - Ciclismo — circling, cycling - Desporto sangrento, Desportos sangrentos — blood sport - atletismo, esporte — athletic game, athletics, track and field events - judo — judo - spectator sport - Desportos colectivos — team sport - carreira — running, track - jumping - boxe, pugilismo — boxing, fisticuffs, pugilism - Funambulismo — funambulism, tightrope walking[Spéc.]
desportista, desportivo, esportivo — athletic, sporting, sportive, sporty[Rel.Pr.]
desportivo, do desporto — sporting, sports, sporty - atlético — athletic - brincar, curvetear, fazer travessuras, garotar, saltar, traquinar — be boisterous, cavort, disport, frisk, frolic, gambol, lark, lark about, rollick, romp, run around, skylark, sport[Dérivé]
in play - out of play - de homem para homem — man-to-man, one-on-one - loose - legal - disqualified - em casa — home - away - most-valuable - inelegível — ineligible - defending - onside - offside, offsides - underarm, underhand, underhanded - acima do ombro — overarm, overhand, overhanded - upfield - downfield - downfield - em casa — at home - wipeout - lance, passe — flip, pass, toss - daisy cutter - call - birling, logrolling - chute, golpe, jogada, raquetada, remada, tiro — shot, stroke - position - falta — foul - personal foul - Posse — possession - defesa — save - cabine de imprensa, tribuna de imprensa — press box - tuck - game plan - won-lost record - efeito, letra — effect, English, side - series - prova — event, trial - defence, defence team, defending team, defense - bench warmer - instrutor, técnico, Treinador, Treinadores — coach, handler, instructor, instructress, manager, trainer - free agent - ironman, iron man - Arbitro, árbitro, Árbitros, juiz — ref, referee - caçador de talentos, descobridor de talentos — scout, talent scout - shooter - timekeeper, timer - free agency - full time, full-time, full-time worker, regulation time - Morte subita, Morte súbita — sudden death - jogo, recuperação, retomada — bout, round, turn - surge - decrépito, escalado — seed - exceder, ultrapassar — outclass - call - curl - start - interceptar a bola — field - atirar — shoot - arbitrar — arbitrate, ref, referee, ump, umpire - drop - down - bandy - double-team - submarine - dar um puntapé — boot, kick - punt - follow through - kill - kill - racket - driblar — carry, dribble - cut - boxar, boxear — box - praticar boxe, treinar boxe — spar - spar - prizefight - shadowbox - andar, caminhar — tramp - caminhar, fazer caminhadas, passear — hike, walk - praticar montanhismo, subir — mountaineer - abseil, rappel, rope down - backpack, pack - run - fazer joguing — jog - patinar — ice-skate, skate - spread-eagle - ice skate - figure skate - andar de patins, patinar — roller skate, roller-skate - skateboard - speed skate - esquiar — ski - schuss - sled, sledge, sleigh - bob, bobsled, bobsleigh - andar de tobogã — luge, toboggan - esqui aquático fazer, praticar esqui aquático — water ski, water-ski - remar — scull - navegar — canoe - kayak - chapinhar, patejar — paddle - deslizar, surfar — surf, surfboard - fazer windsurf — windsurf - mergulhar — skin-dive, snorkel - jackknife - snorkel - ski jump - correr barreiras — hurdle - ride the bench, warm the bench - run - aguentar firme — sit out - bater — drive - Rollerblade - offside - deficit - lead - average[Domaine]
athletics (n.) • desporto (n.m.) • esporte (n.) • sport (n.) • sports (n.)