
diccionario analógico

변동variance, variation - space walk - 가정적임domesticity - operation - 작용, 작전operation - 습관, 양식pattern, practice - 레크리에이션, 오락, 우회로diversion, entertainment, recreation - 기호·취미에 맞는 일[사람·물건], 기호에_맞는_일, 좋아하는_것bag, cup of tea, dish, one's cup of tea - followup, follow-up - 게임, 경기, 놀이game - 순번, 차례go, play, turn - 음악, 음악 [音樂]music - 연기acting, performing, playacting, playing - 동작animation, liveliness - burst, fit - 노력, 일, 일터, 제작품, 직장, 하고 있는 일work - deeds, memoirs, works - 서비스service - 업무, 직업business, job, line, line of work, occupation - occupation - 저술committal to writing, writing - 미장role - 295933_비행/, 나쁜 짓, 범죄actus reus, misconduct, wrongdoing, wrongful conduct - 낭비, 허비dissipation, squander, squandering, waste, wastefulness, wasting - ?럭비? 트라이, 노력, 노력의 성과, 분투, 수고, 시도, 역작attempt, effort, endeavor, endeavour, essay, exertion, go, shot, stroke, try - 억제, 통제control - 보호protection - 감각_활동/sensory activity - 가르치기, 가르침, 교육, 지시didactics, education, educational activity, instruction, pedagogy, teaching, teaching skills - 훈련grooming, preparation, training - 대표, 표현representation - 창작, 창조creation, creative activity - 해체disassembling, disassembly, dismantlement, dismantling, struck - 89714_찌르기/puncture - 수색, 조사, 추적, 탐색hunt, hunting, search - 사용, 이용application, employment, exercise, usage, use, utilisation, utilization - 군사작전, 군사 행동, 작용action, military operation, operation - 깊이, 면적, 양, 측량, 측정, 크기measure, measurement, measuring, mensuration - 보정calibration, standardisation, standardization - 조직화arrangement, handling, ordering, organisation, organization - 집단화grouping, regrouping - 지지, 지탱support, supporting - 계속, 연속continuance, continuation - 수단, 절차, 진행procedure, process - ceremony - 예법, 의례, 의식ceremony - 숭배, 예배veneration, worship - activating, activation, energizing - 숨김, 숨김/, 은폐concealing, concealment, hiding, pretence, pretense - 배치emplacement, locating, location, orientation, placement, position, positioning - 공급, 대책, 제공, 준비provision, supply, supplying - 요구, 요망 application, demand, inquiry, request - pleasure - 즐거움, 쾌락delectation, enjoyment - lament, lamentation, mourning - sc=Hanglaugh, laughter - 시장market, marketplace, market place - 준비arrangements, preparation, preparations, readying - 거들기, 도움, 돌봄, 보조물, 원조, 조력aid, assist, assistance, hand, help - 원조support - 처신, 태도, 행동, 활동actions, conduct, doings - 행동behavior, behaviour - leadership, leading - precedence, precedency, precession - 단독 연기solo - buzz - fun - hell, sin - 배출outlet, release, vent - last - mystification, obfuscation - negotiation - 장애disturbance, perturbation - timekeeping - 상업business activity, commercial activity - 운동복, 일의 시초, 준비 운동prolusion, tune-up, warming up, warm-up - 정책policy, political life, politics - verbalisation, verbalization[Spéc.]


action (n.) • activity (n.) • busyness (n.) • employment (n.) • occupation (n.) • pursuit (n.) • 도락 (n.) • (n.) • 직업 (n.) • 활동 (n.)
