
diccionario analógico

entail - ændring, bevægelse, omsvingabout-face, policy change, reversal, swing, volte-face - adulteration - flytningmove, relocation - filtration - forenklingreduction, simplification - gøren til en decimaldecimalisation, decimalization - metrication, metrification - variation - turning - diversification, variegation - stadig forandringflux - ændring, erstatning, flytning, omslag, skift, skifte-change, shift, switch, switching - erstatning, udskiftningcommutation, exchange, substitution - forfremmelse, oprykningadvancement, promotion - degraderingdegradation, demotion, relegation - change of state - adjustment, alteration, change, modification - motion, move, movement - movement - bevægelig del, bevægelse, vinkmotility, motion, move, movement - change of direction, reorientation - change of magnitude - change of integrity - konvertering, ombygning, omvendelseconversion - update, updating - change of shape - satisfaction - nationalisation, nationalization - communisation, communization - secularisation, secularization - renegociated rate mortgage, rollover, rollover mortgage, roll-over mortgage - replacement, replacing - downshift - downshift[Spéc.]

ændre, vekslealter, change, vary - ændre, forandre, forandre sigalter, change, modify[Dérivé]

ændring (n.) • change (n.) • forandring (n.)
