
diccionario analógico

alternate, rotate, take turnsalternar, alternarse, hacer por turnos, relevarse, turnarse, variar - end up, fetch up, finish, finish up, land, land up, wind upacabar, ir a parar, ir a parar a, terminar, terminar por - festinate, hasten, hurry, hurry up, look sharp, race, rush, speed¡date prisa!, ¡espabílate!, abalanzarse, acelerar, acelerarse, aligerar, apresurar, apresurarse, apresurarse a, apurarse, atropellar, correr mucho, darse prisa, embarrilar, lanzarse, meter prisa, precipitarse - disturb, interruptdisturbar, molestar - react, reply, respondreaccionar, responder - go ahead, plow aheadempezar con - aggress, attackatacar - force - create - come forward, come out, come to the fore, step forward, step to the fore, step up - pay back, recompense, repay, rewardpremiar, recompensar - satisfice, satisfise - maneuver, manoeuver, manoeuvremaniobrar - dispatch - evade - race - use - fly by the seat of your pants, play it by ear - play - deal - partneracompañar, asociar - exert, make an effort, striveesforzarse - egotrip - reciprocatecorresponder - go, move, proceedacudir, avanzar, dirigirse, ir a, ir haciendo, irse, marcharse, progresar, venir - come close - perform - dare, make bold, presumeatreverse, atreverse a, tener la osadía de - engage, prosecute, pursue - act on, act upon, go bycumplir, guiarse por, seguir - interactinfluirse mutuamente, interactuar, relacionarse - oppose, react - take time by the forelock - coact - offer, volunteerofrecer, ofrecerse - get around to, get thereconseguir, encontrar tiempo para hacer algo, poder hacer - dally, flirt, play, toy - approach, go about, go to work on, set about, take upandar, correr, empezar a, empezar a hacer, emprender, ocuparse - participate, take part - behave badly, misbehave, misconduct, misdemean, play upcomportarse mal, dar la lata, de las suyas hacer, hacer de las suyas, portarse mal - abase o.s., condescend, demean o.s., humble o.s., lower oneself, stoopachicarse, aplebeyarse, descolgarse, envilecerse, humillarse, rebajarse - acquit, act, act like, bear, behave, behave like, behave o.s., carry, comport, comport o.s., conduct, conduct o.s., deport, play, pretend to becomportarse, comportarse como, conducirse, dárselas de, portarse, portarse como - behave, comport - assay, attempt, endeavor, endeavour, essay, have a crack at, hazard, seek, test, try, try outexperimentar, intentar, peligro, pretender, probar, riesgo, tratar de - court, pay court to, romance, solicit, woocortejar, galantear, hacer la corte, hacer la corte a, pretender, salir, ser novio - court - dareatraverse, atreverse, osar - effectefectuar, llevar a cabo, provocar, realizar - antagonise, antagonize, counteractcontrarrestar, neutralizar - anticipate, be ahead of, counter, foresee, forestall, plan aheadadelantarse a, anticiparse a, planear/con anticipación organizar - proceed, prosecuteenjuiciar, proceder contra, procesar - commit, perpetrate, pullcometer, consumar, perpetrar - rampagecomportarse como un loco, desbocarse - contend, cope, deal, get along, get by, grapple, make do, make out, make shift, managearreglarse, arreglárselas, arreglárselas con, dar abasto, defenderse, enfrentar, enredarse en, enzarzarse en, lidiar, luchar, poder con, salir adelante - condescend, deign, descendcondescender, dignarse - condescend - be careful, take care, watch, watch one's stepir con pies de plomo, tener cuidado, vigilar - act superior, lord it over, put on airs, queen it over - stampede - make a point, make certain, make sureasegurar - repeat, take over - surpriseasombrar, maravillar, sorprender - sneakescabullirse, sacar a escondidas - play - takedar - guard - begin, start - go off at half-cock, go off half-cocked - hang on, hold back, hold off, wait, watchaguardar, esperar - carry on, continue, get about, go along, go on, keep, keep going, keep it up, keep on, proceed¡ánimo!, continuar, proseguir, seguir - do well, had best - continuecontinuar, reanudarse - continue, persist in - function, officiateejercer, oficiar - act asactuar como, hacer de[Spéc.]

act, deed, human action, human activityacción, actividad humana, acto, hecho, obra - actionacción, actuación, hecho - movepaso - action, activeness, activityactividad[Dérivé]

incite, instigate, set off, stir updespertar, excitar, fomentar, incitar, provocar - directdirigir - bring pressure to bear on, bulldoze into, coerce, coerce into, compel, compel to, constrain, dragoon into, force, hale, oblige, press into, press to, pressure, pressurise, pressurize, put pressure on, squeezecabildear, coaccionar, coaccionar a, compeler a, comprometer a, constreñir, ejercer presión sobre, forzar, hacer presión sobre, limitar, obligar, presionar, presionar a, restringir - compel, obligate, obligeobligar[Cause]

act upon, impact, influence, sway, workafectar, influenciar, influir, persuadir, predisponer[Analogie]

forbear, refrainabstenerse[Ant.]

act (v.) • actuar (v.) • hacer (v.) • llevar a cabo (v. trans.) • move (v.)
