Contenido de sensagent
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sauter (fr)[Classe]
move, throw[Hyper.]
jump, jumping, leap - bounce, bound, hop, hopping, leap, leaping, saltation, skipping, spring - leap - jumper[Dérivé]
pronk - bounce, bounce off, bound, glance off, rebound, recoil, resile, reverberate, ricochet, skim, spring, take a hop - burst - bounce - capriole - galumph - ski jump - jump about, saltate - vault - leapfrog - clear, negotiate, overleap, vault - curvet - hop, hop-skip, skip - caper, cavort, dance about, frisk, frolic, gambol, romp, skip around - hop, jump[Spéc.]
jump, jumping, leap - bounce, bound, hop, hopping, leap, leaping, saltation, skipping, spring - leap - jumper[Dérivé]
jump, leap[Cause]
bestride, climb on, get on, hop on, jump on, mount, mount up - be blindingly obvious, catch the eye, jump, jump out, leap out, leap to the eye, stand out, stare in the face, stick out[Analogie]
bound (v.) • hop (n.) • jump (v. intr.) • jump over (v. intr.) • leap (v. intr.) • leap over (v. intr.) • spring (v. intr.) • vault (n.)