
diccionario analógico

传开, 傳開, 流传, 流傳, 走漏circulate, get about, go around, spread - carry - 小心地移置ease - whish - float - swap - seek - whine - fly - ride - come - ghost - betake oneself - overfly, pass over - travel - wend - 研究,学习do - raft - 走动, 走動get about, get around - repair, resort - 以穩定的速度行進, (飞机)用巡航速度飞行cruise - journey, travel - 來, 来come, come up - 迂回round - 滾動trundle - push - travel purposefully - 偏航,轉向swing - 徒步旅行, 流浪, 游荡, 漫游, 漫游,流浪, 漫游,闲逛, 漫遊,流浪, 漫遊,閑逛, 闲荡cast, drift, go astray, kick about, kick around, ramble, range, roam, roam about, roam around, roll, rove, stray, stray off, swan, tramp, vagabond, wander, wander about, wander around, wander away - 步行get a breath of fresh air, take a breath of fresh air, take the air, walk - 搖晃, 蜿蜓而流meander, snake, thread, wander, weave, wind - forge, spirt, spurt - 匍, 匍匐, 爬, 缓慢移动, 蛇行crawl, creep, worm - 争夺, 爭奪scramble - 不穩地滑動, 使滑动, 溜, 滑, 滑动slide, slither - 滚, 滚动, 骨碌碌转roll, wheel - 掠过, 滑动, 滑行glide, slide - 反弹, 弹起, 彈起, 跳动, 跳跃, 蹦蹦跳跳, 颠簸bounce, jounce - breeze - 吹動, 漂浮be adrift, blow, drift, float, float on the surface - play - 浮动, 游泳, 漂浮float, swim - 步行, 行走, 走, 走路walk - 改变方向, 改變方向, 转向fork, move around, turn - circle - slice into, slice through - 漂流, 迷路drift, err, stray - run - 步行, 走 , 走,举步, 走,舉步step - 开车, 駕駛汽車旅行, 驱车, 驾车或乘车旅行, 驾驶汽车drive, motor - 行駛, 行驶automobile, drive, go by car, roll - 滑雪, 滑雪橇ski - 飞, 飞翔, 飞行fly, wing - 用蒸汽开动, 蒸汽驱动steam, steamer - 滑行taxi - 摆渡, 渡过ferry - 乘, 坐, 骑mount, ride, sit - 昂首阔步, 欢跃, 腾跃, 雀跃prance - 泅渡, 游水, 游泳swim - 上升, 上昇, 上涨, 出现arise, come up, go up, lift, move up, rise, uprise - 攀登, 爬上, 登高ascend, go up - 下來, 下来, 下降, 传下, 沉沒, 落下, 降低come down, descend, fall, go down - 掉, 落, 落下fall, freefall - 作Z字形行进, 曲折盘旋, 曲折盤旋, 曲折行进crank, zigzag - 沿着...前进, 沿著…前進, 沿行, 跟随, 跟隨follow, travel along - 上涨, 前進, 增加, 进步advance, bear down on, come up to, come up towards, go forward, go on, make for, march on, move on, pass on, progress, stick something out - 向后移, 撤退, 离开, 退却, 離開back, draw back, get back, go backward, go backwards, move back, pull away, pull back, recede, retire, retreat, step back, walk backward, walk backwards, withdraw - 倒退, 后退, 逆行retrograde - 前进, 繼續, 进行continue, go forward, proceed - 倒退, 倒退,倒轉, 倒退,倒转, 后退back, backpedal, backtrack, opt out, reverse - 摇摄, 移動鏡頭拍全景pan - 听从, 跟着, 跟随, 随follow - 先于..., 先於…, 率领lead, lead on, precede - 跟在后面, 跟踪,尾随, 追, 追求, 追猎, 追赶, 追踪, 追逐drive after, follow, go after, pursue, run after - 回, 回去, 回复, 回復, 回来, 回顧, 回顾, 归, 折回, 返回, (话题等的)回复go back, return, revert, turn back - 出轨, 脱轨be derailed, derail, jump, leave the rails, leave the tracks - 成群结队而行, 成群而行flock - 为...伴奏, 伴随, 陪同accompany, come along, come along with, come with, follow, go along, go along with, go with, walk along, walk with - 艰难前行billow - 周旋, 循环, 循環, 来回走动circulate, move to and fro - 旋轉, 旋转, 环形, 环流, 运转, 運轉circle, circulate - 使转动角度angle - 渡过, 穿过, 经过, 过cross, go across, go through, pass, pass through - 从...旁而过, 從…旁而過, 走过, 路过go by, go past, pass, pass by, surpass, travel by - 快行, 迅速前进hurry, speed, travel rapidly, zip - 超速, 超速驾驶, 超速(开车)speed - zoom - 向前疾驶, 猛冲, 猛进, 突进, 被驱使, 驱使drive - 冲进, 加紧, 快进, 疾走, 疾馳, 疾驰, 赶快, 赶紧, 迅速(前进), 飞驰belt along, bucket along, cannonball along, hasten, hie, hotfoot, pelt along, race, rush, rush along, speed, step on it, streak - 慢吞吞地走, 拖沓行走, 沒精打採地走, 没精打采地走shack, trail - 穿梭, 穿梭往返shuttle - 发出嘶嘶声hiss, whoosh - 疾过whisk - 全速前进, 前进, 急驶, 猛冲, 猛衝, 飞奔career, race - 巡回, 巡行circuit - 冲进lance - 从侧翼包抄, 包抄go around, outflank - 传导, 传播propagate - 挨近, 渐渐移动, 行进, 走进, 靠拢, 靠近draw - 换乘change, transfer - 冲击, 发出拍击声swash - 慢慢地走pace - 跨步, 踏, 踩, 迈step, tread - step - 急速运动, 猛冲, 突进, 飞驰hurtle - 躲避, 隐退retire, retreat, withdraw - 嗖嗖飞过, 飕飕地飞过, 飛鳴, 飞鸣, (子弹)呼啸而过whistle, whizz, zip - 列岛旅游, 列岛旅行island hop - 乘风破浪前进, 破浪前进, 耕(田),犁(地)plough, plow - 摇晃, 突然倾斜, 突然傾斜, 蹒跚而行, 颠簸着行进lurch - sift - 下降, 倾斜fall - 拖动drag - 到处跑run - 发出砰的一声, 砰砰作响bang - 产生进动, 旋进precess - 游历, 游遍, 漫游move around, travel - 駕馭, 驾驭ride - 穿雪鞋走路snowshoe - 快速移动, 急急忙忙beetle - 开动, 行驶pull - swim - tram - caravan[Spéc.]

mouvant (fr)[QuiEst]

motilité (fr)[Nominalisation]

运动, 運動motion, move, movement - 旅行locomotion, travel - locomotion, motive power, motivity - 活动motion, movement - change of location, travel - traveler, traveller - mover - here goes - 活动+的, 移动+的, 运动+的, 运转+的locomotive, locomotor, locomotory[Dérivé]

旅行jaunt, travel, trip[Cause]

引导, 指导steer - 到达, 到达(某一点), 得出, 抵达, 獲得,達到, 达到,找到, 達到,找到, 達成arrive at, attain, come, come to, gain, hit, lead to, make, reach - 未擊中, 未赶上, 错过miss - 移置displace, move, rehang, shunt[Domaine]

搬出move, move house, move out - 上升, 攀登, 爬上ascend, climb, climb up, go up, mount - 沉没, 落下, 落下去, 落沉, (日、月)落,下沉go, go down, go under, set - 沈下, 沉, 沉下, 沉没go down, go under, settle, sink - 下降;滑落, 介于, 流逝, 消逝, 經過, 过, 过去, 逝去, (时间)消逝elapse, expire, glide by, go along, go by, intervene, lapse, pass, roll by, slide by, slip, slip away, slip by, slip past[Analogie]

stay in place[Ant.]

go (v.) • go along (v. trans.) • locomote (v.) • move (v.) • travel (v.) • 传播 (v.) •  • 移动 (v.) • 行动 (v.) • 行进 (v.) • 走,旅行,走动 (v.) • 走,旅行,走動 (v.) • 运行 (v.)
