
diccionario analógico

afbera, eiga lögsókn yfir höfði sér, halda/bera uppi, halda upp, þolaabide, absorb, bear, brook, digest, endure, permit, put up, put up with, stand, stick out, stomach, suffer, support, sustain, tolerate, weather, withstand - furlough - give - leyfaallow, permit, tolerate - samþykkjaauthorise, authorize, clear, pass, set one's seal to - admit, include, let in - favor, favour, give greater importance to, give greater place to, privilege - lögleiðadecriminalise, decriminalize, legalise, legalize, legitimate, legitimatise, legitimatize, legitimise, legitimize, permit - trust - heimila aðgangadmit, allow in, allow to enter, intromit, let in, permit to enter[Spéc.]

authorisation, leave, pass, passport, permit[CeQui~]

leyfi, umboðauthorisation, authorization, empowerment[Nominalisation]

grænt ljós, heimild, leyfiapproval, go-ahead, green light, license, permission, permit, the green light - heimild, leyfi, skírteiniclearance, licence, license, permit - framsal, stuðningurcountenance, endorsement, imprimatur, indorsement, sanction, warrant - admissible, allowable, permissible - permissive[Dérivé]

allow, grant[Domaine]

bannadefeat, disallow, flout, forbid, interdict, nix, overrule, prohibit, proscribe, repudiate, spurn, veto, vote down[Ant.]

allow (v. trans.) • authorize (v.) • countenance (v.) • láta viðgangast (v.) • let (v. trans.) • license (v. trans.) • permit (v. trans.)
