
diccionario analógico

familiarization period, orientation period, test period, trial period - time frame - hourshoras - downtime - uptime - work time - furlough, leave, time offlicencia, permiso, tiempo libre - hospitalization - transit time, travelling time, travel time - age, epoch, era, period, timeépoca, hora, momento, tiempo - elapsed time - continuance, duration, length of time, take the standduración - calendar week, weeksemana - field day - life, lifespan, life span, lifetime, life-timeduración, duración de vida, vida, vida útil - lifevida - lifeexistencia, vida - millenary, millenium, millenniummilenario, milenio - bimillenary, bimillennium - occupationocupación - past, the pastpasado - shelf life, storage lifeconservabilidad, estabilidad, inalterabilidad, período de conservación para la venta - puerperiumpuerperio - lactation - time of life - calendar day, civil daydía, día natural - festival - day, daylight, daytimedía, jornada - dawn, forenoon, morn, morning, morning timealba, albor, alborada, amanecer, amanecida, aurora, mañana - dark, night, nighttime, night-timenoche - nightnoche - nightnoche, sueño - night - eve - evening - hebdomad, weeksemana - fortnight, two weeksdos semanas, quince días, quincena - weekendfinde, fin de semana, week-end - All-hallown summer, Indian summer, Old Wives' summer, Saint-Luke's summer, Saint Martin's summer, Saint-Martin's summerveranillo de San Martín - yearaño - school, school day, schooltime - twelvemonth, year, yraño - yearaño, curso, ejercicio - a half year, half a year, half-year, semestermedio año, semestre - bimesterbimestre - Olympiadolimpiada, olimpíada - lustrumlustro - decade, decennary, decenniumdécada, decenio - centurycenturia, siglo - half-centurymedio siglo - quarter-centurycuarto de siglo - quarter, trimestertrimestre - phase of the moonfase de la Luna, fase lunar - daydía - calendar month, monthmes - mid-January - mid-February - mid-March - mid-April - mid-May - mid-June - mid-July - mid-August - mid-September - mid-October - mid-November - mid-December - time limitfecha límite, plazo, plazo límite - termetapa, período, plazo - trimestertrimestre - hourhora - silly season - Golden Ageedad de oro - silver ageedad de plata - bronze age - iron ageedad de hierro - great year, Platonic yearaño platónico - full time, full-time, full-time worker, regulation timetiempo reglamentario - extra time, overtimeprórroga - season, time of yearestación, temporada - canicular days, canicule, dog dayscanícula - midwinterpleno invierno - seasontemporada - seasonestación, temporada - age, long time, yearsaños - long haul, long radius, long range, long run, long term, long-term - drought, drouthsequía - epoch, era, periodépoca, era, etapa, fase - generationgeneración - prehistoric culture, prehistoryantehistoria, prehistoria - reignreinado - run - early days, youthjuventud - dawn - eveningatardecer - timetiempo - nap, sleepsiesta - lease, term of a contractarrendamiento - half life, half-lifeperiodo de semidesintegración, período de vida media - lunar time period, tideperiodo lunar, período lunar - phase, stageestadio, etapa, fase - multistage - watchguardia - peacetimetiempo de paz, tiempos de paz - wartimetiempos de guerra - duty tour, enlistment, hitch, term of enlistment, tour, tour of dutyalistamiento - honeymoonluna de miel - indiction - prohibition, prohibition eraépoca de la prohibición, prohibición - incubation periodincubación, periodo de incubación, período de incubación - rainy daydía lluvioso - noviciate, novitiatenoviciado - bloom, blossom, efflorescence, flower, flush, heyday, peak, primeapogeo, apogeo, auge, auge, buenos tiempos - arcing time, burning time, execution time, production time, propagation time, running time, run time, screening time, screen time, working timeminutado - clotting time, coagulation time test, whole blood clotting time test - air alert - question time - real time - real time - study hall - usance - window - point, point in timemomento preciso, punto - period of play, play, playing period - interval, time intervalintervalo - break, em dash, intermission, interruption, pause, suspensiondescanso, intermedio, interrupción, pausa, silencio - bout, turnrato - contemporary world, modern times, modern world, present times - midweek - quadrennium - quinquennium - Bronze AgeEdad de Bronce, edad del bronce - Iron AgeEdad de Hierro, edad del hierro - Stone Ageedad de la piedra, edad de piedra - Eolithic, Eolithic Age - Palaeolithic, Paleolithic, Paleolithic AgePaleolítico, período paleolítico - Lower Paleolithic - Middle Paleolithic - Upper Paleolithic - Epipaleolithic, Mesolithic, Mesolithic Agemesolítico, período mesolítico - Neolithic, Neolithic Age, New Stone AgeNeolítico, período neolítico - Great Schism[Spéc.]


espacio de tiempo (n.m.) • etapa  • interval of time (n.) • lapso de tiempo (n.m.) • period (n.) • periodo (n.m.) • período (n.) • period of time (n.) • racha  • stretch (n.) • stretch of time (n.) • time period (n.) • time span (n.) • tract (n.)
