
diccionario analógico

contraire à la justice, à l'équité (fr)[Classe]

interdit par la loi (fr)[Classe]

(infracción; infracción a la ley; infracción de la ley; contravención; delito menor; falta; delito; violación; quebrantamiento; transgresión; trasgresión), (traficante)(contravention; transgression; invasion; offense; penal offence; breach of the law; infraction of the law; infringement of the law; transgression of the law; violation of the law; lapse; misdemeanor; misdemeanour; infraction; violation; infringement; breach; desecration; evildoing), (trafficker)[termes liés]

ilegalidadillegality, lawlessness - ilegalmente, ilegítimamente, ilícitamente, infundadamentegroundlessly, illegally, illegitimately, illicitly, lawlessly, unlawfully, unwarrantably, unwarrantedly - legalidadlegality[Dérivé]

jurídico, legaljuridical, juristic, legal[Ant.]

ilegalidad, injusticia, malwrong, wrongfulness[Propriété~]

ilegalmente, ilegítimamente, ilícitamente, infundadamentegroundlessly, illegally, illegitimately, illicitly, lawlessly, unlawfully, unwarrantably, unwarrantedly[Adv.]

legalidadlegality - ilegalidadillegality, lawlessness[Dérivé]

amerciable - banned, prohibited - de contrabandoblack, black-market, bootleg, contraband, smuggled - criminal, delictivocriminal, felonious - adquirido ilícitamentedirty, ill-gotten - extrajudicialextrajudicial - extralegalextralegal, nonlegal - hot - ilícitoillegitimate, illicit, outlaw, outlawed, unlawful - ineligible - misbranded, mislabeled - penalliable to penalty, liable to punishment, penal, punishable - under-the-counter - unratified - embezzled, misappropriated[Similaire]

jurídico, legaljuridical, juristic, legal[Ant.]

contrario a la ley (adj.) • contrario a las reglas (adj.) • ilegal (adj.) • illegal (adj.) • unlawful (adj.)
