
diccionario analógico

conquistador - 蛙人, 跳水者,潛水員, 跳水者,潜水员diver, frogman, underwater diver - navigator - caver, potholer, spelaeologist, speleologist, spelunker, sport caver - 亚孟森,罗尔德Amundsen, Roald Amundsen - Bartlett, Captain Bob, Robert Abram Bartlett, Robert Bartlett - Bougainville, Louis Antoine de Bougainville - Burton, Richard Burton, Sir Richard Burton, Sir Richard Francis Burton - Admiral Byrd, Byrd, Richard E. Byrd, Richard Evelyn Byrd - Cabot, Sebastian Cabot - Champlain, Samuel de Champlain - Clark, William Clark - Cordoba, Cordova, Francisco Fernandez Cordoba, Francisco Fernandez de Cordova - Cousteau, Jacques Costeau, Jacques Yves Costeau - Flinders, Matthew Flinders, Sir Matthew Flinders - Fremont, John C. Fremont, John Charles Fremont - Frobisher, Sir Martin Frobisher - Charles Francis Hall, Hall - Joliet, Jolliet, Louis Joliet, Louis Jolliet - LaSalle, Rene-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de LaSalle - Lewis, Meriwether Lewis - David Livingstone, Livingstone - Mackenzie, Sir Alexander Mackenzie - Fridtjof Nansen, Nansen - Mungo Park, Park - Peary, Robert E. Peary, Robert Edwin Peary, Robert Peary - Kund Johan Victor Rasmussen, Rasmussen - James Clark Ross, Ross, Sir James Clark Ross - John Ross, Ross, Sir John Ross - Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, Schoolcraft - Robert Falcon Scott, Robert Scott, Scott - Captain John Smith, John Smith, Smith - John Hanning Speke, John Speke, Speke - Henry M. Stanley, John Rowlands, Sir Henry Morton Stanley, Stanley - Otto Neumann Sverdrup, Sverdrup - Sebastian Vizcaino, Vizcaino - Charles Wilkes, Wilkes - George Hubert Wilkins, Wilkins[Spéc.]

探測explore - 冒...的危险, 冒...的险, 冒...风险, 冒…的危險, 冒…的險, 冒…風險, 冒险, 冒險, 孤注一掷, 拼命, 赌博adventure, chance, gamble, hazard, risk, run a risk, run the risk, stick one's neck out, take a chance, take a gamble, take a risk, take chances, take the risk, try one's luck - 冒险越轨行为, 危险事业, 大胆的冒险, 越軌行為, 越轨行为adventure, dangerous undertaking, escapade, risky venture[Dérivé]

adventurer (n.) • explorer (n.) • 探险者 (n.) • 探險者 (n.)
