
diccionario analógico

first lady - highflier, high flier, high-flier, highflyer, high-flyer, high potential employee - natural在某些方面有天賦的人 - sleeper - great[Spéc.]

acquire, gain, win博得, 取得, 学到;获得, 得到, 獲得, 获奖, 获得, 获胜 - bring home the bacon, come through, deliver the goods, go places, hold up one's end, succeed, win, win through履行諾言, 成功, 胜利, 获得成功, 获胜, 赢, 达到(目的) - accomplish, achieve, attain, reach取得,实现, 取得,實現, 完成, 获得,达到, 达到[Dérivé]

failure, loser, nonstarter, unsuccessful person受压迫者, 处于劣势的人, 失敗者;失敗的事, 失败者;失败的事, 輸者, 输家[Ant.]

achiever (n.) • succeeder (n.) • success (n.) • winner (n.) • 成功人士 (n.) • 成功者 (n.) • 有成就的人 (n.)
