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peuple européen (fr)[Classe...]
habitant d'un lieu précis (fr)[Classe...]
denizen, dweller, habitant, indweller, inhabitant, occupant, resident - individual, mortal, person, sb, somebody, someone, soul[Hyper.]
Eurafrican - Eurasian - sahib - Celt, Kelt - Frank - Teuton - Albanian - Andorran - Austrian - Basque - Belgian - Bulgar, Bulgarian - Belarusian, Belorussian, Byelorussian, White Russian - Cyprian, Cypriot, Cypriote - Czech, Czechoslovak, Czechoslovakian - Czech - Slovak - Dane, Danish - Brit, Britisher, Briton - Angle - Saxon - Jute - Langobard, Lombard - Finn - Latvian - Lithuanian - Frenchman, French person, Frenchwoman - Balkan - Cretan - Grecian, Greek, Hellene - Dutchman, Dutchwoman, Hollander, Netherlander - Hungarian, Magyar - Icelander, Icelandic - Irelander, Irish person - Italian - Latin, Roman - Lapp, Lapplander, Saame, Saami, Same, Sami - Liechtensteiner - inhabitant of Luxembourg, inhabitant of Luxemburg, Luxembourger, Luxemburger - Macedonian - Monacan, Monegasque - Norse, Norseman, Norwegian - Pole - Portuguese - Romanian, Rumanian - San Marinese - Norse, Northern European, Northman, Scandian, Scandinavian - Scot, Scotchman, Scotsman, Scotswoman - Slovene - Spaniard, Spanish - Swede, Swedish - Ukrainian, Ukranian - Cambrian, Cymry, Welsh, Welshman, Welshwoman - German - Gibraltarian - Slovenian - Jugoslav, Jugoslavian, Yugoslav, Yugoslavian - Bohemian - Dalmatian - trac (ro) - Thracian - Tyrolean - Maltese - Grecian - Iberian[Spéc.]
European (n.)