
diccionario analógico

animal propre au Canada (fr)[Classe]

tribu indienne du Canada (fr)[Classe]

Canada (fr)[termes liés]

parts; area; region; part of the country; district[Situé]

ville du Canada (fr)[Situé]


Mer de Beaufort (fr) - Columbia, Columbia River - île Ellesmere (fr) - Fort Smith (fr) - Hudson Bay - Mackenzie, Mackenzie River - îles de la Madeleine (fr) - Canadian capital, capital of Canada, Ottawa - île du Prince-Édouard (fr) - Trans Canada Highway (fr)[Situé]

Niagara, Niagara Falls - Niagara, Niagara River[EnPartieSitué]

Canada, Canadian[Rel.]

Baffin Island - Canadian Maritime Provinces, Maritime Provinces, Maritimes - Alberta - British Columbia - Manitoba - Newfoundland and Labrador - Northwest Territories - Nunavut - Arctic Archipelago - Ontario - Quebec - Saskatchewan - Yukon, Yukon Territory - Great Lakes - Labrador Peninsula, Labrador-Ungava Peninsula - Saint Lawrence, Saint Lawrence River, St. Lawrence, St. Lawrence River - Yukon, Yukon River - Canadian Shield, Laurentian Highlands, Laurentian Plateau - Ottawa, Ottawa river, Outaouais[Desc]

Department of Justice Canada, DoJC - dogsled, dog sled, dog sleigh - Toronto - Metis - returning officer - Dominion Day, July 1 - Poppy Day, Remembrance Day, Remembrance Sunday - dole, pogey, pogy - Canadian Security Intelligence Service, CSIS - Communications Security Establishment, CSE - CISC, Criminal Intelligence Services of Canada - Security Intelligence Review Committee, SIRC - account current, checking account, chequing account, current account, running account[Domaine]

Canada (n.)
