
diccionario analógico

feeder airline, feeder line, feeder route - línea principalmain line, marine pipeline, running line, running track, sealine, sea line, shipping corridor, shipping lane, shipping route, submarine gas pipeline, thoroughfare track, through line, through track - data track, track - aerovía, comunicación aérea, línea aérea, ruta, ruta aéreaair connection, airlane, air lane, air line, air route, airway, flight path, lane, skyway - approach pattern, pattern, traffic pattern - flight path - gira, recorrido, ronda, tournée, turné, vueltabeat, round, tour - conección, ruta del autobús, servicio, trayecto del autobúsbus connection, bus route, coach connection - line of flight - line of march - órbitacelestial orbit, orbit - electron orbit, orbit - paper round, paper route - línea rectabeeline - circuit - crosscut - supply line, supply route - line of fire - ruta migratoriaflyway, migration route, migratory paths - canalfairway - camino, curso, dirección, giro, lado, rumbo, sentidodirection, way - trade route - Northwest Passage[Spéc.]

route - encaminar, mandarroute[Dérivé]

camino (n.m.) • itinerario (n.) • itinerary (n.) • path (n.) • recorrido (n.m.) • route (n.) • route description (n.) • ruta (n.f.) • vía (n.f.)
