
diccionario analógico

lieu proche, autour d'un autre (fr)[Classe]

proximidadeproximity; neighborhood; neighbourhood; nearness[Classe]



emp : plur (fr)[Syntagme]

regiãogeographical area, geographical region, geographic area, geographic region[Hyper.]

murarfence, fence in, palisade, surround, wall - beirar, cercar, contornar, rodearborder, environ, ring, skirt, surround[Dérivé]

a beirar, aproximadamente, até certo ponto, cerca, cerca de, em direcção a, mais ou menos, na direcção de, perto de, por aí, precariamente, quase, rudemente, uns/umas, vamos dizer, versoabout, almost, approx, approximately, around, broadly, close on, close to, in the neighborhood of, in the neighbourhood of, in the region of, -ish, just about, more or less, near, near to, or so, or thereabouts, roughly, round, roundabout, some, something like, somewhere in the region of, sort of - [ aux environs de ] (fr)[Syntagme]