
diccionario analógico

touring company - affiliate - NGO, nongovernmental organization - Tammany, Tammany Hall, Tammany Society - fiefdom - line of defence, line of defense - line organisation, line organization - 互助會, 協會, 為共同利益結合的團体,共濟會association - polity - quango, quasi-NGO - 公共机构, 公共機構, 协会;会址, 学院, 建立, 机关组织, 机构, 机關組織, 设立establishment, institute, institution - business, enterprise, venture, works - defence, defence force, defense, defense force - establishment - fire brigade, fire company - 剧团, 剧团,戏班,杂技团, 劇團,戲班,雜技團, 团company, troupe - 个位数, 个体, 单元, 最小整数social unit, unit - Peace Corps - 全体职员force, personnel - 协会, 同盟, 工会, 工会联合会, 工會brotherhood, labor union, trades union, trade union, union - 合奏組group, musical group, musical organisation, musical organization - 党派, 政党, 政黨, 黨派national party, party, political party - machine, political machine - machine - professional organisation, professional organization, trade association, trade organization - 同盟alignment, alinement, alliance, coalition, grouping - 联盟,联合会, 聯盟,聯合會federation - 层次, 特权阶级, 等级制度, 阶层, 阶级组织hierarchy, pecking order, power structure - 代理人, 代表, 代表团, 代表團, 委派代表commission, delegacy, delegation, deputation, mission - Girl Scouts - blue - gray, grey - host - pool - Pionirska organizacija (sr) - Omladinska organizacija (sr) - 委员会citizens committee, committee - 传教人驻地, 传教团, 傳教人駐地, 傳教團foreign mission, mission, missionary post, missionary station - adhocracy - bureaucracy - Association of Orangemen, Orange Order[Spéc.]

法定到会人数, 法定到會人數quorum - 全体成员, 全體成員membership, rank[membre]

使...组织起来, 使…組織起來, 筹划, 籌劃devise, get up, machinate, organise, organize, prepare - 加入工会, 组成工会, 组织organise, organize, unionise, unionize - 使组成, 有机化, 给予生机form, organise, organize[Dérivé]

organisation (n.) • organization (n.) • 机构 (n.) • 組織,團体 (n.) • 组织 (n.) • 组织(指状态) (n.) • 组织,团体 (n.) • 集团 (n.)
