
diccionario analógico

gætpresumption; theory; impression; assumption; verge; guess; conjecture; supposition; surmise; surmisal; speculation; hypothesis[ClasseHyper.]

opinion, syn, vurderingbelief, judgement, judgment, opinion, point, point of view, view[Hyper.]

antage, tage for givetassume, daresay, expect, hypothesise, hypothesize, pose, posit, presume, put, suppose, surmise, take for granted[Nominalisation]

anse for, antage, forestille, forestille sig, formode, forvente, gætte på, gå ud fra, have på fornemmelsen, mene, regne med, satse på, synes, tænke, troassume, expect, fancy, guess, imagine, opine, postulate, reckon, think - formode, gætteconjecture, hypothecate, hypothesise, hypothesize, speculate, suppose, theorise, theorize - estimere, skønneapproximate, assess, estimate, gauge, guess, judge - surmise - gætte, voveguess, hazard, pretend, venture - say, suppose - surmise, suspect - gætte, spekulerespeculate - baseret på formodninger, formodetconjectural, divinatory, hypothetic, hypothetical, supposed, suppositional, suppositious, supposititious[Dérivé]


it is anybody's guess - anse for, antage, forestille, forestille sig, formode, forvente, gætte på, gå ud fra, have på fornemmelsen, mene, regne med, satse på, synes, tænke, troassume, expect, fancy, guess, imagine, opine, postulate, reckon, think - formode, gætteconjecture, hypothecate, hypothesise, hypothesize, speculate, suppose, theorise, theorize - estimere, skønneapproximate, assess, estimate, gauge, guess, judge - surmise - gætte, voveguess, hazard, pretend, venture - say, suppose - surmise, suspect - gætte, spekulerespeculate[Dérivé]

assumption (n.) • conjecture (n.) • gæt (n.) • guess (n.) • hypotese (n.) • hypothesis (n.) • impression (n.) • speculation (n.) • supposition (n.) • surmisal (n.) • surmise (n.) • theory (n.) • verge (n.)
