
diccionario analógico

ballot, ballot paper, vote - brevetдиплом, мандат, патент, патент на чин, пилотское свидетельство, привилегия - certificate, certification, credential, credentials, letter of credence, school diplomaвыдача свидетельства, удостоверение - charterхартия - commercial document, commercial instrument - confession - copyright, right of first publicationавторское право - enclosure, inclosure - blank, form, form for completionанкета - act, certificate, deed, instrument, juridical act, legal act, legal document, legal instrument, legal transaction, official document, official paper, record - papyrus - patent, patent of inventionпатент - platform, political platform, political program, program - resignationзаявление об уходе - declaration, resolution, resolveрезолюция - source, source of information - specification - cash voucher, receipt, sales slip, voucherваучер - report, study, written reportдоклад - interlingual rendition, rendering, translation, versionперевод, толкование - call-up papers - capitulation[Spéc.]

document - documental, documentaryдокументальный[Dérivé]

article, clause, stipulation, stipulationsпункт, статья - preambleвводная часть, вступление, преамбула, предисловие[Desc]

document (n.) • papers (n.) • written document (n.) • документ (n.)
