
diccionario analógico

pure mathematics - applied math, applied mathematics[Spéc.]

mathematicianmatematikus, „matekfej”[PersonneQuiFait]

mathematic, mathematicalmatematikai[Rel.Pr.]

mathématification, mathématisation (fr) - mathématiser (fr)[Dérivé]

idempotent - combinatorial, combinatoric - continuous - discontinuous - commutative - direct - inverse - dividable - indivisible by, undividable - mathematicalmatematikai - representable - additive, linear - nonlinear - monotone, monotonic - nonmonotonic - open - closed - nonnegative - plus, positiveplusz - negativemínusz, negatív - disjointkülönálló - noninterchangeable - invariant - analytic - diagonalizable - scalene - isometric - differential - rationalracionális - irrational - primeprím - bivariate - rounding, rounding error - truncation error - mathematical operation, mathematical process, operation - rationalisation, rationalization - accuracy - balance, correspondence, symmetricalness, symmetryszimmetria - asymmetry, dissymmetry, imbalanceaszimmetria - factoring, factorisation, factorizationfaktorizáció, tényezőkre bontás - extrapolation - interpolation - formula, rule - recursion - seriessor - fractal - arithmetic, number theoryszámelmélet, számtan - geometrymértan - trig, trigonometrykerékkötő - algebraalgebra - calculus, infinitesimal calculuskalkulus - set theoryhalmazelmélet - subgroup - group theory - analysis situs, topology - metamathematics - proof, substantiation, verificationbizonyíték - equationegyenlet, kiegyenlítés - expression, formulaképlet - mathematical statement - recursive definition - boundary condition - sethalmaz - mathematical space, topological space - field - diagonal - arithmetic progression, arithmetic series, progression - geometric progression - harmonic progression - mathematical relation - function, map, mapping, mathematical function, single-valued function - metric, metric functionmetrika - transformation - reflection - rotation - translation - affine transformation - operator - parity - transitivity - reflexiveness, reflexivity - additive inverse - multiplicative inverse, reciprocal - flat surface, plane, plane surface, sheet, surface - geodesic, geodesic line, geodetic line - upper bound - low delimiter, lower bound, lower-bound - ray - osculation - develop - commute, transpose - rationalise, rationalize - eliminate - calculate, cipher, compute, cypher, figure, make calculations, reckon, reckon up, work outkikalkulál, kiszámít, kitervel, összeszámol - extract, extract the root - extrapolate, interpolate - differentiate - integrate - provebebizonyít, bizonyít - truncate - reduce - converge - diverge - osculate - iterate - invariance - invariant - multinomial, polynomialpolinom, többtagú kifejezés - infinitesimal - affine geometryaffin geometria - elementary geometry, Euclidean geometry, parabolic geometryeuklideszi geometria - Euclid's axiom, Euclid's postulate, Euclidean axiom - fractal geometry - non-Euclidean geometrynemeuklideszi geometria - hyperbolic geometry - elliptic geometry, Riemannian geometry - numerical analysis - spherical geometry - spherical trigonometry - analytical geometry, analytic geometry, coordinate geometry - plane geometrysíkmértan - solid geometry - descriptive geometry, projective geometryábrázoló geometria - quadratics - linear algebralineáris algebra - vector algebra - matrix algebra - analysis - differential calculus, method of fluxionsdifferenciálszámítás - integral calculusintegrálszámítás - calculus of variationsvariációszámítás - Galois theory - binomial - domain, domain of a function, domain of definition - image, range, range of a function - universal set - matrix - cardinality - complex number, complex quantity, imaginary, imaginary numberimaginárius szám, képzetes szám, komplex szám - radical - expansion - parallel, parallelepárhuzamos, párhuzamos vonal - round - affine[Domaine]

matematika (n.) • math (n.) • mathematics (n.) • maths (n.)
