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action de voler, de prendre à autrui (fr)[ClasseHyper.]
crime, criminal act, felony, outrage, wrongful act — crime, violação[Hyper.]
maraud — pilhar, saquear - make away with, make off with, mug — roubar[Nominalisation]
rustle, steal — furtar - cop, glom, hook, knock off, run off, snitch, steal, thieve, walk off with — conseguir, fugir com, roubar, surripiar, surrupiar - larcener, larcenist[Dérivé]
breach of trust with fraudulent intent - defalcation, embezzlement, misapplication, misappropriation, misappropriation of funds, misuse of company property, peculation — apropriação, Apropriação indébita, peculato - petty larceny, pilferage, pilfering, rapine — furto, roubo - pickpocketing, shoplifting, shop lifting, shrinkage — roubo em lojas - robbery — assalto - biopiracy - grand larceny, grand theft - petit larceny, petty, petty larceny - skimming - rustling[Spéc.]
antitheft — anti-roubo[QuiAgitContre]
rustle, steal — furtar - cop, glom, hook, knock off, run off, snitch, steal, thieve, walk off with — conseguir, fugir com, roubar, surripiar, surrupiar - larcener, larcenist[Dérivé]
furto (n.) • larceny (n.) • robbery (n.) • roubo (n.) • stealing (n.) • theft (n.) • thievery (n.) • thieving (n.)