
diccionario analógico

d'une façon favorable[Classe]

favorable; favourable; conducive; contributing; contributive; contributory; tributaryqui est favorable[Classe]

salutary; salubrious; wholesome; healthfulqui a une action favorable[Classe]

bonne réputation[Thème]


(person entitled; rightful claimant)bénéfice, profit (commerce)[Thème]



(interest), (interesting), (interest), (not be indifferent to; interest)intéressant[Thème]

(lovely; pleasing)plaire[Thème]

(heaven; Elysium; paradise)paradis[Thème]

(enjoyment; fun; pleasure; relish), (entertainment), (narrative; narration; story; tale)plaisir[Thème]


(copious; plentiful; rich; lavish; profuse; abundant), (enough and to spare; galore; in abundance; in plenty), (abound), (wealth; opulence; abundance; copiousness; teemingness; affluence; inexhaustibility; inexhaustibleness; lashings; lushness; overabundance; plenitude; plentifulness; plenty; luxuriance; sumptuousness)exister en grande quantité de façon favorable[Thème]

bon à manger[Thème]

beau temps[Thème]

(fulfillment; pleasure; gratification; satisfaction; fulfilment; contentment; content), (pleased; satisfied; contented; content; fulfilled), (satisfactory; appreciated; gratifying; pleasing; satisfying)satisfaire[Thème]

temps libre, distractions et loisirs[Thème]

(boost; ameliorate; better; enhance; upgrade; uplift; elevate; ennoble; refine; improve), (amelioration; betterment), (optimum)changement favorable, rendre, devenir meilleur[Thème]

(security; safety; certainty)sans danger[Thème]

(prettiness; good looks; handsomeness; pulchritude; beauty; comeliness; fairness; loveliness; beauteousness), (picture; juwel; work of art; beauty)beau[Thème]

(spur; incentive; inducement; encouragement)encourager[Thème]

(neat; tidy; clean; spotless)propre[Thème]

situation économique favorable et développement[Thème]

de bonne qualité[Thème]

(wealthy; rich), (enrich)qui (s')est développé en grande diversité (fav.)[Thème]

exister en grande intensité de façon favorable[Thème]

(benefit; vantage; advantage; plus; plus point; agreeableness; amenity; concern; interest)ce par quoi qqch est supérieure[Thème]

(favorable; favourable; conducive; contributing; contributive; contributory; tributary), (salutary; salubrious; wholesome; healthful)favorable[Caract.]
