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crime et délit (fr)[Thème]
(fearfully; nervously; anxiously; faint-heartedly; timorously; pusillanimously; simperingly), (nerves; tension; nervousness; fearfulness; dread; anxiety; scare; fright; funk; terror; fear; panic; affright), (give a fright; give a scare; scare away; scare off; startle; strike terror into; cow; give a start; frighten; affright; strike fear into; strike fear/terror $iµetc$/iµ into) — (medrosamente), (medo; nervosidade; pavor; horror; terror; susto; pânico), (espantar; assustar; amedrontar; sobressaltar; aterrorizar)[Thème]
désordre social (fr)[Thème]
(war; warfare), (war dance), (warrior; combatant; fighter), (armed force; army) — (guerra), (dança de guerra), (guerreiro; combatente), (exército)[Thème]
(violence), (aggressiveness; truculence; truculency), (violently), (do violence to; violate; murder) — (violência), (agressividade), (violentamente), (assaltar; violar)[Thème]
hijacker; terrorist — terrorista[Classe]
acte terroriste (fr)[Classe]
terrorism; act of terrorism; terrorist act — terrorismo[Classe]
groupe de terroristes (fr)[Classe]
(hijacker; terrorist), (terrorism; act of terrorism; terrorist act) — (terrorista), (terrorismo)[termes liés]
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