
diccionario analógico

uprzedzenie; stronniczośćbias; prejudice; preconception; prepossession; parti pris; preconceived opinion; preconceived idea; preconceived notion[Classe]

jugement (fr)[ClasseParExt.]

tendance politique parlementaire (fr)[Classe]

attitude favorable à (fr)[Classe]

opinion différente ou opposée (fr)[Classe]


liking; preference[Classe]

positions (fr)[ClasseEnsembleDe]

article of faith, belief, confession of faith, creed, profession of faith - proposition, theorem, thesis - opinia, poradaopinion, point, point of view, view - przeświadczeniearticle of faith, conviction, strong belief - ocenaevaluation, rating, valuation - parti (fr) - idée arrêtée (fr) - opinion accréditée (fr) - presumption - głosowanieballot, balloting, label, sign, suffrage, ticket, vote, voting - domniemanie, zgadywaniedead reckoning, guess, guessing, guesswork, shot - werdykt, wyrokjudicial decision - myśl, ocena, poglądopinion, persuasion, sentiment, thought, view - vue (fr) - regard (fr) - colour, political color, political colour - świadomość, zdolność pojmowaniaappreciation, assessment, grasp, hold, ken - voix du peuple (fr) - opinia publicznaopinion, popular opinion, public opinion, vox populi - optyka, perspektywa, pogląd, punkt widzenia, spojrzenieopinion, point of view, prospect, stand, standpoint, viewpoint - position, posture, stance - son de cloche (fr) - oracle (fr) - sentence (fr) - gust, smak, upodobanie, zrozumienieappreciation, discernment, perceptiveness, taste - pozaattitude, mental attitude - humanitarianism - value judgement, value judgment[Spéc.]
