
diccionario analógico

emocional, emotivoemotional - inquieto, intranquiloalarmed, anxious, apprehensive, uneasy, worried - acrimonioso, amargurado, azedado, azedo, rabugentoacrimonious, bitter, embittered - fringant (fr) - colérico, fogoso, impetuoso, irascível, irritadiço, irritávelcholeric, crabby, edgy, explosive, hasty, hot, hotheaded, hot-headed, hot-tempered, irascible, irritable, peppery, quick, quick-tempered, short-tempered, testy, touchy - turbulento - muito preocupado, preocupadíssimobe ..-ridden, be cursed with - agitadoantsy, fidgety, fretful, itchy, restive, turbulent - histéricohysteric, hysterical - nevróticoneurotic, psychoneurotic - exacerbé (fr) - convulsivoconvulsive - agitado, excitante/exaltado, febrilfeverish, hectic - febrile - facile à émouvoir (fr) - irritado, turvado, turvochurning, roiled, roiling, roily, turbulent - impaciente, saudosowistful, yearning - énervé (fr) - excited - neuropathic, neurotic - caracterialcareless, maladjusted - noué (fr) - pithiatique (fr) - agitado, ativo em excesso, hiperativohyperactive, overactive - émotionnable (fr) - over-excitable - emocional, emotivo, excitadoaroused, emotional, emotive, excited, worked up - excitável, irritável, nervoso, sensíveledgy, highly strung, highly-strung, high-strung, jittery, jumpy, nervous, nervy, on edge, overstrung, restive, tense, uptight - stressed - speed (fr) - terrible (fr) - overemotional, sloppy[Spéc.]
